Praying for Alexis now.

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prayer won't stop the monsters from pushing poison

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Lord, heavenly father, I ask that you pour out your compassion into the hearts and souls of the social worker, nutritionist, doctors, nurses, and anyone with common sense and knowledge to do the right thing by Alexis. I ask that you straighten out the pathways in Alexis for a complete healing. We thank you and praise you Jesus for bringing Alexis to the light of day. I pray that hope and love cushion every cell in Alexis' body. Take any burden off her body, any burden of chemicals or pain.

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This all feels so surreal. 💔💔💔

Prayers offered ❤️‍🩹

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May the Source of Love and all that is good fill her mind, heal her body and give her peace. Amen

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Praying for complete healing for Alexa. 🙏🙏🙏🙏

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God, have MERCY!!!!!!

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Just prayed for this sweet girl. 😭 Thank you for calling us to prayer!

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May the precious and powerful Blood of Our Lord and Savior,Jesus Christ, heal Alexis. Amen.

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Sending love and healing prayers that this beautiful young lady makes a full recovery…Lord God, please wrap your healing arms around Alexis…bring peace and comfort to her heart, mind, body, and soul while she recovers, Amen. 🙏

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To your prayer:

In Jesus name, Amen.

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God have mercy!! Hear our prayers for this dear one -Lexi!!


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Thanks for sharing, Marcella, especially the prayer. It's a sweet and powerful prayer. I, like thousands of others, have been praying daily for her.

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Amen. Thank you. Been following her story.

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