Sep 29Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

You, my dear friend, are a Giver. The likes of which is so rare. From my heart to yout heart, those of us who are Givers will triumph over all of this deception and grief. We are here at this time on purpose, to change the world for our precious children and grandchildren. May God's blessings rain down upon all of us!

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Amen, Deann. Thank you for your excellent work. I appreciate all you do. <3

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I love your heartfelt posts. Feel free to reach out any time. We've been in the trenches together for a long time.....

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I love you dearly, Sherri. This work is not for the weak. As another dear friend said to me a few days ago, "We both chose hard." I am grateful for your example of bravery, brilliance, and consistency. And yes. We've been in these trenches together for a very long time. I am sending you the biggest virtual hug. A good, long one. <3

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Sep 28Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

I think your stack is one of the best and most important ones on Substack. Will be sharing this letter. I've lost so many friends and family because of the vax. I can barely speak of the pain of it all. Thank you.

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Thank you for your kind words, Heather. I appreciate them more than I can say. I'm sorry you are also experiencing such painful loss.

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Sep 28Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

So Much of what you've written Rings true in my heart as well, Marcella, and I thank you for putting pen to paper so eloquently. Admittedly, speaking for myself, I am not so forgiving. I say this unapologetically. It probably sounds harsh and unkind, which, oddly, is the furthest thing from my personality. This is a topic I'm struggling with and you can see that reflected in my recent SM posts. I was struggling to be forgiving PRIOR to 2020. I had relationships that weren't healthy. Why was I friends with people who simply tut tut my lived experience in the first place? While I mourn the good times shared with them, I know in my heart it was superficial. There's no escaping the family dynamic, though. That one is much harder to let go of. But I'm getting there. Because I'm sick of the superficial. When family members are coming down with illness after illness, right in front of me- all easily traced back to the intervention they chose, and STILL won't believe me... my heart can't take it. My self esteem can't take it. My children will learn from me. People treat you exactly how you teach them to. My children are watching. I hope they see my empathy, but I pray they see my conviction to the truth more.

I love your heart and your forgiveness. There's so much strength in that. Maybe I'll get there someday.


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Well said!

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It has been a hard road to get to this point, Diane. And I am completely guilty of being angry. I was so angry with friends and family who, knowing all that I went through after the flu shot, and knowing what happened to my daughter, completely ignored the warnings and the information I shared with them. It felt like a personal betrayal. I have been ignored and discounted the most by those who I was closest to. That stings deeply.

The biggest source of my anger was that those who lined up so quickly and so willingly were supporting the process that ultimately led to the shots being added to the childhood schedule. If more adults had said “NO,” and if more adults had been strong enough, curious enough, brave enough, maybe we could have stopped it before it became a part of the future for innocent babies and children. That is the part I still struggle with.

It is the loss of friends and the loss and pain I see in so many others whose friends and family members are leaving too soon. And I know, from my work as a psychotherapist, that when someone who was important in your life leaves suddenly, and there is no opportunity for resolution, it is the one left behind who continues to suffer. I don’t want that to be me.

I am being completely selfish. I don’t want to be the one left behind saying to myself, “I wish I had tried to fix the relationship.”

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Sep 28Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

Well, damn. I told myself I wasn’t gonna cry this morning but here we are. So much of what you write in the letter is exactly my life. Almost Word for Word. How strange that we have such parallel experiences. But I imagine there are so many of us who have these same experiences and relate to these words so closely. I do mourn friendships that I have lost, but in losing some of them, I saw clearly who those people were to their core. And for those people, I did not regret the loss. For the others who made choices based on their own experience that I did not make, I do mourn. I think about those lost friends every day and wonder what their lives have been like over the past four or five years. I have grown, I have learned, I have expanded my thought process. I wonder if they have done the same and just not able to communicate that to me yet?

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Sep 28Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

Thank you for sharing this very moving letter with us, Marcella. I also pray that many of these relationships will be rekindled. 🙏🕊️💔

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Sep 28Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

Thank you for letting me know I am not alone here. My family do not talk to each other about the changes they have seen in their lives. They pretty much think this is still a normal place to be. I am afraid for them. Not for myself. Reading this has helped me immensely.

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You are so loved.

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As are you, my friend. ❤️🙏🏻

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Beautifully said. ♥️

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Sep 28Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

Marcella, you are a diamond in the rough with all the work and help you have done and offered. I hope someday there will be reconnections.

I am the black sheep in my family and no one listened or read anything. They truly thought I was crazy and stupid.

Sadly, I lost my baby brother November 2021, a sister April 2024, another sister July 2024, and another sister yesterday, Sept 26, and I know why. The last sister was diagnosed with liver cancer and shockingly passed in under 2 weeks from time of diagnosis. Dear God help us all. 💔😪

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19 hrs agoLiked by Marcella Piper-Terry

Lynn - I just read your comment to my twin sister. (Marcella - praying you also see my comment here). My sister shared this stack with me this morning.

We both cried. We have older twin brothers (by 11 years - they are 76). I willingly lined up for the shots, but my sister and her family did not. Her decision was never an issue for me. I felt it was none of my business what they did with their own bodies, but because I believed all the lies, I was worried about their health.

