Over the weekend, someone commented on one of my Facebook posts that she views vaccination as medical rape. I’ve been thinking about that statement ever since. I recently had a conversation with a young mother who told me she didn’t want to vaccinate her infant son but felt like she had no choice. She was unaware that in the state of Arkansas (where we both live), she has the legal right to exemptions and her son can still go to daycare and public school. When I first started VaxTruth back in 2011, she was my target audience. Young parents are never told that they have the right to say NO. They are often pressured, manipulated (using psychological tactics taught to doctors for this very purpose), and even threatened if they fail to comply.
This post was originally published on my website, VaxTruth on September 29, 2014. I am republishing this article here and including one young mother’s story of what happened to her when she dared to exercise her legal right to refuse a particularly aggressive and abusive pediatrician who tried to physically take her child from her arms and vaccinate him against her will. If you have experienced similar abusive tactics, please leave your story in the comments.
Note: I have received some very strong reactions to this post. I understand the upset and expected it. I am not comparing all situations of vaccination to all situations of rape. As the post states, my feelings and thoughts about this are based on the situation described. It is most certainly not my intent to insult or emotionally harm anyone who has survived sexual assault. However, with increasing numbers of families being threatened if they do not vaccinate, there is a very strong element of coercion involved in what is still an optional medical procedure. That is where the parallel is drawn. When parents are coerced and threatened if they do not comply, and their children are harmed as a result, with no acknowledgment of the harm and no consequences for the one who administered the vaccine, the trauma is similar to what is felt in other types of assault and the damaging effects are just as deep and last just as long.
Original post:
I have been thinking this morning about the parallels between vaccine-injury and sexual assault. I happened to hear a news story today about the incidence of rape on college campuses, and as I was listening, I could envision several commonalities.
In the story, a young woman was interviewed about her experience. She described a situation in which she had accompanied a young man to his dorm room, and they had engaged in sex – both agreed, and it was an interaction to which both gave informed consent. They both knew they were going to have sex before entering the dorm room and there was no force or coercion involved. There was an element of trust and equality in the decision-making process.
She said that afterward, she was ready to leave and when she got up to get dressed, the young man pushed her down onto the bed and held her down while he turned up the stereo so her cries for help could not be overheard by neighboring students.
After the assault, the young woman reported the rape to campus police. The investigation was dropped, and the rapist was not prosecuted. She sees him on campus and has classes with him, which she reported is extremely difficult and re-traumatizing for her.
Coerced or forced vaccination of our children is in many ways similar to medical rape. (I have edited this statement, which originally did not contain the modifiers “coerced” or “forced.”)
We know the person who has harmed our infants and children. We trust them. We willingly go into the environment, and we even participate in holding down the victims. In many cases, we have been in those rooms and participated willingly, albeit without truly informed consent, in the medical assault on our children (or on ourselves.)
In other cases, we entered those rooms with people we trusted, believing we were NOT going to engage in the act proposed by the perpetrator, only to be talked into it, shamed into it, threatened into it, coerced into it, or tricked into it with promises that, “This won’t hurt” or “It’s only going to hurt for a second” or “Come on… you know it’s the right thing to do… everyone else is doing it….”
Afterward, the perpetrators pat us on the thigh or shoulder while looking us straight in the eyes and saying, “There now. That wasn’t so bad, was it?” They straighten their white coats, instruct us to get our things together, as they turn their backs and stride out of the room in search of their next victim. We may be left feeling afraid, and numb, not knowing how that happened and praying that it’s over. Praying they won’t come back and do it again, and praying there won’t be any lasting harm from what just happened.
In many cases, as we leave those rooms, feeling sick to our stomachs… dirty… with lumps in our throats and tears in our eyes, we force ourselves to take deep breaths and resolve to be stronger next time; more prepared to say NO and mean it.
For many of us, we ARE more prepared, and we ARE able to say NO the next time. Others of us are not so strong.
Some of us resolve to change our lives and we seek new relationships, which are good for us and in which our decisions and our choices – our right to say NO is respected.
