It’s the idolatry, the expert God-complex, and the saddest that rises in the current medical realm.

It’s time we changed this.

Each that picks up their own medical education with discernment, adds to the common science/sense that needs to return to each household.

I’ve logically dismissed the gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide as a fraud. We are not machine men using gases of combustion and exhaust.

Hydrogen not oxygenation underpins our physiology. Hydration = SALT plus water.

SALT is the elixir of life.

Water follows salt.

Women need more salt than men because we are built to carry more fluid.

I connect dehydration with the adrenals. Dehydration is an emergency, all adrenocorticol hormones are deployed not just aldosterone.

Chronic dehydration is adrenal fatigue is chronic fatigue and stress intolerance.

Salt turn off RAAS because it returns hydration. Hydration allows the adrenals to recover.

We breathe air not oxygen.

How does salt restriction lead to heart dis-ease and fear based reactionary thinking?

Read my articles by clicking on my blue icon.

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the first mistake is the wellness visit to find something wrong to create a patient from healthy person.

www.VirusTruth.NET is all the info a soon to be or new moms needs to learn.

im printing the easy mini flyers and putting on cars everyday in my daily travels and i tape to gas pump screens.

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“You’re going to be sorry for letting Google be your doctor!!!”

Reminds me of liberals telling conservatives "You've been brainwashed by Rush Limbaugh".

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Nurse Julie informed me I was "being a naive Mom" when I declined the HPV for my young son.

This was during my awakening...... I just wish I would have known the truth about the corrupt system sooner.

Thankful for what you share 🙏🏼

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its never to late to learn the truth, www.VirusTruth.NET

share and post widely to inform the masses.

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Ironically a few minutes ago I got a call for scheduling my cat’s spay appt and the caller told me I “couldn’t” decline distemper shot. But on my rabies is by state law her mandatory. So I repeated that I declined and she said the vet won’t do the surgery then. So I said then we will find somewhere else and hung up.

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Aug 30·edited Aug 30

bravo! www.VirusTruth.NET

vax harming our pets too!

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Upstream of many-a-local-doctor, is allopathic training.

Upstream of allopathic training, is the Rockefeller crime family.

Upstream of the evil Rockefellers, is an entity whom they honored by naming there publishing concern within United Nation complex in early 50s:

“Lucifer Press”

Do not comply. A ‘no’ is a ‘hell no’; get behind me ‘doctor’!!!

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Thanks Marcella.

In 2015 when SB277 was being railroaded through the California State Legislature I remember watching testimony from Mary Holland. It was the first time I ever heard of her. She was speaking at a meeting being run by then Ca state Senator Hannah Beth Jackson. I remember it very clearly that Mary Holland made the connection between non-consensual or coerced vaccination and rape. I remember how clear and correct that analogy seemed to me then, and still does today. Ms Jackson stopped the testimony and objected to the use of the word, "Rape" because it is a charged word. I remember feeling enraged at the hubris of Ms. Jackson and her refusal to acknowledge the points of fact presented. It was my opinion that she abused the authority her position to deflect from the core basis of what Mary was saying and disregard her testimony because she was offended by the use of that one (appropriate) word.

I remember writing a poem about coerced vaccination likening it to rape. I wish I could find it, but it was written on paper and lost in the wildfires of 2020. I remember some of the elements... "No" means "No". The perpetrator acts from a position of power over you. The victim is powerless and afraid. There is non-consensual penetration of the victims body with the fluids of the perpetrator left inside when it is over. Commonly the vaccinee is penetrated 2 or 3 times in a visit. Sometimes they are injected with up to 6 antigens.

Below is a link to the you tube video of the hearing I refer to. The analogy to rape is at time 3:40


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babies have no ability to consent and their basic instinct is to scream at sight of a needle coming at them. im on a mission bec of this website i put mini flyers on cars and tape to gas pump screens. www.VirusTruth.NET we need a domino effect!

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A very fitting analogy

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only having 4 legged children, but last time at the vet the same happened. they took my dog from my arms and when they were gone with her, told me they needed to jab her or otherwise would not treat her. Unfortunately only nurses - the vet who agreed beforehand with me not jabbing, was not there. Next time I will call and if he is not available I am not going there. Even more unfortunate is that all vets closer to him are worse

Who do these doctors think they are? above God?

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yes ! but we are wrong to treat animals like people! let nature run its course, animals dont need wellness visits and all shots harm, corporate pet food also goes against natural diet of raw meat,

but all shots clearly harming them www.VirusTruth.NET

Drtomcowan.com has an emergency vet on staff who does not believe in vax.

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They have all developed Stockholm Syndrome from their medical training, says Dr. Suzanne Humphries in her autobiography.

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Dr Humphreys comes very close but ..she needs to study www.VirusYruth.NET

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This is what came up: This site can’t be reachedwww.virusyruth.net’s DNS address could not be found. Diagnosing the problem.


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try again you have site typed wrong www.VirusTruth.NET

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I experienced coercion different times. One when my son was 9. The dr - Dr Frank in hermitage pa (he is in Florida now) called my young son names like immature and bratty bc he declined to have him look at his private area. Then the dr tried to rip off my son’s jeans and told me to help. I was dumbfounded and we left….. he yelled after me that he suspected abuse and would be calling CPS…. He didn’t. I called the clinic later to speak to the dr and he said “you raise your children to mistrust dr’s” and “it’s bc you don’t vaccinate” that he had a problem with *me* so he took it out on my son. We never went back. That’s just one story of many I have.

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a friend who has 5 children, had her oldest have a serious adverse event, at the docs office. That was the last time she vaxxed. Now this family of 7 researches everything online, finds a natural doctor, sometimes hours away, with excellent results. They are the healthiest family I know.

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illness is body detoxing, there is nothing a pediatrician can do but further poison with meds. kids left alone will get well on their own faster. unless broken bone or car accident needing surgery. www.VirusTruth.NET

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I have driven over an hour to a dr before. It’s worth it! Absolutely worth it.

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did you really need to even go to the doctor? www.VirusTruth.NET

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