Seven-Month-Old-Baby Girl: Gravely ill 10 days after six-month well-baby check-up, dies while doctors deny any connection to vaccines.
It’s been a rough few days. I wish I could say this is a rare event, but over the last several years, it’s unfortunately been an all-too-frequent occurrence.
On Saturday morning, November 9th, I received a heart-breaking message from a Facebook Friend, letting me know about a 7-month-old-baby girl who was having a severe reaction to vaccinations given a few days prior. What follows are screenshots of our messages over the last two days. I have blacked out the baby’s name, and other identifying information, including the name of the hospital and the city in which the family lives.
My responses are in blue.
Sunday, November 10, 2024:
My friend has asked me to remove the screen shot of her response. In her message, she informed me that she had passed along the information to her friend, but no action had been taken. She related that the baby was “…completely maxed out on the vent, BPmeds, everything, and they are still discussing withdrawal of care.” She stated that she again encouraged her friend to contact Graith Care and she thanked me for checking in.
Monday morning…
Here is what I know about this situation:
The baby was vaccinated approximately ten days before becoming extremely ill.
The baby received the vaccines recommended for a six-month-old infant. Assuming the physician is following the CDC recommended schedule, a six-month-old baby would receive the following ten vaccines:
Hepatitis B (3rd dose)
Rotavirus (3rd dose)
DTaP (3rd dose) [diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis = three vaccines)
Haemophilus influenzae B (3rd dose)
Pneumococcal conjugate (3rd dose)
Inactivated polio vaccine (3rd dose)
COVID-19 vaccine (1st dose)
Influenza vaccine - quadrivalent (1st dose)
The baby developed intussusception within the first two weeks after vaccination.
Intussusception within 21 days of rotavirus vaccination is listed as a Table Injury in the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.
Surgery to repair the intussusception was not sufficient to heal the baby from the extent of her injuries and she was life-flighted to a hospital in a neighboring state. Doctors and nurses were told the baby had been recently vaccinated. Medical staff denied there could be any connection between the baby’s very critical medical injuries and the vaccinations she had received just days prior to becoming ill. The parents were assured the vaccines had nothing to do with it.
Because the doctors refused to even consider that the baby’s very serious medical condition may have been caused by the vaccinations she had received, the baby was denied any possibility of receiving appropriate care for her vaccine injuries.
The 7-month-old baby girl suffered horrifically while being denied appropriate care. She died on the morning of November 11, 2024.
The information I received about this baby came from a Facebook friend who is good friends with the baby’s maternal grandmother. The grandmother did not vaccinate her own children, including the mother of the baby who just died. Unfortunately, the grandmother’s warnings went unheeded by the baby’s parents. This is an extremely painful situation and is one with which I am intimately familiar.
There are few things in life that can drive a chasm through a mother-daughter relationship like differences of opinion when it comes to child-rearing. When it comes to vaccination, the concerns of grandparents are often shut out in favor of “following the science” and “listening to the doctors.” It was bad before COVID. It’s much worse now. Lines have been drawn in the sand, to the extent that even when serious vaccine injury is so obvious as this case, parents cannot see what is happening before their own eyes. Until it’s too late.
I truly pray for the parents of this precious baby. I pray for healing of their immense grief. I pray for healing of their immense guilt, which I am sure will set in over time, as they learn the true extent to which they have been duped and lied to by the United States Government, The CDC, The FDA, ACIP, the American Academy of Pediatrics, their own pediatrician, the doctors and nurses who “treated” (failed to treat) their daughter, the media, and themselves.
I pray for the grandmother to have a truly loving and forgiving heart, and to be able to be available for her daughter, without any hint of “I told you so.” I cannot imagine how this family will ever heal from this. I pray they can, with God’s help.
I pray the parents will be open to receive information as they navigate their grief.
There are things that must be done, and obtaining appropriate autopsy tests is paramount. I pray they ask the hard questions and come to the necessary conclusions so they can really know and understand what happened to their daughter.
Will that attorney take cases from Washington state for the Covid vaccine? It killed my 29 year old daughter. She was a healthy nurse who died of a sudden cardiac arrest after her 4th Pfizer jab. Or if anyone knows an attorney who will take a case pro bono please let me know. It’s been 18 months since she passed away and the grieving process is brutal. Grief brain doesn’t help. I think I am finally ready to start legal warfare on these bastards who killed my daughter.
This schedule of vaccines for a 6 month old baby is just wicked. How can anyone want to jab their vulnerable baby with this stuff. There is even a covid vaccine on there. It beggars belief.