Some of us endure the worst when we realize that the medical assault inherent in the act of coerced vaccination is only the beginning, as our children or ourselves become sick, often within minutes or hours following the assault. It is at that point that we are suddenly faced with the horror that when we reach out to those who are supposed to help us, we must again confront the assailant and beg for assistance. Not only is the help denied, but the assault is also denied, and the harm minimized. We are told, “It’s nothing,” “You’re over-reacting,” – no different from the rapist’s claim, “It was consensual. After-all, you came here asking for it. What did you expect?” If there is ANY admission that what happened was harmful, the victim is blamed for the damage because “Everyone else does just fine. In fact, they keep coming back for more. They love it. It’s only those extremely rare individuals who are weak, or flawed, or physically or emotionally damaged to start with who don’t like it. The problem is not with the perpetrator, and certainly not with the act itself… it’s the victim. Something is wrong with that one…”
And just like the rape-victim in this morning’s radio story, we are continually re-traumatized when we encounter the medical rapist in public – in our churches, in the grocery store, at PTA meetings and community gatherings.
The medical rapist is empowered by laws that protect him (or her) from liability. There are no consequences when they harm us or our children and this has emboldened them to become even more callous in their actions.
This must change.
Just as victims of sexual assault have had to stand up publicly and demand their assailants be held accountable for their crimes, we must also stand up and demand the laws be changed to protect us and our children from forced and coerced medical procedures like vaccination. Freedom to choose whether or not to participate in a medical procedure and to decide medical risk-taking with fully informed consent is a basic human right.
Read one young mother’s story of how she saved her child from forced vaccination:
Indiana Doctor tells Mom: “Be Compliant! Vaccinate or I’ll Call CPS!”
This story was originally published on VaxTruth in August of 2012. I have changed the names of the mother and baby, for privacy. All else remains the same.
So, I had a horrible experience today with a doctor. We took Aiden in for his 2 year well visit so that if he ever needed a doctor for a sick visit we could take him in. We selectively vaccinate and haven’t done any since he was 2 months old.
The student doctor is the one who did the actual checkup. He took a history and kept commenting on how advanced Aiden is. He was surprised that we were still breastfeeding but didn’t seem turned off by it; more curious than anything. Then he asked about vaccines and asked if Aiden was up to date. That’s when I explained that no he wasn’t, and we weren’t doing anymore until we further researched it. He finished up and said Aiden was very healthy and everything was good, and he just had to have his boss sign off on the chart and we would be out of there.
We wait 30 minutes and the student doctor and the pediatrician finally walk in the exam room and the pediatrician doesn’t even look at me or speak to me. Instead, they go to his chart and are talking back and forth, and the student doctor is nodding and writing things down. That’s when the pediatrician turns to me and asks, “Has he had any vaccinations at all?” I respond, “He’s had a few at birth but none since.” He turns back to the student and tells him something and he writes it down. Then the student doctor tries to take my son from my arms, and as he is reaching for him the pediatrician tells me, “Your son will be receiving 14 vaccinations today, Mrs. Reynolds.”
Yes, you read that correctly FOURTEEN in ONE day.
I instinctively pull my son back to me and tell him, “No. We do not want any vaccines.” The pediatrician goes on to tell me that everything I’ve read online about autism isn’t true. I respond, telling him that’s not why we aren’t vaccinating. He says to me, “You are going to kill your son. You don’t want to be responsible for killing this little boy, do you Mrs. Reynolds?” Before I could respond he nods to the student doctor, who steps forward to try to take Aiden out of my arms AGAIN. I pull back and am backed literally into a corner at this point and I’m shaking. The pediatrician goes on about how I am not thinking of the best interest of my child and how I’m going to kill him and that he WILL be getting the vaccines today and more every month until he is up-to-date in full. His voice is beginning to raise by now and the look on his face stern. “This is for the best Mrs. Reynolds, so be compliant.” As he says this to me, for a 3rd time the student doctor tries to take Aiden from my arms, this time a little more assertively. The student doctor looked as white as a sheet but also looked like he was doing what he HAD to do because of what his boss was telling him. He looked young enough to be wet behind the ears.
I’m standing in a corner, in a room the size of a box with these 2 men trying to take my child and vaccinate him against my will. I hold onto Aiden as the student doctor is trying to take him from my arms and Aiden begins to cry and cling to me. I’m shaking; I’m afraid and Aiden can sense this. I put both arms around Aiden and bring his head towards my bosom to protect him and I pull bravery from somewhere.
“He will NOT be vaccinated. You will NOT be putting poison in my son.” I stammered, shaking like a leaf but I held strong.
The pediatrician GLARED at me. “Well,” he says clearly irritated.” If you aren’t going to comply, then you leave me no choice. Not only will you not be allowed back at this clinic, but I will be reporting you to Child Protective Services. You are endangering your child.”
I didn’t wait for him to say anything more, I pushed past them and walked out. As I’m walking down the hall as fast as possible, with Aiden screaming scared to death and me shaking like mad, he hollers after me, “You’re going to be sorry for letting Google be your doctor!!!”
