I stepped on a rusty nail while pregnant, ignorantly rushed in for a Tdap, and a week later started getting round-the-clock contractions which continued for the next two weeks, resulting in a preterm birth at 36 weeks. No doctor ever tried to help me identify a cause.

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Doctors cannot admit that what they are doing is causing harm. Cognitive dissonance in the extreme.

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A couple of years ago, whilst walking around a part of my garden I didn't usually walk on, a rusty nail went through my slipper and into my foot. I didn't do anything other than remove the nail. I didn't even wash the puncture. Nothing bad happened to me.

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It's hard for me to "like" this comment and only did so because it shows that we are all on a continuum when it comes to what our bodies can handle. Someone whose immune system is not as strong as yours could have developed a nasty infection if the wound did not bleed and was not oxygenated.

Puncture wounds are especially prone to infection if they do not bleed. Cleaning the wound with hydrogen peroxide is always advised, along with ensuring it bleeds well.

I'm thankful and quite frankly amazed that you didn't have any negative outcome from this experience. It just goes to show that we are all different.

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Thank you.

The puncture did not bleed.

Plus, I wasn't worried about it. I had already learned that bacteria, for the most part, are not harmful. Yea, eating spoiled food contains an abundance of a type of bacteria whose excrement will make us sick, but as for the bacteria laying around on counter tops or doorknobs or in the soil, it's not harmful. The body can handle it.

Bacteria only eat dead cells & tissue. They don't lay around waiting to attack living things. They are biological janitors & scavengers. Yes, they can be problematic because their excrement can cause inflammation of living cells & tissue, but they don't cause contagious illnesses or diseases.

The bacteria in the soil, or on a rusty nail, is only there to eat dead cells & tissue from dead insects & plants.

The bacteria that SOMETIMES causes us problems comes from within our own bodies, and not from outside them.

The most common problem from the excrement of bacteria is severe lung or sinus inflammation -- sometimes too much snot is produced by the body to address the inflammation and this can cause a persistent cough or even make someone feel like they are drowning in their own snot. At this point, an antibiotic, as anti-natural as they are, might prove to be helpful at reducing the amount of bacteria and thus a reduction of their excrement and a reduction in inflammation and snot. -- and a reduction in coughing so a person can get some much needed sleep.

I know what you mean by "immune system" but that was invented by Germ Theory proponents. There is nothing to be immune from. There are no illnesses or diseases outside of us to be protected from. We have a health system but it functions in an eliminatory way. It detoxifies. It pushes stuff out.

Illness & disease is a condition and not an actual thing in itself. It's not an entity. It's not a thing that exists and therefore it's not a thing you can catch or transmit. You can't transfer your sore toe to someone else's toe, can you? What about headache or menstrual cramps or toothache or arthritis?

An illness is a condition. It is a response to an insult to cells or tissue, or some sort of deficiency. It is a repairing process. A rebalancing process. The illness IS the cure. The symptoms are evidence that the health system is working. It is doing its best to get rid of something. The cause of the insult or deficiency may never be known.

What happens and what caused it are not nearly as important as HOW you react & respond to the symptoms. You will sometimes over-react and make things worse. You will sometimes under-react and leave things too late to be saved. But most of the time you will be smart and listen to your body and rest & sleep as much as you want to, as well as eat and drink whatever you hanker for -- or, if nauseous, avoid eating full stop.

Every single living creature is a unique biological entity with a unique biochemistry. No one shares the same health system just as no one shares the same biography. Our bodies are as unique as our personalities. One man's medicine that seems efficacious is another man's poison and death sentence. It's all a guess and a gamble and it always has been -- but Big Pharma tricked us into believing "the science" was settled and they had it all figured out. Nope. Not even close. And no one ever will.

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Well said 100%!!

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Jul 15Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

The level of corruption in the medical community and the government regulatory bodies is staggering. The more I read the more I avoid conventional medicine at ALL COSTS. I was becoming very skeptical of the medical complex, but the C19 nonsense removed any last vestige of trust. I only see “alternative” doctors now. And by alternative I mean those who actually try to keep me well, instead of feeding me a bunch of toxic drugs and “vaccines”. Actually I rarely see them and prefer to self-diagnose and treat. It amazes me how many people continue to put blind trust in these people.

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Jul 15Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

My child hasn’t had any vax since 2017 and now is required to get a tdap booster to advance to the next grade….we’re doing homeschool instead. Thank you for giving me more information to solidify our decision.

