Alexis Lorenze Update
Alexis remains at UCI Medical Center, unable to transfer to another hospital.
Thank God for Steve Kirsch, Nurse Angela, and Polly Tommey. Steve’s Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (VSRF) has sent Nurse Angela to Anaheim, California, where she is at the bedside of Alexis Lorenze, acting as her medical advocate. The plan was to get Alexis out of UCI, but due to the fact that Alexis does not have private insurance, the transfer was not accomplished. A fundraiser has been set up to help raise the necessary capital to get Alexis the appropriate medical care for her very serious vaccine injuries.
Click here to go to the fundraiser and donate.
Steve Kirsch is following this case very closely. He obtained Alexis’ permission to share her lab results since hospital admission.
The following is an excerpt taken from Steve’s post from earlier today (Sept. 18, 2024):
Alexis Lorenze medical records
Alexis gave me permission to retrieve and post her medical records.
You can download the records since vaccination (Sep 14) here.
Any X Community Note saying her condition is not verified should check here first and contact me if you want to see any more medical records so we can stop the ridiculous misinformation campaign that is being put on by advocates of vaccines.
She started with PLT of 28 on check in. Look what has happened since then: from bad to worse. There is NO PLAN OF ACTION. Just pain meds.
D-dimer is an indicator of clots breaking down.
Look at the value on check-in (Sep 10) for PLT and D-Dimer:
Look at the value Sep 16 9:21pm after just 6 days of hospital care where they did nothing. Significantly worse for PLT and D-dimer. D-dimer is nearly 10X higher.
UCI is treating this with additional pain medicines.
Polly Tommey of Children’s Health Defense has posted a video update in which she speaks with Nurse Angela and Stephanie, Alexis’ sister. Please watch. (Note: there is a brief interruption in the video at around the ten-minute mark. Stay with it. It resumes quickly.)
View the above video on the Children’s Health Defense website, and sign up for more important updates and information on vaccines and vaccine-injury.
Donate to Alexis’ medical fund here. Please keep praying for Alexis and share this story far and wide. I believe Alexis is not the only or the first person to suffer this kind of vaccine reaction and hospital sponsored and sanctioned abuse. I am very grateful to her for her bravery in coming forward. In doing so, she will no doubt be helping others who otherwise may not realize what is happening to them or to their loved ones.
Polly Tommey will be doing a live update with Alexis and Nurse Angela at 12:15 CST. You can watch here:
Donation made... This is like watching a murder take place... all I can do is donate so this sweet girl can have a chance at life.