We have had 3 babies die from vaccine injuries and one that is 19 and is like a 2 year old after 9 shots at 18 months old!

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Oh, my heart. I am so sorry for what your family has been through.

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My son exactly... no phukking do-overs... I leave you to it as I go and cry... MMR #&$#%$%

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This helps makes sense of so much that I‘ve been through in life. I have a very damaged, sensitive gut and also many symptoms that point to what they call autism. Also interesting: Since I started healing my gut I also became less „autistic“.

Thanks for sharing!

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Or just stop vaccinations. Period. https://theylied.ca/Vaccines.shtml


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Aug 27Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

Stephanie Seneff is validated once again

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Aug 26Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

It shouldn't be SO frustrating, when science is supposed to be about discovery. But, I'm old enough to know better. Hopefully we're getting somewhere.

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Aug 26Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

Everyone on this thread needs to read GAPS - Gut and psychology syndrome, the answer to autism. Read the testimonies in GAPS stories, from mothers.

Also, it's not just vaccines that cause autism. Children are being born with autism and other neurological/gut damage because of generational degeneration through malnourishment and mass chemical poisoning in everything imaginable. This is why it's often the first born that is autistic because the mother dumps her toxic load into the fetus.

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Aug 25Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

The MMR vaccine does not cause Autism. The so called research apparently proving this has been discredited and many studies have disproved it. It's just unfortunate that often circumstances conspire to make Autism more obvious about the same time as kids have to MMR. I'm autistic & I had to suffer hearing loss because I didn't get the MMR, born to early to get it , due to measles. That said there may be truth in the gut biome thing. I'm certain my gut biome is disordered & is part of why I have IBS & have to treat it with probiotics.

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MMR and other vaccines are one of multiple factors that combine to cause the systemic damage to the neurological, immunological, gastrointestinal, circulatory, and excretory systems, resulting in the behavioral manifestations that lead to an autism diagnosis.

I have seen children who were diagnosed with autism and who have never had vaccines. In every case I have seem personally (or spoken with or investigated) there were links to significant environmental toxicity, including heavy metals from coal and fossil fuels, pesticides, organophosphates, glyphosate… It’s synergistic toxicity combined with genetic predisposition, particularly SNPs in the methylation and CYP450 pathways. It’s epigenetics: the interaction of genetics and environmental toxicity, including those toxins (and human DNA fragments from aborted fetal tissue causing insertional mutagenesis) in vaccines.

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Aug 27Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

If you pay attention to the article it states that there’s no such thing as autism, but instead there is iatrogenic and environmental injuries that cause systemic dysfunction.

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Aug 24Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

Wakefield found this 20 years ago! 🤷‍♂️

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Wakefield found a novel kind of gastrointestinal damage from the MMR vaccine. Many kids with “autism” have sky high measles titers after vaccination. Their immune systems are skewed (partly from earlier vaccines and their ingredients) and they do not clear the live attenuated measles virus. They end up with a chronic measles infection in the gut. High dose vitamin A treatment (for two days only!) often results in the kids getting the measles rash and then clearing the infection, followed by amazing developmental gains in communication, language, eye contact, and behavior.

This study expands greatly on Wakefield’s work, demonstrating that there are very significant differences in the gut microbiome from multiple sources. Glyphosate is also a contributing factor, as are vaccine ingredients like the surfactants (Triton-X 100, for example), which strip the lining of the GI tract.

And then there is the overuse of antibiotics, given because of immune system disregulation from vaccines, resulting in the decimation of beneficial gut flora, which allows for the overgrowth of multiple pathogenic organisms.

It’s synergistic toxicity.

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Aug 24Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

Hollywood has been plying the trope of the, shall we say, “noble neurodivergent” character for decades, granting itself virtue-signalling points galore and hoisting innumerable industry awards for projects featuring such characters along the way.

One can only imagine what switching that “injured by inscrutable fate” narrative line for an “injured by greedy Pharma-pimps” line would (will?) do to all its deceptive do-goodery. I live in hope.

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Aug 24Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

I assumed that autism is caused by vaccines because my son changed after his 12-month vaccinations but after having another son who I never vaccinated he also has autism.