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I'm curious about where you live? It sounds like California...

Homeschooling is definitely a preferred option. I'm thankful that you are able and willing to take it. <3

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Jul 16Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

Yes we live in the far northern part of CA, about an hour south of Oregon…thanks again for all your postings, it’s reassuring to know other families are doing what they can to resist the vax system.

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I was ordered to get a tetanus booster while being treated for an on the job ( RN -ICU) injury . I spent the next 3 days in bed , high fever right arm red, swollen , painful , hot , disoriented. Mom had forgotten to tell me i had a reaction to same shot as a kid: "you're allergic". That was 1968 haven't had one since.

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All these infectious diseases would cause much less harm and death, and (for those which transmit between humans) be much less prevalent, if everyone had the 50 ng/mL(125 nmol/L = 1 part in 20,000,000 by mass) 25-hydroxyvitamin D circulating in their bloodstream (as is measured in "vitamin D" blood tests), which their immune system needs to function properly.

Please see the research articles cited and discussed at: https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/ .

To the extent that vaccines are effective, their positive benefits will be increased by a strong immune response, which can only occur if the immune system is working properly. Most people, in most countries have half or less of the circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D their immune system needs. One exception are those who supplement vitamin D3 in quantities which, while small, are much greater than what governments and many doctors recommend. The other exception are those who get a lot of UV-B skin exposure (or very large amounts for brown or black skin) all year round.

In 2014, Quraishi et al. (Massachusetts General Hospital) https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamasurgery/fullarticle/1782085 showed that the risk of post-operative infections - both surgical site infections and hospital-acquired infections - was about 2.5% in 770 morbidly obese patients who underwent bariatric surgery for weight loss, for those with pre-operative 50 ng/mL or more circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D.

The further the level was below this, the greater the risk of both types of infection. At 18 ng/mL - a level which many people have if they are not supplementing vitamin D3 at all, or perhaps in small quantities such as 0.015 mg (600 IU) a day on average - the risk of each of these two types of primarily bacterial infection rose to 25%. See an annotated diagram at: https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/#00-50ngmL.

There is very little vitamin D3 in food - fortified or not - or in multivitamins. Ultraviolet B exposure of ideally white skin can produce significant amounts of vitamin D3, but this is not available naturally in sufficient quantities except from high elevation sunlight on cloud-free days, without passing through glass, sunscreen or clothing. All such UV-B damages DNA and so raises the risk of skin cancer.

Fortunately, vitamin D3 supplementation is inexpensive, safe and readily available in quantities which are sufficient to attain at least 50 ng/mL circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D. Almost everyone in the world should be supplementing vitamin D3 properly. (The exceptions are those who get so much UV-B skin exposure all year round that their 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels are 50 ng/mL or more - and they would be at less risk of skin cancer by reducing their UV-B exposure and supplementing vitamin D3 properly.)

50 ng/mL 25-hydroxyvitamin D only be attained with vitamin D3 supplementation in quantities well above the ca. 0.02 milligram, 20 microgram, 800 IU / day recommended by governments and many doctors. For 70 kg 154 lb body weight without obesity, 0.125 milligrams 125 micrograms 5000 IU vitamin D3 a day is a good amount. Approximately 1/4 of ingested vitamin D3 is hydroxylated, primarily in the liver, over several days to a week, and will attain at least the 50 ng/mL level of circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D the immune system needs to function properly. This takes 3 to 6 months to build up a steady level. (See Fig 1 of McCullough et al. 2019 https://sci-hub.se/10.1016/j.jsbmb.2018.12.010.)

"5000 IU" sounds like a lot to take a day of anything, especially since the largest capacity vitamin D3 capsule which can be sold in Australia (eBay sellers ignore this) is 1000 IU. An IU is 1/40,000,000 gram. Once a day is a gram every 22 years - and, ex-factory, pharma-grade vitamin D3 costs about USD$2.50 a gram.

https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/#00-how-much and https://nutritionmatters.substack.com/p/how-much-vitamin-d3-to-take includes New Jersey based Professor of Medicine Prof. Sunil Wimalawansa's recommendations https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/14/14/2997 for vitamin D3 supplemental intake to attain at least the 50 ng/mL (125 nmol/L) circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D, which the immune system needs to function properly, with no risk of toxicity and without the need for blood tests or medical monitoring. This depends on body weight and obesity status, since obesity reduces the ability of the liver to convert vitamin D3 into circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D and because the excess adipose tissue tends to absorb both compounds.

