Sep 20, 2023Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

The way things are going I am of the opinion that it is safest to avoid all health professionals and have your baby in private at home without interference.

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My children are grown and I have adult grandchildren at this point. If I were to do it again, I would have a home birth. Staying out of the hospital has always been a goal, and at this point, it's essential.

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Sep 20, 2023Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

Wow thank you

I feel we should always get all our products information before deciding wether to use it

Seems common sense

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This was much needed! Thank you. I’m a birth worker and I get questions about the Vit K shot all the time. I’ve been doing a deep dive and your article came right on time.

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I'm so glad to know that the timing was right and the information is helpful! Thanks so much for the positive feedback and the restack!

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Of course! I’m so happy I came across your Substack! Looking forward to more.

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Oct 15, 2023Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

Thank you. This is a post worth saving for the coming years when I will be having children and trying not to mess up (to the best of my knowledge and ability)

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Thank you so much for commenting. You are exactly my target audience and it makes my heart swell to know that my work has reached you and may help you in the future. Please keep researching. <3

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Seems you can't even get k1 drops in Canada. Only k2. That tells me it must work

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