Thank God You started a blog over here. I broke down just reading what was made available from You years ago before we all got shot down.

I’m Koowah from FB. So glad You’re here!!

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Thank you, Koowah! I'm so glad to see you here and appreciate you!

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Thank You!! 💕

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I couldn’t agree more! So glad I found this. Thank you much.

Sadly, we all know the obvious, but the pediatricians tell you to wash it all with Tylenol. Talk about baking the cake! That’s what seals the deal. 😢 talk about plausible deniability... no way to prove it directly.

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'Pediatricians' will anagram to 'AI satanic pride' which is also very concerning. As to tylenol...


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Restacked immediately!! What a blessing that you’re so obedient to God’s instructions...the rest of us get to be inspired by your knowledge, love for the truth, and commitment to Health Freedom. I love you Marcella 🙏🏻😊

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I love you, Michelle. Thank you! ❤️🙏🏻

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Thank you for that great explanation!! I can’t wait to dig into the rest of the articles at the bottom.

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"If Dr. Wakefield’s observations are correct, SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE will eventually draw the connection between vaccines and the domino-effect that leads to the “autism” diagnosis"

Dr. Robert Naviaux has done this through his Cell Danger Response theory. In short it's that the childhood vax causes so much chronic damage that the body stays in a danger-mode and never fully comes out of the damage-repair cycle which causes the symptoms of autism.

Because this also majorly affects your immune system, of which 70% is in the gut, it makes sense that it would change the gut population.

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Vitamine K package insert listed ingredients include: caustic soda and hydrochloric acid. My daughter had that orally when she was born. 6 years after she still has constipation, abdominal pain and overall gastrointestinal problems. Thank god I never allowed her to be touched with anything else.

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I'm so sorry that happened to your daughter, Jorge, and am very thankful that you did not allow any other injections. So many people just don't know how dangerous and unnecessary the vitamin K shots are. I have a post about it, if you would like to read and share:


In the past, I worked as a biomedical consultant with families of fragile children who had been harmed by vaccines and other medical "interventions" and treatments. So many of the children I saw had significant gastrointestinal problems, including constipation and diarrhea. This is a presentation I put together to outline some of the issues I was seeing, and the things that helped to reverse the damage. I hope it's helpful to you and to your daughter.


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Dear Marcella, thank you very much for sharing your presentation with me! I had read your article about the vitamine K and also saw Dr Humphries’ presentation. Fortunately, I did not allow the injection, but due to the mother’s and her family’s pressure, I conceded it to be given orally (2 oral doses in total). Yet, that mega corrosive cocktail did damage my daughter’s gastrointestinal tract. Her younger brother did not get anything and he is perfect. At the time, I did not know about that Vitamine K and was caught by surprise. At least at the time, I was able to find the study that linked it with leukaemia, but the ingredients were so obviously corrosive that lightened all the possible red flags in me. It still haunts me to this day, that I allowed that to happen, but wife was violent for it. She still has no clue about anything and she still thinks that I am this crazy conspiracy theorist despite that I printed everything for her. I have not divorced her only for not loosing 100% of the custody and still being able to protect the children from her injections.

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What a very difficult situation to be in. And what a dedicated, loving father you are to your children. I pray your wife's eyes are opened and that the two of you can move forward with the solidarity that your children need. I am sending you much love and blessings for peace in your marriage and abundant health for your children.

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That is very sweet from you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your work. Fortunately for my children, I’ve been following you for many years now, even before becoming a parent. As for wife, I have tried everything but she still refuses anything that I present to her. I have like 1 meter long pile of colour-printed studies, package inserts, government studies, pharma documents, data sheets of many ingredients, policy documents, etc. but she still keep parroting the same BS as if all the printed info doesn’t exist. Some people are just dumb as hell and there is just hope for them. So I can only keep showing my teeth and claws. Too bad.

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"SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE will eventually draw the connection between vaccines and the domino-effect that leads to the “autism” diagnosis" They lost that battle long before Dr. Wakefield!

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Thank you so much for this incredible information. I found you last night and can’t stop reading.

Do you have any information on the malaria vaccine? Shedding or transmission information? How to detox from receiving the gift from someone else?

My daughter‘s roommate at college took this shot in preparation for a spring break missions trip. 3 of them share a room.

Thanks in advance.