For clinical emergencies, such as sepsis, COVID-19, severe influenza, Kawasaki disease, MIS-C - or, surely, any bacterial infection such as pertussis or tetanus - average weight adults should take a bolus (large, single) oral dose of ca. 10 mg 400,000 IU vitamin D3 cholecalciferol. This will raise their level of circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D safely over 50 ng/mL 125 nmol/L over (very approximately) 4 days or so.

The best approach, as recommended by Prof. Wimalawansa, is a single oral dose of calcifediol (which *is* 25-hydroxyvitamin D): 14 micrograms per kg body weight. For average weight adults, this is 1 milligram. This goes straight into circulation and so raises the circulating level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D safely over 50 ng/mL in 4 hours or so. Unfortunately, most people - doctors and pharmacists included - don't have a milligram of calcifediol ready to use, so the best approach for most people who have normal, unsupplemented, or poorly supplemented - and so low (e.g. 15 to 25 ng/mL) 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels - who have contracted sepsis, COVID-19, influenza, Kawasaki disease, MIS-C etc. is bolus vitamin D3.

The safety and effectiveness of vaccines is, in general, very much overrated. The most widely used vaccine (not counting the COVID-19 vaccines and gene-therapies falsely portrayed as vaccines) is for influenza. Each year a different vaccine is made, targeting the strains of the virus thought most likely to be prevalent. While some people may take this vaccine in the belief that it reduces their chance of infecting others (and the research I am about to mention does not preclude this occurring), surely the main reason for doing so is to protect against severe disease in the person who is vaccinated.

Some researchers set out to detect this reduction in hospitalisation and death due to influenza, confident they would find a strong signal, using a research technique which has no confounding mechanisms. Anderson et al. 2020: https://sci-hub.se/10.7326/M19-3075 analysed huge datasets from England and Wales, covering 9.6 million patient years (vaccination rates by age), hospitalisation data and mortality statistics covering 7.6 million deaths. Due to a government campaign, the 27% rate of influenza vaccination at age 64 jumps to 57% at age 66. Yet, the graphs, by age, of hospitalisation and death due to influenza or other respiratory diseases all rise smoothly with age. There is no decrease around age 65, when an additional 30% of the population adopted (generally) annual influenza vaccination. For a discussion of this and other robust research which shows that influenza vaccines do not reduce serious symptoms or death, please see: https://nutritionmatters.substack.com/p/influenza-vaccines-do-not-reduce and the second article linked to from there.

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Jul 15Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry


The propaganda & coercion is very real.

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Jul 15Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

My 81 year old MIL was given a *tetanus shot when she fell in her own bathroom and broke her pelvis. This was during the COVID crap and they were limiting the number of people in rooms. What a pathetic system it has become. 💰

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Wow, unbelievable that they gave that to your MIL for a fall. Our medical system is so corrupt. I'm sorry that happened to her and I hope she made a full recovery. I remember back in 2018 my previous Dr, whom I really did like mentioned I was due for a Tetanus, last time I remember having one is when I was 6 or 7 when I stepped on a rusty nail in the woods. Thought nothing of it and said "ok" thinking I was only going to get a Tetanus. It wasn't until Covid and had a new Dr who is a jab pusher, not just with the jab but asked me on two seperate visits asking if I wanted the 2nd Shingrex and said it wasn't too late. My previous Dr recommended it after I had a very small shingles spot on my right inner thigh. This was back in 2015. I never went and got the 2nd because every place was out. I guess it was meant to be. It was during covid I started looking through my portal at our medical clinic and it was then I discovered I was given the Tdap series. I was lied to and I was pissed! I already had my suspicions about the covid jab and how "we must save humanity." It was then I was DONE will all of these poisonous maxxines! I never got covid either, I took my supplements that Dr Zelenko recommended and did my research and have stayed completely healthy and being a 21 year cancer survivor. I think like the commentor above stated that you can for the most part self diagnose yourself. People started finding out a lot and by researching when they locked us down. Their mistake backfired. I truly believe this NWO and the WHO, along with the global elitist want everyone injected with every cocktail they come up with or we can't move around in society for control and to cause mass depopulation.

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Jul 15Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

J.Bird IA - “pathetic” may be too nice of a term to use

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Jul 15Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

And I should add, this fall happened after her first 🥕

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I'm so sorry this happened to your MIL.

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