Forced at gunpoint MMR vax from the 5 billion in fruad fines & *leader in cause of death, Big Pharma severely inquired my grandson, he recovered with lasting ASD symptoms! [*see the book, Death by Medicine by Dr. Null] [or the Johns Hopkins [low-ball] iatrogenic study, claiming "medicine" only killed 12.5 million in the last 50 years! as opposed to Dr. Null's 40 million! But who wants' those uncomfortable facts, Right?
I’m so sorry about your grandson, tho glad he’s mostly recovered. A neice has two nonverbal autistic boys. We literally watched the oldest go from healthy and vibrant to regression. It’s absolutely heartbreaking and beyond anger inducing. The youngest is even worse. How that works, I have yet to understand except I’ve read that it’s possible a mother having herpes unknowingly may cause even worse vaks reaction with encephalopathy. That’s exactly what happened to the youngest. He has violent outbursts because they think his head hurts which makes sense. 18 stitches recently from hitting his head against the wall. It’s by the grace of God only they get through each day. I keep running through Gods statement in my mind continuously! “Vengeance is Mine!” Sayeth the Lord
Amen brother I'm more sorry for you! “Vengeance is Mine!” so let our Lord deal with the punchment, and ask him to help you & your loved ones! (Did you know that 50 years ago childhood disorders [as mentioned] were like 1 in 40,000, now with the "help" of "modern" "medicine" it's now pushing 1 in 30! Most needing expensive, first do harm, medicine! Satan woulden't have it any other way!
These are the kinds of stories that woke me up from my dogmatic slumber. I used to think that vaccines are safe and effective. Now, I know that they are unsafe and ineffective. They are very dangerous and provide no help whatsoever.
Dear God! I feel for this poor woman ❤️ I have two high functioning autist adult children, one had two in one and other had three in one vaccines.
My daughter had two in one as there was a heightened risk of epilepsy with three in one, epilepsy on fathers side. Her heart problems were discovered at 4 years old.
My son has other 'mental' issues also.
Life is difficult and always has been but you just get on as like you say, the true life of autism is always hidden.
Did anyone see Jon Schwarz's piece in the Intercept today? He is literally writing a piece about the dynamics of talking yourself into excusing imperialism as "good for them" and then asserts that "fear of vaccines" is part of a new fascism. I tried to respond here.
Late again to these posts but I’m grateful to have found them. This story, with all others, will be printed out and be added to a very large package I’m sending anonymously to my pregnant neice. With another neice having two nonverbal autistic boys, I must. She will have to fight her husband on this subject, more than likely, but I’m sending it. And with much prayer!
Forced at gunpoint MMR vax from the 5 billion in fruad fines & *leader in cause of death, Big Pharma severely inquired my grandson, he recovered with lasting ASD symptoms! [*see the book, Death by Medicine by Dr. Null] [or the Johns Hopkins [low-ball] iatrogenic study, claiming "medicine" only killed 12.5 million in the last 50 years! as opposed to Dr. Null's 40 million! But who wants' those uncomfortable facts, Right?
I’m so sorry about your grandson, tho glad he’s mostly recovered. A neice has two nonverbal autistic boys. We literally watched the oldest go from healthy and vibrant to regression. It’s absolutely heartbreaking and beyond anger inducing. The youngest is even worse. How that works, I have yet to understand except I’ve read that it’s possible a mother having herpes unknowingly may cause even worse vaks reaction with encephalopathy. That’s exactly what happened to the youngest. He has violent outbursts because they think his head hurts which makes sense. 18 stitches recently from hitting his head against the wall. It’s by the grace of God only they get through each day. I keep running through Gods statement in my mind continuously! “Vengeance is Mine!” Sayeth the Lord
Amen brother I'm more sorry for you! “Vengeance is Mine!” so let our Lord deal with the punchment, and ask him to help you & your loved ones! (Did you know that 50 years ago childhood disorders [as mentioned] were like 1 in 40,000, now with the "help" of "modern" "medicine" it's now pushing 1 in 30! Most needing expensive, first do harm, medicine! Satan woulden't have it any other way!
These are the kinds of stories that woke me up from my dogmatic slumber. I used to think that vaccines are safe and effective. Now, I know that they are unsafe and ineffective. They are very dangerous and provide no help whatsoever.
Dear God! I feel for this poor woman ❤️ I have two high functioning autist adult children, one had two in one and other had three in one vaccines.
My daughter had two in one as there was a heightened risk of epilepsy with three in one, epilepsy on fathers side. Her heart problems were discovered at 4 years old.
My son has other 'mental' issues also.
Life is difficult and always has been but you just get on as like you say, the true life of autism is always hidden.
I hope this lady finds her peace, bless her.
Did anyone see Jon Schwarz's piece in the Intercept today? He is literally writing a piece about the dynamics of talking yourself into excusing imperialism as "good for them" and then asserts that "fear of vaccines" is part of a new fascism. I tried to respond here.
Well Done!!!
So sad. So powerful.
Late again to these posts but I’m grateful to have found them. This story, with all others, will be printed out and be added to a very large package I’m sending anonymously to my pregnant neice. With another neice having two nonverbal autistic boys, I must. She will have to fight her husband on this subject, more than likely, but I’m sending it. And with much prayer!