Oct 2Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

About a month ago, I was chatting with a group of moms about homeschooling regrets. We shared and encouraged each other. (It was not a totally dark conversation.) When they asked me, I shared that my biggest regret was vaccinating my kids - especially with aborted fetal tissue.

The discussion continued with others sharing their various regrets and lessons learned. Then one of my closer friends returned to the topic of vaccines. I could tell she had been mulling my statement. She is still new to ‘alternative’ healthcare and asked me what she should do about the M vax. She has a 17yo son and admitted that she is terrified because of the propaganda. At the time, I empathized with her fear and advised that she read the list of ingredients before deciding.

When I read this article the other day, I immediately shared it with her. She texted me back, very appreciative for all the well-researched information.

So thank you for taking the time to research these things so thoroughly, explain them so clearly, and share them so freely. Because of you, I am MUCH better equipped to warn and encourage other moms.

I pray that God will bless you and your family with overwhelming joy, strength, protection, and provision. May He continue to give you insight and wisdom.

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Thank you so much for sharing this with me, Rebecca. You made my eyes leak. <3

This is what it's all about. I am grateful that my work has helped you, and am grateful to you for being a part of the ripple effect.

Many blessings to you and your family, as well.

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Marcella...this is a huge amount of info...thank you for giving your time to put it all together. You are a blessing

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Sep 26Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

I came across your article not arbitrarily but perhaps by God’s grace. I have a high school junior and we parents have been receiving emails about “required” vaccinations for upcoming seniors. Those required here in Virginia are meningitis and HPV. They say you can opt out of HPV. Why get it anyway? HPV is passed through sexual contact. Are these kids having sex with everyone in class all day long?? Ridiculous. I’ll be opting for the religious exemption for meningitis for my child. I was already planning on it before reading your article. And first of all, no one should be “required” to vaccinate their kids. It should simply be a parent’s choice, end of story. It is past time for Big Pharma hold over our children to end!

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It should never have had a hold in the first place. Vaccines are the biggest fraud ever in the medical world.

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There is a big problem with vaccine efficacy rates [the difference between relative efficacy rate (RRR) and absolute efficacy rate (ARR)].

Relative Risk Reduction vs. Absolute Risk Reduction



There is a formula in the basics of medicine (or rather, statistics).

RRR≡(Number of cases without intervention - Number of cases with intervention) / Number of cases without intervention * 100[%]

≡ Reduction rate of cases only without considering population

ARR≡[1-{1-cases without intervention / total number of cases without intervention} / {1-cases with intervention / total number of cases with intervention}] * 100[%]

≡ Reduction rate of cases for individuals with population taken into consideration

Many doctors (and of course laypeople) do not understand the difference between absolute efficacy rate and relative efficacy rate (RRR efficacy rate as stated by FDA, CDC, and pharmaceutical companies).

While reading the clinical trial report of Pfizer, I realized, "What is this!?"

I think it's good to remember the following basic image!!!

For example, suppose there are 1 million people(unvacctinated), and 10,000 people become infected.

If 1 million people are vaccinated and the number of infected people drops to 1,000, the relative effectiveness rate RRR will be (10,000-1,000)/10,000, which is 90%.

However, even if everyone is not vaccinated, 990,000 people will not be infected in the first place, so 9,000 out of 1 million people will not be infected by vaccination, so the absolute effectiveness rate ARR = 9,000/1,000,000 is just under 1%.

This is the effectiveness rate that is meaningful to individuals.

Assuming that there are 1,000 infected people out of 1 million, and the number drops to 100 after everyone is vaccinated, the RRR is still 90% but ARR ≒ 0.1%.

No matter how you look at it, RRR is a strange definition.

Before Pfizer's clinical trials were later exposed as fraudulent, the ARR for BNT162b2 was 0.716%.

Because it was a fraudulent clinical trial, the ARR is actually lower.