Suffice it to say our brothers along with their wives and families did not feel the same way. They refused to agree to disagree. They treated my sister like she was a leper - refused to attend any family event where they would be (including my sister's daughter's wedding that was held outside). I have said I did not take a side, I took a stand. It's been almost three years since the estrangement. My sister did see one of our brothers in person when she visited last year, but it was clear he did not care to continue any type of communication. I also saw this brother a few months before my sister's visit with him. I had sent him a book that he returned in person. When I refused to go along with his delusional way of thinking, he told me to kiss him goodbye because this was the last time I would ever see him (he lives 20 minutes from me). That visit was over two years ago.

I awoke to the truth in October of 2021 (right before our estrangement). This has caused my sister and I great anguish, but we have both given this over to God for it is far too big for either of us to make sense of (Ephesians 6:11 comes to mind). Anytime we tried to send them information, it just started a shitstorm of nasty emails so we stopped over two years ago.

We truly expect to get a phone call one day soon that someone has died as we believe they have still not awoken to the truth. Like Marcella, we wonder if anyone would even tell us.

A bright spot - I prayed that God would show me a way to make a difference. Here is how He answered my prayer (I write about the white fibrous clots that embalmers have been finding). I truly believe that we have played a role in changing public opinion about the shots.

This is my first Substack publication. I have written a few more and now have over 1100 subscribers:


God bless you Lynn. Praying for you and Marcella and all those that have these heartbreaking stories.

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Thank you, Laura. I hate that your family has been affected in the same way as mine has been, and so many others. Free will is a very difficult lesson. I’m so glad to know that you and your sister still have each other and your relationship is strong.

Thanks for the link to your article. I am preparing to write an article about the blood supply, and the white clots are something I am seeing a lot of in the articles coming my way. Your timing is excellent. ❤️🙏🏻

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Marcella - good to know!

Take a listen to what my partner, Tom Haviland says about the blood supply in this interview with Clayton Morris from Redacted:


Timestamp 1:29

I’ll be writing a stack about this soon.

Feel free to contact me via email. I just became a subscriber to your stack.

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I am so very sorry, Lynn. I am one of five, and am the only one of us who did not take it. Nobody speaks to me anymore. I shared and shared information in our family text thread and the only one who ever responded at all was my cousin. None of my sisters ever acknowledged anything. I was contacted a couple of months ago by someone who attended school with my younger sister. They were getting ready for their class reunion. She was clearly uncomfortable in asking… “I’m so sorry to ask. I think I know the answer… Has your sister passed?” She needed to know because they were putting together the memorial presentation. It hit me in the gut. What if she has? Would I know? I had to go to my sister’s Facebook page to see when her most recent post had been. She had posted fifteen hours earlier, so I felt pretty certain she was still alive. I know this sister is really struggling since the shots. Nobody will tell me anything about what’s going on. It’s heartbreaking.

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Marcella - I can't bear to "like" your comment. It makes my heart ache for you. Note my comment to Lynn Gravel's comment for my story.

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Sep 29Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

Marcella, it really grieves me for you that they aren’t speaking to you, that’s so unbelievable. Though I will remain the whacko black sheep, fortunately no one in my family stopped talking to me. I knew I had to quit bringing up the subject as it was falling on deaf ears. I come from a family of 11. Prior to the shots, I had lost 3 siblings. After the shots, I’ve lost 4, our hearts are bleeding. There’s about 60 in our family, nieces, nephews, grand, brother and sisters in law. Out of that many people, only myself and one niece did not take the shots. I actually stopped flu shots in the 90’s. God bless you, Marcella, and I will pray everyday in time you will be reconnected. Love you❤️

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Sadly, there are many of us in similar situations. I am thankful to know that you are still connected to your family. I have always been the black sheep in mine, in many ways. I have two sisters who are nurses with master's degrees. One is a pediatric nurse practitioner. Another sister's daughter is a nurse. The brainwashing is powerful. Their opinions of me and of what I consider my life's mission were evident long before COVID, but they did tolerate me. Barely. COVID was the final straw.

I am very grateful that our parents were no longer living in 2020. I have no doubt my mother would have been lined up in the first go-round. I don't think my heart could have taken that.

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Sep 28Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

So sorry for all your losses. 🙏😥

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Sep 28Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

Powerfully, heartbreakingly accurate. Thank you for putting it so beautifully.

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Sep 28Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

Beautiful and poignant letter, Marcella. Echoes a lot of what I've been thinking. Luckily, my kids are ok and i hope too that my grandkids will be too (they all took it). I no longer believe that one in a million song - that I believed when my grandma became paralyzed from the swine flu shot decades ago. Lots of people think I, too, am a whackjob - I've been called worse names. I read in today's news about yet another sudden teenage death. I just cannot unlearn what I now know - and you have been a contributor to my education. Sending a grateful hug - hope you send that letter out far and wide to your loved ones; maybe some will return.

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This really resonated with me. Thank you for sharing. 🙏🏼💕

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Sep 28Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

It is a shame a letter like that had to be written. I pray some will come back into relationship with you before any more of them “die suddenly”.

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Thank you, John. I hope so, too.

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Sep 28Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

I pray that for Marcella as well.

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