When you control the money supply, the media, the schools and the government, public opinion is not required. Keep paying the useful idiots and jail the dissent. Too easy. This is the end goal of any "government"
Regardless of the noble motives of all the enlighteners regarding vaccination risks, I unfortunately can no longer take Wakefield seriously either. He apparently refuses to accept the fact that "virus" as such has still not been proven to exist anywhere in the world.
This attitude of denial is strange because he could save himself all the trouble of fighting for higher safety standards and controls. None of this makes sense and is necessary if you take the cornerstone of virology out of the house of lies.
I got so tired of having to explain this all over and over again that I wrote an article about it, starting as a Facebook Note and then added to my Substack:
The Other Side of the Wakefield MMR Vaccine and Autism Saga
No, he is not the Godfather of the anti-vaccine movement. His 1998 study did not claim MMR vaccines caused autism.
how do we recover? some of us only saw the light later in the parenting journey. I have one child that suffers continuously from gut/immune/skin related issues as a result of the vaccine schedule. Its frightening...
Still hoping with every cell in my body that my son will be able to convince his partner and family to leave their brand new daughter's immune system intact.
I woke up from 3 decades of indoctrination in mainstream health-care (more aptly named sick-care) and literally fear for my young grandchildren's lives now.
Thank you to EVERYONE digging deep, unearthing and then so clearly presenting details on this money-hungry evil industry.
@ Laurette: You, I and RFK Jr. plus millions of others are starting to wake up & smell the coffee! Dr. Null's book, Death by Medicine taught me that our beloved "safe & effective, [50 billion in fraud fines/] big pharma "medicine" has brought death to over 40 million people in just the last 50 years, [not counting their Coved kills] that's only 2191 each day! If you can believe Dr. Null's documented/ fact based statics?
And if it's not death they brought, it's obstacles to achieving health. I worked in mainstream health-care (better named sick-care) for 30 years before I started to connect the dots. And once I started, and got sacked, there was no going back. The pharm & food industry combo is lethal.
And in mean time my son's partner could not be convinced (thinking that expensive day care and schooling is worse) and alas, we now have another child with a fckd-up immune system. I am beyond sad, and sickening livid at the same time.
Marcella - a dear friend who is awake to the lies asked her son and DIL to watch the Vaxxed documentary. Their little girl is due in January. They’ve agreed. 🙏🙏🙏
There is also strong scientific evidence that vaccines trigger autism by an immune activation mechanism. Aluminum adjuvant is implicated because it travels into the brain where it causes microglial activation and elevated IL-6 production.. http://vaccinepapers.org/wp-content/uploads/Autism-brochure-Color-A4.pdf
As I learned firsthand with my first grandson, that forced MMR jab put him into a high fever for days & gave him ASD, requiring years of expensive special training!
When you control the money supply, the media, the schools and the government, public opinion is not required. Keep paying the useful idiots and jail the dissent. Too easy. This is the end goal of any "government"
Of course Wakefield was right.
Then there is the horrific case of triplets and the near immediate effects of their pneumococcal vaccine ......
Another link to the story .....
Regardless of the noble motives of all the enlighteners regarding vaccination risks, I unfortunately can no longer take Wakefield seriously either. He apparently refuses to accept the fact that "virus" as such has still not been proven to exist anywhere in the world.
This attitude of denial is strange because he could save himself all the trouble of fighting for higher safety standards and controls. None of this makes sense and is necessary if you take the cornerstone of virology out of the house of lies.
I got so tired of having to explain this all over and over again that I wrote an article about it, starting as a Facebook Note and then added to my Substack:
The Other Side of the Wakefield MMR Vaccine and Autism Saga
No, he is not the Godfather of the anti-vaccine movement. His 1998 study did not claim MMR vaccines caused autism.
how do we recover? some of us only saw the light later in the parenting journey. I have one child that suffers continuously from gut/immune/skin related issues as a result of the vaccine schedule. Its frightening...
Brilliant post. Thank you.
Still hoping with every cell in my body that my son will be able to convince his partner and family to leave their brand new daughter's immune system intact.
I woke up from 3 decades of indoctrination in mainstream health-care (more aptly named sick-care) and literally fear for my young grandchildren's lives now.
Thank you to EVERYONE digging deep, unearthing and then so clearly presenting details on this money-hungry evil industry.
@ Laurette: You, I and RFK Jr. plus millions of others are starting to wake up & smell the coffee! Dr. Null's book, Death by Medicine taught me that our beloved "safe & effective, [50 billion in fraud fines/] big pharma "medicine" has brought death to over 40 million people in just the last 50 years, [not counting their Coved kills] that's only 2191 each day! If you can believe Dr. Null's documented/ fact based statics?
And if it's not death they brought, it's obstacles to achieving health. I worked in mainstream health-care (better named sick-care) for 30 years before I started to connect the dots. And once I started, and got sacked, there was no going back. The pharm & food industry combo is lethal.
And in mean time my son's partner could not be convinced (thinking that expensive day care and schooling is worse) and alas, we now have another child with a fckd-up immune system. I am beyond sad, and sickening livid at the same time.
After losing three loved ones to iatrogenic "medicine" and a MMR vax injured grandson, I feel your pain & disgust! BUT with God's help we can move on!
That was a great short video of Andy explaining it in a minute and a half. VAxxed was and is a GREAT movie! I saw it when it came out.
I purchased the DVD hoping that my college kids will be open to watch it and question the lies.
Marcella - a dear friend who is awake to the lies asked her son and DIL to watch the Vaxxed documentary. Their little girl is due in January. They’ve agreed. 🙏🙏🙏
There is also strong scientific evidence that vaccines trigger autism by an immune activation mechanism. Aluminum adjuvant is implicated because it travels into the brain where it causes microglial activation and elevated IL-6 production.. http://vaccinepapers.org/wp-content/uploads/Autism-brochure-Color-A4.pdf
As I learned firsthand with my first grandson, that forced MMR jab put him into a high fever for days & gave him ASD, requiring years of expensive special training!
But Big Pharma made out Okay! Thank Satan.
Godless suckers & fools can easily be made to believe in our 50 Billion in Fraud fines, Big Pharma!
Just because Pharma "medicine" is the leading cause of Death, why not trust "safe & effective" fruad?
My grandson nearly died from a ASD inducing, "safe & effective" & forced MMR jab!
(I.e. it is safe & effective for fraudulent Big Pharma's bottom line!)
Excellent take on this subject — you nailed it in a way I haven’t seen before. Bookmarking this!