I believe the gut is affected because my second son was born via c-section, he was breastfed after birth but not vaccinated. My older son was the second twin with normal delivery but not breastfed.

My older son is more severe, I believe due to being vaccinated, whereas the younger son is less severe but prone to seizures.

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Aug 24Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

Did you do vitamin k shot? Bc I considered my 2nd unvaxxed not realizing vit k had the same adjutant in it. Also, if you had your son in a hospital, it is possible they vaxxed him without your consent. :( Other possible suspects are that our placentas detox all the crap from our bodies.... so it could be that there is a genetic tipping point here too as indicated by one of the articles about higher levels of omega 6 in mom equalled more autism risk in child. either way I'm in the same boat so I wish you luck on your journey to understanding.

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Aug 24Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

I did vitamin K for the older one but because the younger one was born via c-section, he ended up in the neonatal care unit due to breathing problems, they gave him the vitamin K shot without my consent.

I am in the UK babies are routinely given their first vaccines at 8 weeks.

I think because both my boys did not get my beneficial bacteria at the birthing stage they were both missing out from the start and had compromised guts.

The other thing I would associate with autism is that during my antenatal appointments, I had a lot of scans with both these pregnancies. The first pregnancy was twins and with the last pregnancy, the baby was breech. The third and fourth pregnancies I had the children are neurotypical.

The other thing is maternal health, in both these pregnancies I had infections which required antibiotics.

I do know that my boys have gut issues and I am doing a program called gut balancing with them and have so far seen some favourable results.

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You are definitely onto something. The gut microbiome is key. Vaccines damage the microbiome in myriad ways, but they are not the only contributing factor.

Maternal health is very important, and the antibiotics you received could definitely be a factor. Other things like amalgam fillings, working around chemicals or heavy metals, exposure to pesticides, glyphosate from GMO foods or other environmental exposures, heavy metals in tattoo ink… the amount of toxic chemicals we are all exposed to is extreme.

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There's a lot of confusion about parasites due to the disproven germ theory of disease. Parasites are janitors of the body, like bacteria, that eat up toxins like heavy metals in a polluted environment, ie the gut. They are produced by bacteria when the body requires them in a process caused pleomorphism, which the mainstream does not accept, but has been proven. When they have done their job they leave the body. If the gut is not able to exit them after their role is complete, then an enema is required. The gut environment dictates the microorganisms. This is all healed by food ie the GAPS nutritional protocol. Animal fat being absolutely essential.

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Stop the one studies. Try to do this study. Vaccine versus unvaccinated. Quick Look at the health of the Amish, private school, homeschooled, and Muslim countries (controls) versus US children, public schools. No one has ever and no one will.

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It actually has been done multiple times in other countries, and most recently, in the US in the private sector. The ones who refuse to do the studies are the ones benefiting from the sale and uptake of vaccines.


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Aug 26Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

Just bought the book. Thank you.

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Aug 23Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

Question, if gut flora is disturbed does a gut microbe transplant (fecal) from a NON impacted 'autistic' person correct the autism issues, OR are they permanently damaged with no recovery possible?

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Aug 23Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

non autistic person I mean to say! Does the fecal gut microbe transplant from the healthy person cure the 'ill with autism' person?

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There was a researcher at Arizona State University or University of Arizona, I don’t recall which, doing fecal transplants for the treatment of autism around a decade ago. I know because I reached out to them to try to get my daughter in the study. They sent questionnaires, other info, that I returned, then heard nothing. I’m not sure what happened with the study. Wouldn’t be at all surprised if they had good results, so defunded and silenced.

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I have not heard of any studies for autism using fecal transplants; however, they do fecal transplants for a clostridium difficile (Cdiff) diagnosis and it works.

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Aug 23Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

Careful, this is exactly what Andrew Wakefield stated in 1998, lost his license, his livelihood and had to move out of the UK! 😜

All true, tho

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Aug 26Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

There are no studies saying autism is not caused by vaccines. All the studies say they can’t prove or disprove vaccines cause autism. Inconclusive. They lied.

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Aug 26Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

Yes, they lied and kids/people died!

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every lie leads to death!! every single one, it is just that people do not take lies seriously enough, there are no white lies! this is what you get when you promote values other than the Truth. People must die for the Truth if that is what you want to see in this world

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