With yesterday’s announcement of RFK, Jr. as President Trump’s pick for Secretary of HHS, the hit pieces have increased exponentially. By far, among those that I have read, the number one bullet point is “The link between vaccines and autism has been thoroughly debunked” and “There is a consensus among doctors and scientists…”
First of all, “a consensus” of people who benefit financially from the sale and uptake of vaccines is not equivalent to anything being “thoroughly debunked.” For that to happen, you have to have unbiased science that is not paid for by the industry, and which is not fraught with conflicts-of-interest, industry paid ghost-writers, breaking study protocols when results do not fit predetermined outcomes, cherry picked data, and outright fraud, which has been allowed to happen because the fox is literally guarding the henhouse.
Now that we have that out of the way, for those who are new to the real vaccine-autism science, the incredible JB Handley has written the field guide for your trip down the rabbit hole.
Read. Share. Bookmark.
Educate before you vaccinate.
Vaccines DO cause autism. Here’s how…
This Has Been A 100 Year War
On Natural Immunity.
It Is High Time Someone Declare Victory
For Natural Immunity
And End This War.
I work in early childhood education. Yes, I have seen the number of children diagnosed on the Autism Spectrum. I have read about autism and mmr vaccines. I am think the idea of childhood vaccine schedule should be seriously looked and possibly ✋️ stopped. Many childcare and schools seriously consider inoculations for registration. I appreciate honesty in this in this topic. Families need to know the truth.