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Bullshit it’s not always about behaviors- say you don’t understand autism without saying I don’t understand autism sym

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How about read the article and not just the title?

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I think vaccines do cause autism...and other stuff. There have been many examples of this after children received their shots. One family I taught in kindergarten said the father reacted the same way and "got over it" later in life. Their child was learning challenged and behavior issues. I have read of many other examples. I wondered if there was a gene mutation (perhaps MTHFR) involved here.

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Excellent post, thank you. I looked at the definition of autism a while ago and thought it so broad that everybody might be swept up in the label, even if only to a slight degree.

The autism trope is a red herring as vaccines cause injury if anything, as toxic substances can do nothing else.

And they cannot benefit anybody's health ever. A ghastly fraud of the first order.


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Perhaps if you actually read the article, and peruse my other articles, you might see that we are in agreement.

I could resort to name-calling, too, but in my experience, that position is most often taken by pharma trolls, and does little to actually inform or assist others in making informed choices about vaccines.

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Interesting take on this issue. Good info and reasoning, so thank you.

The problem with the autism diagnosis is that it encompasses too many things, IMO. How can Elon Musk be autistic and a child with high support needs be autistic, too? Further DSM refinement is needed, I don't mean go back to the previous scheme. I think that this will be done, but unfortunately there are agendas at work.

So, let's say, a family has many autistic individuals, over several generations, most with very high IQ's which allows them to function well enough though perhaps still avoid socializing (just an example), and perhaps has a few individuals who "look" autistic by the previous DSM criteria, then it appears to have a genetic component.

Further, is it possible that this "family" has various sensitivities to allergens, medications, and other characteristics that predispose them to injury from any number of substances. (as you point out). Vaccines being among the worst. Of course, the people of concern (rightly so) are the ones damaged and these are the ones identified as autistic in public discussions. But all family members may be diagnosed as autistic. Hence, the idea that vaccines "cause" autism arises. Yet there are these other autistic individuals (Musk-like, but without the $) who are not noticed. No one sees vaccines causing them to be like Musk, who has identified himself as autistic. From my observation genes are involved, but it's not simple. The substances are involved, too. Not simple cause and effect, but more complicated.

The advantage of better understanding and refining this (overly broad?) diagnosis would be to warn people from such families not to have childhood vaccines (&more). In a perfect world no one would have these vaccines, but at least a better understanding would warn the most vulnerable. And, of course, the doctors would then be advised to so advise their patients and refrain from giving them.

I don't expect this to happen, but it's been on my mind for a while and I just ran across your blog from the Midwestern Doctor's blog, so I thought I'd give an opinion.

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I thought "autism" is rather poorly defined.

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The diagnosis of "autism" is based on a set of criteria that encompasses behavior, communication, and socialization. The criteria for diagnosis is from the DSM-V, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition. Because the diagnosis is based on behavior, and does not include consideration of underlying medical conditions, it is definitely poorly defined. And just plain wrong. Autism is MEDICAL. Not mental.

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Fwiw, several medical conditions have behavioral effects. People like A Midwestern Doctor would probably be better capable than I of listing them. Toxoplasmosis and syphilis may be best known.

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Absolutely. And many DSM-V diagnostic labels include the instructions that underlying medical conditions should be ruled out before assigning the label. Not for autism.

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The mindless groupthink medical industry acts as if they are controlled by a Toxoplasmosis style parasite! i.e. "Yes master big pharma, I hear & obey"!

I.E. the new doctors oath!

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John Rappoport wrote on his stack recently about this point too and labelling as such, makes compensation impossible to achieve.

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How can you "Think" anything medical in a 5 billion in fruad fines big pharma cartel world? Do you get your info from the [so-called] fake Fact Check arm of that fraudulent indistery? MY grandson suffered life interrupting ASD just after the forced at gunpoint, toxic MMR jab! He was near death for a few days, & sufferers life long jab induced ASD symptoms! The quacks & pimps, said it wasn't the jab!

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They "took the Fifth"! However, I stand by my suggestion. That sounds even worse than the catatonic "autism" the newspapers portrayed during my youth. You think it's a quaint Greek construct? You seem to have some psychological obsessions about all this. While small molecules aren't necessarily good, they're a far cry from injected microbes and their toxins, or genes to induce their expression. Enjoy Slavemerica!

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