New study finds unique gut microbiomes in children with autism.
They didn't need a study for this. All they needed to do was ask the parents who watched it happen after vaccination.
This morning, UPI News is reporting on a 2024 study conducted in China, in which the researchers “discovered” that the gut microbiomes of children diagnosed with autism are substantially different from the gut microbiomes of neurotypical children. Ask any parent of a child with autism about their thoughts on this study and you are likely to receive a response like, “No shit, Sherlock.” Or “Our lives have been literally ‘full of shit’ ever since the day our child received the MMR vaccine.”
The study was published July 8, 2024, in the journal Nature Microbiology. Of course, all but the abstract is behind a paywall. What we can glean from the abstract is that when stool samples were examined for the presence of bacteria, fungi, viruses, archaea, other microbes, and evidence of altered pathways, the microbiomes of children diagnosed with ASD were so vastly different from the microbiomes of neurotypical children that there were 31 different markers which revealed a “superior diagnostic accuracy,” with an AUC (Area Under the Curve) score of .91. AUC scores range from 0-1 and the higher the score, the more confidence you can place that the result is not by chance alone. The results were similar for both males and females in the study. The age range of study participants was from 1 to 13 years.
Here is the abstract:
Associations between the gut microbiome and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have been investigated although most studies have focused on the bacterial component of the microbiome. Whether gut archaea, fungi and viruses, or function of the gut microbiome, is altered in ASD is unclear. Here we performed metagenomic sequencing on faecal samples from 1,627 children (aged 1–13 years, 24.4% female) with or without ASD, with extensive phenotype data. Integrated analyses revealed that 14 archaea, 51 bacteria, 7 fungi, 18 viruses, 27 microbial genes and 12 metabolic pathways were altered in children with ASD. Machine learning using single-kingdom panels showed area under the curve (AUC) of 0.68 to 0.87 in differentiating children with ASD from those that are neurotypical. A panel of 31 multikingdom and functional markers showed a superior diagnostic accuracy with an AUC of 0.91, with comparable performance for males and females. Accuracy of the model was predominantly driven by the biosynthesis pathways of ubiquinol-7 or thiamine diphosphate, which were less abundant in children with ASD. Collectively, our findings highlight the potential application of multikingdom and functional gut microbiota markers as non-invasive diagnostic tools in ASD.
According to the author of the UPI article,
The finding means that unique traces of gut bacteria, fungi, viruses and more could one day become a diagnostic tool, lead study author Qi Su, a researcher at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, told the New York Times.
Such a tool could help professionals diagnose autism sooner, quickly getting children treatments that are more effective at younger ages, he added.
The idea was tantalizing to some experts.
"Too much is left to questionnaires," Sarkis Mazmanian, a microbiome researcher at the California Institute of Technology, told the Times. "If we can get to something we can measure -- whatever it is -- that's a huge improvement."
But. Guess what? There is some resistance to this line of research. There is some resistance to accepting and promoting the use of markers in the microbiome as a diagnostic tool that might help children with autism receive early interventions that would improve their quality of life.
From the UPI article:
Still, the concept that the gut microbiome might play a role in the development of autism remains controversial among researchers, Gaspar Taroncher-Oldenburg, a microbiologist who published a landmark study on the subject last year, told the Times.
He called the most recent study an "important milestone" in the broader acceptance of this line of research.
"There is a changing of the winds," he said. "People are now accepting that the microbiome is not just part of this, but it might be a fundamental piece of the puzzle."
In the new study, researchers identified major biological differences between the stool of children with autism and other samples.
The differences in the microbiomes of children diagnosed with autism and neurotypical children were so stark that the model used was able to accurately distinguish between ASD stool samples and neurotypical stool samples nearly every time. This should be very exciting news in a field where there are currently no blood tests or accepted biological markers available to assist in the diagnostic process. You would think there would be universal acceptance of this exciting news. But it’s “controversial.”
Why would that be so? Because opening that door of exploration, and acknowledging that “autism” is medical, and has very strong underlying gastrointestinal illness as a primary factor, will pull the rug out from under the entire “neurodiversity” and “acceptance” paradigm. What pediatrician, what parent, what “medical association” could possibly turn their backs on the FACT that infants and children are actually PHYSICALLY ILL, while continuing to IGNORE those children’s physical illness, if there is solid research that shows they should be addressing that illness?
This line of research presents quite a conundrum for all of those doctors and their “associations” who have been adopting the see-no-evil and do-no-good stance when they administer vaccines to healthy infants and children who then suddenly develop horrific diarrhea and/or debilitating constipation. I distinctly hear a very large, collective, “UH-OH.”
Here is what needs to happen next:
This study needs to be followed up with a longitudinal study of the gut microbiomes of infants from birth - BEFORE any vaccines are administered. Stool samples should be analyzed prior to, and after vaccination. Every time. Not just for the MMR, but for every round of vaccinations, beginning with the Hepatitis B vaccine, and again, one month after each of the “well-baby” and “well-child” checks (aka vaccine appointments). The experimental group should consist of children who receive vaccinations according to the CDC’s Childhood Schedule, and the control group should consist of children who receive zero vaccines (including zero vaccines given to the mother during pregnancy).
Or they could save the money spent on “research” and those doctors, researchers, and “associations” could just start listening to the parents. The following picture is of a little boy I saw (one of many with nearly identical histories of vaccine-injury) when I was in private practice, working almost exclusively with children who had been diagnosed with “autism.”
Andrew Wakefield was right. Children with “autism” have injured guts and those gut injuries happen as a result of vaccination. This is why the findings, which should be extremely exciting, are “controversial.”
What follows is the text of an essay I wrote in 2008, which was originally published as a Facebook Note.
Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism
Okay. I give up.
Vaccines do not cause autism.
Autism is a behavioral diagnosis. In order to receive the diagnosis of “Autism” a child must exhibit a certain number of behaviors over a certain time frame. If he or she does not do so, the diagnosis of “autism” is not warranted.
There is no blood test for “autism.”
“Autism” can’t be confirmed or “ruled-out” by laboratory analysis. It’s strictly a behavioral diagnosis.
Therefore, anything that causes physiological damage cannot directly “cause” autism.
Ergo… vaccines cannot “cause” “autism.”
Vaccines cause other stuff.
Vaccines cause encephalitis.
Vaccines cause seizures.
Vaccines cause immune system deficiencies.
Vaccines cause gastrointestinal problems.
Encephalitis causes mood swings.
Encephalitis causes extreme pain.
Encephalitis causes inattention and impulsivity.
Encephalitis causes aggression.
Encephalitis causes balance problems and difficulty relating to one’s environment.
Seizures cause mood swings.
Seizures cause inattention and impulsivity.
Seizures cause alterations in consciousness.
Immune system deficiencies cause children to have more frequent bacterial infections, such as ear infections, upper respiratory infections (URIs), sinusitis, and strep infections.
Immune system deficiencies cause children to have more frequent viral infections, such as stomatitis, “fevers of unknown origin,” “viral rashes,” hives, conjunctivitis, and gastrointestinal viruses that cause vomiting and diarrhea.
Immune system deficiencies cause children to be more vulnerable to “everything that’s going around” and to have a tougher time getting over things than their peers.
Gastrointestinal damage from vaccines causes diarrhea.
Gastrointestinal damage from vaccines causes nausea, reflux, vomiting, and the recently discovered “disease” now known as GERD (Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease).
Gastrointestinal damage from vaccines causes increased vulnerability to viruses and bacteria, which leads to increased administration of antibiotics, which leads to overgrowth of pathogenic yeast.
Pathogenic yeast overgrowth leads to intestinal hyperpermeability (“leaky gut syndrome”).
Pathogenic yeast overgrowth leads to constipation.
Pathogenic yeast overgrowth leads to food allergies.
Pathogenic yeast overgrowth leads to skin eruptions, “drunken, silly behavior,” inattention and impulsivity, and cravings for bread, sugar, ice cream, milk, and carbohydrates.
Technically, vaccines do not cause autism because technically there is no such thing as autism.
Vaccines cause the underlying physical conditions that result in the pain, neurological damage, immune system disorders, gastrointestinal damage, and yeast overgrowth – all of which combine to produce the behavioral symptoms that result in the “autism” diagnosis.
Gastrointestinal damage is the most obvious result of vaccine damage.
When a previously healthy child suddenly starts having multiple episodes of watery and extremely stinky diarrhea every day, and this happens shortly after receiving vaccinations, it is notable as a “vaccine injury.” What is not so obvious is that when the child’s gut is permanently damaged, he or she is no longer able to absorb nutrients necessary to produce neurotransmitters necessary for proper brain function. So, when the child develops mood swings, sleep difficulties, and learning disabilities several months later, these issues are not recognized as being related to the vaccine injury because the initial damage occurred many months earlier.
Please re-read the previous paragraph.
This is why Dr. Andrew Wakefield is such a threat to the pharmaceutical industry.
Dr. Wakefield NEVER said vaccines cause autism.
Dr. Wakefield is a gastroenterologist. He saw a number of children with gastrointestinal problems who also happened to be diagnosed with autism. Dr. Wakefield reported his observations. He never claimed that the MMR “caused” autism. He merely reported that a number of children he had seen had BOTH gastrointestinal problems AND autism, and according to parental report, these issues developed within a short time of when the children received the MMR vaccine.
Again… Why is Dr. Wakefield such a threat to the pharmaceutical industry?
Hint: Not because vaccines cause autism – they don’t.
Vaccines cause gastrointestinal damage.
Gastrointestinal damage causes malabsorption of nutrients necessary for proper brain function.
Malabsorption of essential nutrients causes immune system disorders, seizures, encephalopathy, etc… and THAT’s what leads to the ultimate diagnosis of “autism.”
If Dr. Wakefield’s observations are correct, SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE will eventually draw the connection between vaccines and the domino-effect that leads to the “autism” diagnosis. From the perspective of the pharmaceutical industry, better to “nip it in the bud” now, which means discrediting Dr. Wakefield to the extent that no one will look further into the science.
Has this ploy worked?
Not for me. And not for many of the very intelligent parents I know.
Only time will tell if there are enough of us to make a difference.
Note: For more on vaccines and encephalitis:
Links to peer-reviewed medical literature:
Phenotypic expression of autoimmune autistic disorder (AAD): a major subset of autism.
Toxicity of nano gamma alumina to neural stem cells.
Abnormal measles-mumps-rubella antibodies and CNS autoimmunity in children with autism.
If you believe the above links are biased, then please, get it straight from the horse’s mouth and check out the vaccine inserts (direct from the manufacturers) for yourself. Link:
My daughter has had Crohn’s since her teens. She will be 50 this year. To this day I say it is from her vaccine jabs. I came to this conclusion from following Dr. Tenpenny and Marcella years ago. She had five DTP, one MMR, and 3 oral polio in 1974-1975.
My oldest daughter developed sudden strabismus at age 4. Her eye turned in severely. We were told it has always been that way! Nope - pictures as proof! Again, Vaccine induced from inflammation and damage to eye muscles. My conclusions after years of reading.
Careful, this is exactly what Andrew Wakefield stated in 1998, lost his license, his livelihood and had to move out of the UK! 😜
All true, tho