A few days ago, someone commented on one of my posts asking for more information about me. So, here we go…
I am a wife, mother, and grandmother. I have a daughter who is now 29 years old, who was significantly injured by childhood vaccines. It took me a long time to realize what was going on before my eyes. One of the reasons I was so late in waking up was because of my education. I have a Master of Science degree. I was convinced that The CDC was where all the absolute best scientists ended up and that’s where I wanted to be. I adored science. And I wanted to help people. The CDC seemed like the pinnacle for me. It was my Mecca.
My daughter was constantly sick as a baby and young child. I had a very difficult pregnancy and multiple miscarriages prior, so I was exceptionally compliant (especially for me) with the doctors. I did everything I was told to do, including getting two RhoGAM injections without ever bothering to consider why or what was in them. They were the experts. They knew better than me. For the first time in my life, I was truly compliant.
Fast-forward several years. I was living in Indiana and working in a psychiatry private practice. Forget for a moment everything you think you know about psychiatry. This one was different. This was where I met my first real-life Naturopathic Physician. It’s where I learned about gut health. It’s where we recommended things like high dose fish oil, GABA, probiotics, and digestive enzymes. It’s where we ordered functional medicine tests to help us understand what was going on in the body, so we could figure out how to help the brain function more effectively.
I started seeing adults with chronic health conditions, along with the children I was seeing for neuropsychological evaluations. I started seeing patterns. It all went back to the gut.
Parents were telling me about their family histories. I started seeing patterns.
I started researching and writing a few notes on Facebook, just to keep track of what I was learning.
Even after I was researching and writing about vaccines and vaccine-injury, I still couldn’t see it in my own family. I attributed my daughter’s issues to lead exposure from a house we lived in that was built in 1875. I understood heavy metal toxicity because I had researched it while working in a neuropsychology private practice in Washington D.C. It wasn’t until I attended my first Defeat Autism Now! (DAN!) conference in 2005, that I started to realize how synergistic toxicity affected my daughter, and so many others. I heard Dr. Martha Herbert speak about epigenetics and the effects of inter-generational toxic exposures and all kinds of bells went off.
In 2010, my daughter was doing very well. We had stopped vaccinating, changed her diet, and had a very targeted, comprehensive supplement regimen going. Things were working. Then, she got bit by a Brown Recluse Spider. We went through three rounds of antibiotics, which didn’t work. The wound was necrotizing, and I was scared. I got bullied into giving her “a tetanus shot.” Three hours later she had a grand mal seizure and stopped breathing while I held her head in my hands and watched her eyes roll back in her head. If we had not lived in a very small town, and if my neighbor (an EMT and firefighter) had not been home and heard the 911 call on his scanner, my daughter would not be alive today. If she had been an infant in her crib, her death would have been deemed from SIDS. I have since learned that there is no such thing as “a tetanus shot” anymore. She received the Tdap - Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis vaccine. TDap (and DTaP) vaccines are cultured on casamino acid (cow’s milk protein) and contain high amounts of aluminum, which acts as an adjuvant, increasing the immune response. My daughter is allergic to cow’s milk protein. Injecting cow’s milk protein and adding aluminum to the mix caused an anaphylactic reaction. Her doctor knew she had a cow’s milk allergy. He didn’t know what he was injecting because he had never read the vaccine manufacturers’ inserts.
In 2011, one year after my daughter’s severe reaction to the TDap vaccine, the state of Indiana passed a new law mandating TDap vaccine for all children entering middle school. Prior to my daughter’s reaction, I knew nothing about religious exemptions. The law in Indiana provides religious exemptions from vaccination. I wanted parents to know this. I tried to get the local newspaper to tell the truth. They were telling parents that if their children were not fully vaccinated, they couldn’t go to school. This is not the truth. It’s a long story, but ultimately, they refused, I started a fund-raising campaign on Facebook - with the help of a little boy named Max - and we raised enough money to put up two billboards in Evansville, Indiana. Within a few days, I was contacted by a couple in Idaho and they offered to help me with the set up and hosting of a website. And VaxTruth.org was born.
The above photo shows one of the first two billboards to go up in Evansville, Indiana. And yes. This one was literally in the parking lot of the CVS Pharmacy. At the time when these billboards went up, VaxTruth had not yet been established. 4allofyou was my blogspot.
Through VaxTruth, we raised money to put up billboards in several states, letting parents know that vaccination for school is not mandatory and giving information to help parents learn the truth and know the law. We also published over 200 articles about vaccines. I wrote most of them. I was meticulous about citing resources from the published medical literature. That’s what I was trained to do.
For those who are seeking information on state laws regarding exemptions, please go to NVIC.org. Sign up through the advocacy portal and join the group for your state so you can work with other like-minded families to protect your rights.
