Dr Wakefield's paper was the first paper I read that described my son's GI symptoms exactly, when none of the doctors or specialists could. What I gained from that paper put my son on the road to recovery, and away from the path of further damage. His damage wasn't from the MMR, but rather the DTaP. Dr Wakefield's insights have been invaluable in the healing of so many children, and we are forever grateful.

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I have only just discovered your research and writings. As a parent of a child with autism, I am astounded!! I just want to say thank you for the work you are putting into this. I want to read some more and possibly come back with more questions (I am sure you have already anticipated some of these) like: surely more comprehensive research has been done since the Wakefield research and the one that tried to debunk it which you have just debunked? If so, what have these shown? As someone with post-doc research experience, I will say your analysis is really convincing!

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Thank you for your positive feedback, Eustace. I am happy that you are finding value in my work, and look forward to your questions. I definitely do not have all the answers, but will do my best to find what I can.

There are many studies that have replicated the work of Dr. Wakefield, including some that predate his findings. I am currently working on a few articles about measles and MMR vaccine, including one that has an extensive list of research articles from the peer reviewed medical literature, further supporting Dr. Wakefield’s findings. I intend to have something published here on Substack in the next week.

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Thank you for the thorough and clear explanation of the Dr. Wakefield story.

All of the information in this Substack is spot on and priceless!

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Thank you, Penny. I appreciate the positive feedback!

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I honestly don’t remember how or when I began following your work but goodness I’m so glad I did! This was so well explained! Thank you for the work you do!

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Thank you for bringing this story of heroic doctors, and you breakdown of the pathetic counter-study to discredit their study, back to public attention. This medical mafia death-care system must go.

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Sorry - I skipped the bit on the professor 🙄 But do you know anything of the others? Did they turn on Wakefield?

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Why was Wakefield singled out from his co-authors (or were they also attacked)?

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