Thanks again, Marcella. I've been following and praying.

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Thank you for all the updates. Sending so much love and healing to Alexis!

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Wth is wrong with the medical system. Seriously! Dont these people have any liability!

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No. You cannot sue Pharma! Regan signed that into law in the '80s.

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You can sue pharma for everything except vaccine injuries. The 1986 law granted freedom from liability to the makers and to those who order and administer vaccines. However, you can sue the hospital for malpractice if they fail to treat appropriately, which they certainly have done.

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Many prayers and Love sent from the world to Alexis and family🙏🏼💜🙏🏼

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This is torture and murder by an industry that is criminal and out of control. It's sickening. Please God give her life and return her health.

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Praying for Lexi🙏🏻

I hope she pulls though this. The one thing that struck me was her describing the Dr telling her that medicine is science. These Doctors have no business anywhere near a patient if they aren’t bending over backwards doing their very best to reverse this terrible adverse reaction. That is their primary job is to save her life. I heard that they are planning to move her to another hospital and hopefully this is done ASAP. Everyone take a good look at where healthcare is going. The incompetence & malfeasance we have seen the past 5 years is astounding. And it’s only going to get worse.

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This is heart wrenching.

I watched this clip on Twit, but was hoping for a more complete update on her condition and the treatment she’s receiving. It’s shocking she was basically ignored immediately following this severe adverse reaction. It seems the hospital staff didn’t know how to treat her or was afraid to treat her.

Chelation therapy using calcium disodium EDTA in combination with large doses of ascorbic acid (vit C) may be an effective treatment for Alexis.

Also, a Manual Lymphatic Drainage massage daily will help remove toxins and boost her immune system.


Every individual has the right to informed consent before receiving any injection. Ask for the vaccine insert (not the incomplete vaccine information sheet handed out by doctors and pharmacies) and read it fully, ingredients, adverse reactions, etc. before consenting. The exception is the covid mRNA injections with an insert that stated/states “intentionally blank” which is a violation of informed consent. Every individual has the right to refuse injection without fear of reprisal. Every individual has a sovereign right to bodily autonomy. What Alexis experienced was medical tyranny which denied her informed consent, and the right to refuse without fear of reprisal. Being young and in pain she was coerced into treatment that she did not want.

Prayers for Alexis in Yahshua’s mighty name. 🙏🏻

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Yes she needs a functional medicine doctor or a naturopath! Or an integrative physician. Someone who knows how to detoxify her!

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Scurvy looks similar, has anyone tested vitamin C levels?

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There are many unlimited injuries and deaths from vaccines and no one is held accountable. It's time for the vaccine makers and doctors be held accountable for not providing the dangers in the inserts and telling the full ingredients. I am sick of the programming to think they are safe when in fact the opposite is true!!!!

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I would like to know full details of Jabs and other drugs given to Alexis.


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Same here.

Until we know the entire timeline and exact drugs given no concrete conclusions can be drawn.

I say this as someone who has been in opposition to all vaccines for my entire adult life.

It's quite possible that this case involves much more than a severe adverse reaction to multiple vaccines being injected.

There are many questions unanswered and many things that raise eyebrows beyond the acute toxicity of the injections.

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Dear Lord, please help Alexis Lorenze & heal her completely from this injury. May she no longer suffer & be free from all residual effects , & live a long happy & healthy life. Amen.🙏🏻

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If she needs blood, this is the place to get it: https://www.purebloodregistry.com/

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worse if she needs a blood transfusion and get covid vaxed blood.. she should be in ICU

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