Gardasil: HPV (human papilloma) uninfected: ARR = 0.7%, RRR ≒ 50%

Gardasil: HPV already infected: ARR = 3.07%, RRR ≒ 70%

Gardasil contains the neurotoxin ALuminum at 416±75μg per dose.


I haven't done the calculations, but AL compounds enter the body at a time with a molecular count of several hundred trillion to several quadrillion, and of course they enter the brain and nervous system.

(1μg of pure AL atoms is 4.6 quadrillion)

There is a paper that says that women with an appropriate Vitamin D3 level are less likely to develop cervical dysplasia.


In the case of Gardasil, blood tests should be done before vaccination to see if you are already infected or not.

Vaccination while infected is said to be highly carcinogenic, so regular checkups + early surgery are recommended.

First of all, there are many types of HPV-virus, and the vaccine only works on a few of them.

I hope the above information is helpful.

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Thank you for commenting, Donna. I am glad you found my article and hope you will share with others who are facing the same kind of pressure as you have been subjected to. I have a presentation on Gardasil (HPV vaccination) that may also be helpful to your friends who may not yet have done their research. I hope you will share.


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Sep 26Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

Thank you for this, it is the final article I needed to complete my journey from former GP (U.K.) to complete anti-vaxxer! This was the one disease that I saw regularly enough to terrify me. Working in a big city teaching hospital I would see one case a week in the 90s and one case a month in a smaller district general hospital. I would also see returning paediatric patients who had suffered blindness, deafness, limb amputation etc. I never saw a patient die but when I became a parent myself I then knew of three teenagers who died from it. The one patient whose life I think I saved was a 15yr old boy that I diagnosed and treated on a home visit as a GP. As I became an anti-vaxxer slowly over the last few years, this was always the one that I hesitated about, after all, I had even paid privately to vaccinate my children against men B when they were teenagers as the NHS didn’t fund it!

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Very glad it got there in the end. I was a building surveyor and thought up until 2020 that vaccines were of some use except for the 'flu as people fell ill anyway so what was the point.

In June of 2020 at the age of 60 after two months solid research on fulough I realise they were all pointless at best. My wife and I have no children so didn't have to face that challenge of vaccination.

Vaccines are a ghastly fraud and are just the tip of the big pharma iceberg.


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I can only imagine the very difficult work you must have done to completely shift your paradigm. Thank you for commenting.

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Sep 26Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry


Welcome the Eagle has found some more!

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Sep 26Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

Had three friends - menactra booster and also meningitis ( trumemba )

Patient 1. Bedridden all day

Patient 2. Passed out in shower

Patient 3. At first they thought eczema then was treated for impetigo- went on for couple months after injection.

All taken bc they thought they needed for college. Only one of three colleges required. The others was simply recommended, but were scared into it by pediatricians.

Inexplicably after 2020, meningitis boosters became mandatory in public schools. Why?

Just another influx of $$$$ for pharma and kids pay the price.

God help us.

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Sep 26Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

Exactly this, Marcella... "It is my job as a parent to educate and empower her to make informed decisions about health behaviors. Vaccination is no different. If my child decided to use heroin or fentanyl, I would not drive her to the parts of town where she could score her fix, and I would not pay for an Uber so she could do it on her own. I would not pay for a hotel room so she could have sex indiscriminately. And I would not invest tens of thousands of dollars in an institution that will strong-arm her into injecting vaccines that may kill her, and which may end up giving her the same strains of meningitis the vaccines are advertised to prevent." How long will it take to break through the fear campaigns that have us lining up to be voluntarily poisoned? If there is coercion present in any exchange between people that should cause us to walk in the opposite direction - not step in line and agree to poison ourselves so we can move ahead one square on this sick game board.

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Sep 25Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

Thank you ! I have no children, and thankfully the friend with children has not jabbed in years and is homeschooling. But I kept the page anyways, in case I hear someone is jab happy!

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