Meet Nathan - A victim of the MMR and "the catch-up schedule."
The first in VaxTruth's "Meet the Children" series.
“You cannot be in the presence of a profoundly vaccine damaged child and not know that child could be your own. And you cannot try to comfort a mother who has just buried a baby who has died from a vaccine … and not know that you could be the one standing over the grave. When it happens to your child, the risks are 100 percent.”
~Barbara Loe Fisher (Founder of the National Vaccine Information Center)
Shortly after my website (VaxTruth) went live in 2011, we started sharing the stories of children who had been injured by vaccines. Many of those stories were about children whose injuries led to a diagnosis of “autism.” So often, what we see in the media glorifies “autism” as something to be celebrated. Normalized. We are told to embrace “autism” as “neurodiversity,” and if we don’t, we are accused of hate-speech, and even of hating our own children. As parents, we see what most people don’t see. We see the pain and we live through the very significant physical illness that often comes with vaccine-injury. A big part of the reason many people do not understand the severity of autism, especially for those at the lower end of the spectrum, is because society never sees these children. Many parents are literally house bound with their children much of the time, as their children’s medical and behavioral needs prevent them from being able to venture beyond their homes. As a result, the segment of society that does not already know a severely injured child can come to believe the lie that “autism is a gift,” because all they see and all they know are the high-functioning representations of autism portrayed by Sheldon (Big Bang Theory) and Shaun Murphy (The Good Doctor).
I am resurrecting the “Meet the Children” series here on Substack. As we are moving into another “measles mania” episode, where there will almost certainly be calls to remove parental rights and exemptions, it is my hope that sharing the very real (and not rare) stories of children who have been harmed will help young parents to receive a more balanced picture of what can actually happen when you follow the ever-expanding CDC Childhood Immunization Schedule.
Meet Nathan
(Nathan’s story was shared by his mother, Juliana. What follows are her words exactly as shared with me.)
Nathan’s story starts in October 2000, when I was pregnant with my fourth child. I went to the pediatrician’s office to have the doctor get ready to take on my 4th child. She noticed that my son Nathan was not up to date on his vaccines, so as a favor to us she decided it would be a good idea to catch Nathan up, since I was getting ready to deliver my baby. That day Nathan received his before, during, and after vaccines in one day.
Nathan was never the same. He went in perfectly healthy and left a very different little boy.
He had this head-to-toe body rash that looked like he had the measles. Then it would blister like chickenpox and start all over again. He had this rash for three years.
Two weeks after Nathan received the vaccines, on October 31st, I had my 4th child. I learned a few years later that Nathan’s MMR was recalled on that day.
Nathan continued to get worse. He had fevers of above 100 degrees daily. He would scream in so much pain, he was inconsolable. He couldn’t talk anymore, and he couldn’t even walk without falling down.
He didn’t get better.
His rash was so bad that he had three biopsies done and over 200 dermatologists couldn’t figure it out. Finally, the CDC was called and ended up doing a deep tissue biopsy of his rash. The findings pointed to his vaccines. Again.
Nathan kept getting worse. He was so sick.
I had 4 kids, but Nathan took up all of my time. That Christmas Eve (2000), we spent the night in the hospital E.R. because Nathan scratched his rash, and it became infected.
In January of 2001, Nathan’s blood work indicated leukemia. Later I found out that leukemia was on the rise after the MMR was given. Long story short, Nathan ended up having 3 biopsies of his rash, one of which was performed by the CDC. He also had an optic nerve biopsy, which indicated Central Nervous System Insult resulting from the vaccines. There were many MRIs, EEGs, spinal taps, and blood draws, and at one point he had spent more than half his life in a hospital.
Finally, in April of 2003, one of Nathan’s ELEVEN doctors grabbed my hand and said, “Nathan is very sick.” I asked him if Nathan could die. The doctor looked me in the eye and said, “Yes.”
I went in for preventative medicine and came out being told Nathan could die?
The strain of Nathan’s care was too much. My husband of 12 years left me and the kids. I missed my oldest son’s first day of high school and my oldest daughter’s first day of kindergarten because Nathan was in ICU.
I brought him home from the ICU after the doctor said, “Take him home and make him comfortable.”
In the photo above, I was so exhausted, holding onto him, but I wouldn’t let him go. The red mark on my hand was from me holding him down so he wouldn’t pull out his IVs. I personally don’t like this photograph because of the memories… but many families might find comfort in it, find hope. I pray that you share this with everyone so that they may know my story, but also so that they may find hope.
I even had to put my newborn in daycare. I have never had any of my kids, not even once, have a babysitter, and here I was was, forced to put her in daycare. I felt like the worst mother ever. I felt like I had given her away.
… a longer story short… During the time between 2000 and 2003, Nathan’s doctors wouldn’t treat him. They left him in miserable pain. It wasn’t until November of 2003 that Nathan’s care was finally put into the hands of someone who cared. That was when I attended my first DAN Conference.
Nathan was on the road to recovery.
Fast forward again…
During the time Nathan required 24-hour care, my other children were put on the back burner. Not by choice but through necessity. I ended up having to sacrifice my other kids to save the one. My oldest son said, “The day Nathan got sick was the day I lost my mom.”
My daughter, Dominique, made a video for her Honors English Class about what it’s like to have a brother with autism. It’s powerful. Please watch it and share with anyone and everyone. I’m letting you know now, grab a tissue. This video is a testimony to the struggles our entire family has had to go through. We still face problems.
My youngest, Veruschka, has had to watch her brother be bullied at school.
I have raised four kids alone and almost lost my son because I trusted the wrong people.
Autism has affected us in every way.
(Note from Marcella: If your family has been affected by vaccine-injury and you would like to share your story, please send it, along with any photos you would like included to
Forced at gunpoint MMR vax from the 5 billion in fruad fines & *leader in cause of death, Big Pharma severely inquired my grandson, he recovered with lasting ASD symptoms! [*see the book, Death by Medicine by Dr. Null] [or the Johns Hopkins [low-ball] iatrogenic study, claiming "medicine" only killed 12.5 million in the last 50 years! as opposed to Dr. Null's 40 million! But who wants' those uncomfortable facts, Right?
These are the kinds of stories that woke me up from my dogmatic slumber. I used to think that vaccines are safe and effective. Now, I know that they are unsafe and ineffective. They are very dangerous and provide no help whatsoever.