Easy one - all risk, no benefit. No evidence HPV exists as a pathogen, nor evidence of contagion. The aluminum adjuvant amount alone, especially in a 3-dose course of shots is insane and anyone who administers the "vaccine" should be tried for assault.
The "vaccine story" is one of astounding success- in propagandizing people that injecting industrial poisons into your body to combat manufactured diseases can somehow hold some benefit to the human biological system.
Thank you for reposting this information Marcella. Very informative for any that will listen since they are still administering this one along with numerous other ones that cause great harm. Wish there was Substack back in 2011. I know I can’t go back nor dwell on the past. I can only go forward. I am beyond thankful my girl is a functioning young adult.
In 2011 I made the beginning of many foolish decisions for my daughter. 2 more times! At least they were a year apart vs. 6 months apart on the dosing. Probably saved her from even more damage.
For anyone reading this high dose of magnesium was a big contributor to her recovery along with a few other things.
I agree w/ Ben....what benefit? Until and unless ANY virus (pathogenic or not) is isolated and purified...there is no virus. "Genome sequencing" is a computer generated process. There is no thing....virus....being isolated and purified in such a process. Friends.....do not allow yourself to be dragged any further into the virus/vaccination mud. We only delay the inevitable which is that contagion is a myth and can't be proven and we cannot "catch" anything from anyone else. You will be much happier knowing this one fact!
Absolutely inspiring Analysis. I have been reading 'HPV Vaccine on Trial' and dream of creating a presentation of the trouble facts I have become aware of similar to your presentation here. Thank you so much for sharing this.
Easy one - all risk, no benefit. No evidence HPV exists as a pathogen, nor evidence of contagion. The aluminum adjuvant amount alone, especially in a 3-dose course of shots is insane and anyone who administers the "vaccine" should be tried for assault.
The "vaccine story" is one of astounding success- in propagandizing people that injecting industrial poisons into your body to combat manufactured diseases can somehow hold some benefit to the human biological system.
Thank you for reposting this information Marcella. Very informative for any that will listen since they are still administering this one along with numerous other ones that cause great harm. Wish there was Substack back in 2011. I know I can’t go back nor dwell on the past. I can only go forward. I am beyond thankful my girl is a functioning young adult.
In 2011 I made the beginning of many foolish decisions for my daughter. 2 more times! At least they were a year apart vs. 6 months apart on the dosing. Probably saved her from even more damage.
For anyone reading this high dose of magnesium was a big contributor to her recovery along with a few other things.
Thank you for making this available. The 'one sidedness' of the messaging is shameful.
We and our young people are literally being used as cash cows. It has to stop.
Thank you for this. I plan to share with my pediatrician. Have you done something similar for the meningitis vaccine?
I wrote an article some time ago for VaxTruth. I just updated it and posted. Here is the link:
Thank you for your positive feedback.
I agree w/ Ben....what benefit? Until and unless ANY virus (pathogenic or not) is isolated and purified...there is no virus. "Genome sequencing" is a computer generated process. There is no thing....virus....being isolated and purified in such a process. Friends.....do not allow yourself to be dragged any further into the virus/vaccination mud. We only delay the inevitable which is that contagion is a myth and can't be proven and we cannot "catch" anything from anyone else. You will be much happier knowing this one fact!
Absolutely inspiring Analysis. I have been reading 'HPV Vaccine on Trial' and dream of creating a presentation of the trouble facts I have become aware of similar to your presentation here. Thank you so much for sharing this.