My ex is taking me to court to vaccinate our 6YO. She's unvaccinated. I am looking for experts and resources to assist my attorney. Please email me at or text at 720.215.1124 if you have anything to offer. Future generations rely on us having medical freedoms over big Pharma.
I think any chiropractor near you might have some input -I work for a chiropractor and every chiropractor that I know in our area does not vaccinate their kids.
I wish I could help, but I need help myself in MN. I lost physical custody to my 8 yr old daughter due to running away with her 2 times trying to avoid her being force vaccinated by the court order due to my husband being all for it. It was an order through the divorce. Now he's moved to Iowa and I have not seen her for over 2 yrs. I don't even have supervised visitation and he can keep it that way.
I am so sorry you're going through this. Do you have any updates on your situation?
I have had a little bit of experience in helping with these cases but stopped taking them years ago because it was so very stressful, and the judges always sided with the parent who wanted to vaccinate. My friend, Dr. Toni Bark, took these cases and she credited the stress with contributing to the cancer that killed her. It's a horrific situation for anyone to be in, made worse by the lack of help available.
If you are still going through this process, my only recommendation would be to do everything you can to stay out of court. If there is ANY WAY to educate your ex, do it. The last case I was involved with was in Indiana, and thankfully, the information I provided to the mother and maternal grandparents was finally able to help the father make the best decision for his daughter and he dropped his demands.
If you need an attorney, the best to contact would be someone from Aaron Siri's group. If it's not the kind of case for them, they may know someone who can help you.
Just discovered your Substack thanks to a fellow Coffee & Covid Substack reader. I’ve learned more from our “C&C Army” than most anywhere else.
My ex is taking me to court to vaccinate our 6YO. She's unvaccinated. I am looking for experts and resources to assist my attorney. Please email me at or text at 720.215.1124 if you have anything to offer. Future generations rely on us having medical freedoms over big Pharma.
Go to the circle of mamas website - they have lots of info and maybe Children’s health defense as well
Covid shot injuries would be:
Global injures
I think any chiropractor near you might have some input -I work for a chiropractor and every chiropractor that I know in our area does not vaccinate their kids.
I wish I could help, but I need help myself in MN. I lost physical custody to my 8 yr old daughter due to running away with her 2 times trying to avoid her being force vaccinated by the court order due to my husband being all for it. It was an order through the divorce. Now he's moved to Iowa and I have not seen her for over 2 yrs. I don't even have supervised visitation and he can keep it that way.
This just makes my heart hurt for you and for your daughter. I'm so very sorry this has happened.
In addition to what I texted before, I went to jail for 2 years and I'm being forced medicated.
The jail time was for running away with my daughter 2 times.
I am so sorry you're going through this. Do you have any updates on your situation?
I have had a little bit of experience in helping with these cases but stopped taking them years ago because it was so very stressful, and the judges always sided with the parent who wanted to vaccinate. My friend, Dr. Toni Bark, took these cases and she credited the stress with contributing to the cancer that killed her. It's a horrific situation for anyone to be in, made worse by the lack of help available.
If you are still going through this process, my only recommendation would be to do everything you can to stay out of court. If there is ANY WAY to educate your ex, do it. The last case I was involved with was in Indiana, and thankfully, the information I provided to the mother and maternal grandparents was finally able to help the father make the best decision for his daughter and he dropped his demands.
If you need an attorney, the best to contact would be someone from Aaron Siri's group. If it's not the kind of case for them, they may know someone who can help you.