The devil appeared to three monks and said to them: "If I gave you the power to change something in the past, what would you change?"

The first of them, with great apostolic fervor, replied: "I would like to prevent you from leading Adam and Eve to sin, so that humanity does not separate from God."

The second, a man full of mercy, said to him: "I will prevent you from straying from God and condemning you forever."

The third of them was the simplest and instead of answering the tempter, he knelt down, made the sign of the cross, and prayed: "Lord, deliver me from the temptation of what might have been and what was not."

The demon, screaming and trembling with pain, fled.

The other two were surprised and said to him: "Brother, why did you react like this?"

And he answered them: “First, we should never talk to the enemy.”

“Secondly, no one in the world has the power to change the past.”

“Third: Satan’s interest was not to prove our virtue, but to trap us in the past, so that we neglect the present, the only time God gives us His grace and we can cooperate with Him to fulfill His will.”

Of all the demons, the one that most holds men back and prevents them from being happy is “what could have been and was not.” The past is left to the mercy of God and the future to His providence. Only the present is in our hands. Live today loving God with all your heart.

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Aug 12Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

Your journey has brought you much wisdom! You are not alone. There are many who are walking simular paths and still contributing to the betterment of mankind. Stay the course!

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Aug 13·edited Aug 13Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

Dearest Marcella,

you write what many are also feeling. It is so hard as we are truly in a dark time... someone reminded me on the weekend, when we talking about just this - the feeling of hopelessness - that he clings to the adage.. 'good times make weak men and women, weak men and women make bad times, bad times make strong men and women.' We are in the bad times, for sure!

They want us to give up, they've conditioned us to be dumb, passive, staring with deer like fearful eyes, unable to move in the oncoming glare of the headlights of doom...

Yet, all we need to do is to step aside, step forward one trembling step at a time, out of that glare.

In the meantime live in the moment as much as possible as well, to appreciate simple joys. The pull of lifting a heavy weight, a ray of sunlight, a dog playing, the returned smile of a passer by.

We persist We simply carry on.

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Aug 12Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

Marcella, I am so sorry for the heavy emotions you are experiencing. I personally believe we may actually be in the tribulation time period foretold in the Bible (Revelation). Too many things revolving around COVID and the vaccines line up. If that is the case, then all of what you are seeing is the antichrist beast system rising (aka new world order). We can expect it all to get worse until Jesus comes and conquers his enemies and rules and reigns as king. The good news is that that may not be that far off. If the seven year tribulation began in 2020, we are more than halfway through it.

Regardless of the timeline, the only true rest anyone can have in this world is in Jesus Christ. He wants all to come to him in repentance and faith, confessing him as Lord and savior. I can attest that he has given me the peace that surpasses all understanding ever since being born again 7 years ago.

This world is a dark place because right now Satan is the god of this world. But Jesus has already conquered sin and death and soon will be putting all his enemies under his feet. What a glorious day that will be. 🤗

I’m praying that you experience the deep and profound rest that faith in Jesus Christ brings. 💕

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Aug 12Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

It makes me so angry that although I steadfastly refused any covid jabs or succumbing to the nonsense, I am now subjected to the shedding of spike protein that is everywhere. It feels like a constant battle to just feel well. It makes me wonder where it will all end. Thanks Marcella for all you do.

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Stand firm. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. Love from the heartland.

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Aug 12Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

Beautiful letter. I felt all your feelings through your words. Thank you.

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Beautifully written, my friend. I have been walking in very similar moccasins the last year, but particularly in the last four months. God Bless. xoxo

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I love you, Sherri.

God be with us all. xoxo

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Aug 13Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

Lifting you in prayer. 🙏🏼❤️I think we’re all experiencing and witnessing similar similarities. Thank you for the message! We all need to rest, reflect and spend time regaining our footing when life throws us too much.

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🙏🏼😔💔 I very much feel your pain, Marcella. Prayers for you as you rest and recuperate. So much of what you said rings true for me as well. This is not easy. These times we are living in are so difficult. I know that your spark will reignite, but right now, you must rest and take care of yourself. ❤️😘

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Thank you, Sandy. I know you feel it, too. Sending you much love and gratitude for all you do.

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Aug 12Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

I was not aware of the passing of Jim Meehan.

I feel what you've written so much, and I'm not half the warrior you are.

I am getting genetic evidence of serious methylation issues in myself and at least one of my offspring, but I feel like my brain is frozen when I try to learn. It is so frustrating.

Keep at it!

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If you are not familiar with Suzy Cohen, you might find her writing helpful. IMO, her information on methylation is some of the most user-friendly out there.


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Sending love from RI. <3

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Aug 12Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

With you in prayer and petition for those who we have lost. We know that they are still with us, in heart, in Spirit, and in love. Dr. Meehan gave the best hugs ever. I SO wanted to meet Dr. Ealey, and am grateful that she had a friend in you. Keep looking up, my dear friend.

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Aug 14Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

You are loved by many.

Many more will come to hear you as well.

When they are ready to hear, you will be there as a gentle guide.

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Aug 13Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry


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Aug 13Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted. Thank you for using your pain as a blessing to help others. May God continue to strengthen and guide you on the path He has for you.

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