Cases of measles are up. According to the WHO, they are up BIG TIME.
The WHO European Region is experiencing an alarming rise in measles cases. Over 30 000 measles cases were reported by 40 of the Region’s 53 Member States between January and October 2023. Compared to 941 cases reported in all of 2022, this represents a more than 30-fold rise. The rise in cases has accelerated in recent months, and this trend is expected to continue if urgent measures are not taken across the Region to prevent further spread.
“We have seen in the Region not only a 30-fold increase in measles cases, but also nearly 21 000 hospitalizations and 5 measles-related deaths. This is concerning” explained Dr Hans Henri P. Kluge, WHO Regional Director for Europe. “Vaccination is the only way to protect children from this potentially dangerous disease. Urgent vaccination efforts are needed to halt transmission and prevent further spread. It is vital that all countries are prepared to rapidly detect and timely respond to measles outbreaks, which could endanger progress towards measles elimination.” (source)
Forgive me if I sound cynical, but I feel a need to fact-check the WHO. I did a brief search for “measles deaths in the European Union 2023” and found this:
Maybe it’s just my old eyes, but I can’t see any red dots at all on that map. Everything I see is blue, indicating ZERO deaths. Aha! moment. The EU is not the same as the WHO’s European Region. Back to the search…
That purple area is the WHO European Region. For those like me, meaning NOT an expert in geography or world politics, here is the difference:
European Union Countries:
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.
WHO European Region Countries:
Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Uzbekistan.
The WHO is reporting five “measles-related deaths” between January and October of 2023. Since the EU map shows ZERO deaths from measles between December 2022 and November 2023, we can deduce that the five deaths being reported by WHO occurred in countries that are NOT part of the European Union.
WHO European Region Countries that are NOT part of the European Union:
Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Uzbekistan.
Could people in countries like the Ukraine, Russia, and Israel be experiencing hardships that include housing insecurity, chronic stress, and malnutrition, all of which contribute significantly to one’s inability to fight off infections of all kinds? You betcha.
Let’s get back to that death rate, shall we? The WHO is reporting more than 30,000 cases of measles with FIVE deaths. That’s a case-fatality rate of 1.6 in 10,000, or 0.016%.
But wait… the CDC says that in the United States (where we ARE a first world country, and where we are NOT in the middle of a war on our soil), the measles case-fatality rate is 1-2 deaths per 1,000 cases. The CDC’s case-fatality ratio for the United States is ten times that of the WHO’s case-fatality ratio in its European Region.
That’s quite a difference. Could it be that the CDC is sensationalizing? Just a tad. For a good read on the true incidence of measles and measles-related complications and deaths in the United States, go here.
The WHO goes on:
“Where vaccinations are missed, outbreaks can follow – affecting both young and old”
In 2023 measles has affected all age groups, with significant differences in the age distribution of cases among countries. Overall, 2 in 5 cases were among children 1 to 4 years of age, and 1 in 5 cases were among adults 20 years and older. From the beginning of the year through to October, 20 918 hospitalized cases were reported, and 5 measles-related deaths were reported by 2 countries.
This resurgence of measles is largely attributed to backsliding in vaccination coverage in the countries of the Region during 2020 to 2022. The COVID-19 pandemic significantly impacted immunization system performance in this period, resulting in an accumulation of un- and under-vaccinated children.
There it is. This is the same thing we are hearing from the CDC in the U.S. And it’s the same thing we have heard FOREVER - “the rise in measles cases is because of unvaccinated children.” And now, they are blaming the pandemic and those “missed opportunities” to shoot-em-up.
But is it true? During my attempt to figure out just which two countries reported those five deaths, I found this, from May 6, 2019:
So, the WHO is claiming a 30-fold increase in measles cases in its European Region, and it’s blaming missed vaccinations during the pandemic - and hence, “unvaccinated children” - for the rise, BUT, in the first TWO MONTHS of 2019 (long before anyone heard of COVID-19), there were MORE measles cases and MORE measles deaths than there were in all of 2023, according to their own data. And in 2018, the measles cases in the same European Region were nearly triple the number of cases in 2023.
