Yep. I came to the anti-vax perspective via this exact route.

I watched my grandmother struggle for years with IBS, diverticulitis, and then Parkinsons. When I discovered my own gluten sensitivity, I realized that my grandma had actually been struggling with gluten intolerance all those years. Her doctors either did not know or did not say anything. Nor did my doctors ever mention this possibility. It was complete professional negligence in both our cases.

Upon realizing that I could not trust doctors, I did a ton of research trying to heal myself and my family. That was when I discovered that vaccines destroyed the gut microbiome. Only then did I discover the depth of evil in vaccines (and big pharma).

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Glyphosates Have Contributed To Higher Amounts Of Gluten In Wheat & Grains & Increased Toxicity As Well Exacerbating The Leaky Gut Issues Also!

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Yes! Very good point. Thank you for commenting.

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Thank You Marcella! Love Ya! :)

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