I walked faster and got out of there as fast as I could.
Not once did this doctor ask me WHY we weren’t vaccinating. Whether it be medical reason, religious belief, personal belief... he never bothered to even ask. Not once did I say I did my research “online” or with “google” as he insinuated. In fact, HE treated me as some insubordinate, uneducated, ignorant, abusive parent.
They tried THREE times to remove MY child from MY arms AFTER I told them NO. They were willing to vaccinate my child AGAINST my will, my beliefs, or... wait a minute… they didn’t even KNOW what they were going against because once again, they never bothered to ask me WHY I don’t vaccinate.
Last, but not least, they were going to give him FOURTEEN vaccinations in his tiny 24lb body at ONCE.
THIS is what they call medical professionals??! THIS is how you are treated for not being a sheeple and shuffling along quietly as the rest of the community? THIS is how you are treated for putting a doctor, a mere mortal (same as you, but with a diploma) in his place and not on a pedestal as a God or superior.
How can one man think so highly of himself to assume he knows what is better for a child than the child’s own mother? When he has known the child for no more than five minutes, the child’s medical history is crystal clear, and he is thriving. The child, obviously well taken care of, healthy, clean, free of bruises or signs of abuse. Advanced for his age, happy and well rounded. This child that I have nursed since birth, who I would fight for until the death… Who doesn’t eat McDonalds because I’m conscious of what I put in his body… Who rides rear facing because I’m aware of the dangers of vehicular collisions… And by the way, the odds of dying in a vehicular collision FAR surpass the odds of dying from an illness from being unvaccinated.
This experience further cements my belief that the medical community is no more than a business out to make a buck. Doctors like this no longer care about their patients and instead see them as a chart number, a dollar sign, a science experiment. They do NOT have our children’s or our best interest at heart like they claim. The oath that they swore on evaporates into the wind as their heads swell with arrogance.
I hold firm to the belief that I am doing what is best for my child.
It is OKAY to not be sure about something; to be cautious in making the right choice for your child. This doesn’t make you a bad, or unfit parent. It is OKAY to research on your own, to be knowledgeable, and to tell doctors “NO.” They are human just like us. They make mistakes; they call it practice for a reason. Beyond that it is your LEGAL right to not vaccinate your child. It is your freedom as an American citizen.
I leave you with a few ads from the past.
Need I say more?
Note from Marcella: To learn about your legal right to exemption from vaccination, please visit the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) page on state laws.
To help ensure you continue to have the right to refuse, please join NVIC’s advocacy page and connect with others in your state who are working to protect your rights through legislative action.
To learn about WHY pediatricians are so aggressive in demanding your children be fully vaccinated according to the CDC Childhood Schedule, including the Catch-up Schedule (which recommends 14 vaccinations on the same day), please read this article and watch the video at the end, in which Dr. Paul Thomas explains the very significant monetary incentives for pediatricians.
only having 4 legged children, but last time at the vet the same happened. they took my dog from my arms and when they were gone with her, told me they needed to jab her or otherwise would not treat her. Unfortunately only nurses - the vet who agreed beforehand with me not jabbing, was not there. Next time I will call and if he is not available I am not going there. Even more unfortunate is that all vets closer to him are worse
Who do these doctors think they are? above God?
Thanks Marcella.
In 2015 when SB277 was being railroaded through the California State Legislature I remember watching testimony from Mary Holland. It was the first time I ever heard of her. She was speaking at a meeting being run by then Ca state Senator Hannah Beth Jackson. I remember it very clearly that Mary Holland made the connection between non-consensual or coerced vaccination and rape. I remember how clear and correct that analogy seemed to me then, and still does today. Ms Jackson stopped the testimony and objected to the use of the word, "Rape" because it is a charged word. I remember feeling enraged at the hubris of Ms. Jackson and her refusal to acknowledge the points of fact presented. It was my opinion that she abused the authority her position to deflect from the core basis of what Mary was saying and disregard her testimony because she was offended by the use of that one (appropriate) word.
I remember writing a poem about coerced vaccination likening it to rape. I wish I could find it, but it was written on paper and lost in the wildfires of 2020. I remember some of the elements... "No" means "No". The perpetrator acts from a position of power over you. The victim is powerless and afraid. There is non-consensual penetration of the victims body with the fluids of the perpetrator left inside when it is over. Commonly the vaccinee is penetrated 2 or 3 times in a visit. Sometimes they are injected with up to 6 antigens.
Below is a link to the you tube video of the hearing I refer to. The analogy to rape is at time 3:40