My website is no longer active. I honestly don’t know how much censorship has to do with that, and how much was just timing. I had a telephone conversation with Barbra Loe Fisher several years ago, and she predicted the situation in which we now find ourselves. We both agreed that we wanted our sites to be the last ones standing. We wanted our information to be so solid that TPTB could not take us down for publishing “misinformation.” This conversation took place sometime around 2014. As of today, VaxTruth is inactive. At least part of the issue was that I was not the one maintaining it, and I was not in control of making sure it was kept up-to-date and compatible with the changes in online technology. The couple who initially helped me get it going had some very legitimate concerns about remaining active in the “anti-vaccine” arena, as parents of several young children. At the time they backed away, I was also in the middle of battling my own health issues. Other sites were being taken down. I was not physically or emotionally able to fight to keep VaxTruth going, only to risk having done all that work for nothing when the threat of censorship was looming so large. I was already experiencing tremendous difficulty just sharing my posts on social media.
Over the years, many people have encouraged me to write a book. I have thought about it, and the reason I haven’t done it is because it feels overwhelming to me at this point. When Substack came along during the height of the pandemic, I was intrigued. I thought this might be an opportunity for me to pull out my VaxTruth articles and Facebook posts/Notes, update everything, and simultaneously be able to share my work while putting things in order for a book. Or six.
As I have been going back through the VaxTruth articles, I am realizing what a daunting task this is. So much has been erased. So many citations are no longer available. I feel a pressure to share and a pressure to be sure that what I share is the most accurate information possible. And I feel a time crunch because I know that every day it takes me is another day that one parent may not have what she (or he) needs to make an informed decision.
For those who have been following me in this journey for a while, thank you so much for making this leg of the trip with me. I really believe that Substack is going to be a great place for me to share my work. Your support means more to me than I can say. For my new friends, thank you for your interest and support. It is my goal to provide you with the best information possible, so that you can feel confident in making informed choices for yourselves and for your family.
In this space, I will be sharing things I have written before, and will make every effort to update and give references. I will also be sharing my presentations. Topics you can expect to see covered include polio, SIDS, Gardasil, the childhood schedule, MMR and autism, PANDAS, biomedical interventions, hepatitis B vaccine, vitamin K shot… and more. If there’s something you want to ask about, ask. I will do my best to help us all learn.
It is my goal to publish twice a week. I don’t want to overwhelm your inboxes - or myself - too much. There will be times when I may write more.
VaxTruth is no longer live on the internet. It is, however, still accessible through the Wayback Machine. Here are some links to visit, while you wait for me to catch up…
New to Researching Vaccines: Articles to Get you Started
The story of Max and The Billboard Campaign
Dear Pregnant Mom who is Just Beginning to Research Vaccines
And finally… here is a little bit about me (taken from Dear Pregnant Mom…):
I have a master of science (M.S.) in psychology. I took a dual track and completed the requirements for both the clinical and experimental psychology concentrations, meaning I graduated with nearly double the amount of hours needed to obtain the masters degree. I was a graduate research assistant and was involved in the design and implementation of original research studies. I received national recognition for excellence in academic research and was awarded the American Psychological Foundation’s Graduate Research Scholarship Award for my master’s thesis. My goal was to obtain a Ph.D. and work at the CDC as a researcher. I was accepted to George Washington University in D.C. for the Ph.D. program in Social and Health Psychology, where I received full funding (scholarship) and a Teaching Assistantship and was well on my way to achieving my goal of being a CDC scientist. That’s when my daughter was injured by her “kindergarten shots.” I had to leave the Ph.D. behind so I could be more available to care for her. There was no way I could be a full-time student, researcher, and teaching assistant and care for my child. There just wasn’t enough of me to go around. Please understand this fact: I was a researcher before vaccine-injury became the focus of my research. Just because I am a mom and just because my daughter was injured, that does not mean I lost my skills. Quite the opposite. It means my skills have been laser-focused on one issue for the last several years. When people refer to me as being “anti-vaccine” and when they tell you “VaxTruth is not a credible source,” you can decide whether or not to listen. That’s not my call. It’s your choice to make. Just as what you do with your child is YOUR CHOICE TO MAKE. Please be sure that choice is as well-informed as possible. The ramifications of making the wrong choice can last a lifetime.
Wow, I have followed you on FB and never knew your story. As I read this post, God put in my spirit the word "timing". All in His timing. I have been on a journey to save my grandchildren after my niece Catie Clobes lost her 6 mth old baby Evee Gayle Clobes. Thank you for all you do saving God's children. God is exposing the corruption!
Marcella, I’m thrilled that you are now using Substack! Thanks for taking the time to share your research here. I found you somehow and followed you on Facebook in ‘20 or ‘21 and appreciated what you had to share in the midst of the covid insanity. I quit Facebook in Jan ‘22, which left me disconnected from every new virtual like-minded connection I had made (even if it was just someone that I followed and shared their posts or posted the occasional comment or question to), as well as most of my real life friends. It’s exciting to come across names I recognize here as more people come to Substack.
I look forward to reading more of your work. 😊