And now we know that the bulk of those measles cases and (presumably) deaths (at least in 2018 and 2019) have occurred in Ukraine. This should come as no shock to anyone.
This is Standard Operating Procedure for the WHO and the CDC. Obfuscation. Lies. Misinformation. Manipulation. Anything to accomplish their objective, which is vaccinate, vaccinate, vaccinate, and when it comes to the truth? It just doesn’t matter. It’s all about the program and it always has been.
Let’s go back for a moment and see if we can figure out what might really be going on.
Overall, 2 in 5 cases were among children 1 to 4 years of age, and 1 in 5 cases were among adults 20 years and older.
See what they did there? They told you that 40% of the cases were in children between 1 and 4 years of age. They focused on that age group because those children are the age at which they would be getting vaccinated. That must mean they’re right! Right? And 20% of cases were in people over the age of 20! Those selfish adults need to line up and get a booster!
Let’s talk about the 40% they didn’t include - older children and adolescents. Why would they not focus on this group? They not only didn’t FOCUS on them; they left them out completely. The reason is because secondary vaccine failure is what is driving the outbreaks among this group. And the WHO and CDC know it. They just don’t want YOU to know it. They want YOU to blame “unvaccinated children” and “selfish adults” because those are their targets for mandates.
For those who don’t know what secondary vaccine failure is, here is the nutshell version: There is a certain percentage of people who will never mount an immune response to the MMR vaccine, or for whom the response is atypical. It doesn’t matter how many times you jab them; they will never mount an “appropriate” immune response. That’s called Primary Vaccine Failure and it probably affects somewhere between 5-10% of people who receive the MMR vaccine. Secondary Vaccine Failure is due to waning of immunity in people who DO mount an initial response to the vaccine.
When the MMR was first put into use in the 1960s, it was advertised as a “one-and-done” vaccination that would provide protection for life. Before too long, it became clear that was not the case, so they added a second shot (given between 4-6 years of age). That was supposed to do it. It didn’t. Even with two doses of the MMR, measles outbreaks continue to happen, and they often happen in populations with a very high MMR coverage (2 doses).
What we now know is that (just like other vaccines, including the COVID shot), vaccine-based immunity wanes over time. Most estimates indicate that any immunity conferred by vaccination is gone within 5-15 years, which means those who are vaccinated with two doses (first at 12-15 months; second at 4-6 years), are frequently left with zero immunity by the time they are teenagers. And THAT is why the WHO doesn’t even mention this demographic. Their “fully vaccinated,” two doses of MMR adolescents and young adults are fueling the outbreaks and it’s because the vaccine does not work as it has been promoted and hyped.
I have been researching the outbreaks of measles in the Pacific Islands (Samoa, New Zealand, Tonga) the last few days and am working on an article that will show just how this secondary vaccine failure manifested in the 2019 outbreak in Tonga. I hope to have that article ready to go by the end of this week.
For now, I hope you will check out these excellent articles for a little dose of the truth:
Measles Vaccines Part II; Benefits of Contracting Measles by Dr Viera Scheibner (PhD)
Physicians For Informed Consent: Measles Disease Information Statement
I am still working on the post about the 2019 measles outbreaks in Samoa, Fiji, and Tonga. The post keeps growing. So many threads to tie together! Thank you for your patience, and thank you for sharing this post. I appreciate you.
Old soups re-canned. If vaccinated children develop "measels", they count the cases as rubella or don't count them at all. Because it can't be what shall not be.
In un-vaccinated children these cases are labelled as "measels".
Unvaccinated doesn't necessaryly mean never ever vaccinated in life time. So it could be any other jab that's been given before, that causes the symptoms. Depends on where the child is located within its "schedule".
Toxins in needs toxins out again. Like a dustbin. Why is that so hard to understand?