I'm a practicing medical doctor with a pathology master's degree who's been researching diaphragm involvement in SIDS . This is important because the respiratory diaphragm is a vital pump just as important as the heart to maintain life. It is already known that skeletal muscle damage (myopathy) occurs with viruses like influenza and COVID-19 [Agyeman 2004, Shi 2021]. Similarly, vaccines (which emulate viruses) also induce limb muscle myopathy [https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0961203309345734], however, the evidence for diaphragm myopathy is scant. Regardless, it's plausible that progressive diaphragm myopathy in the days after a vaccination in infants contributes to critical diaphragm fatigue and then sudden failure. Sudden respiratory arrest like this would be consistent with SIDS. Although the following paper doesn't discuss vaccinations, please see: https://www.mdpi.com/2075-4418/14/20/2324 to learn more about newly revealed diaphragm disease (diaphragm cramp-contracture) in SIDS. SOLUTION: To rule out vaccine-induced diaphragm inflammation, diaphragm histology needs to be checked after experimental vaccinations (in test animals) as well as in all SIDS cases. We need to stop ignoring this vital respiratory pump muscle.

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Thank you for commenting and for sharing this important information with me. I especially appreciate the recommendation for diaphragm histology in SIDS cases. We need laws passed in every state mandating the proper battery of tests on autopsy when “SIDS” and “SUDS” cases occur - especially within 30 days of “well-baby/well child” appointments.

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You're welcome. To be honest, I've been studying this solo, now for two years (diaphragm fatigue leading to spasms and cramps in babies), and it's time to start getting this new truth out. In other words, this comes as a relief (your comments). Your comment means the world to me! My heart aches knowing what I know yet vulnerable infants continue to struggle to breathe and it's made worse in rare cases by viruses and sometimes vaccinations (apparently). Also, 8-10 are found lifeless in bed each morning in Canada-USA combined from SIDS/SUDC, so I cannot wait for the day "diaphragm cramp-contracture" and diaphragm spasms are recognized by my fellow doctors and start treating them.

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Looking for updated vaccine ingredients please 🥺

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I vaguely recall seeing an article on the BBC website saying something along the lines that there were less babies dying to SIDS in 2020 and they couldn’t explain it. Well, didn’t they shut down a lot of the baby clinics that year, along with a lot of other businesses?

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Great Piece 👊🏽

These things are so very heavy to sit with & write about.

It’s not easy being a Truth Teller.

Cause The True Truth HERTZ



It took me breaking the topic of Genetics🧬 into 5 parts… I didn’t even include everything I could in an attempt to keep it flowing.

I sat with some of the information for years.


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Thank you, Marcella.

I will be reading the papers you posted and thinking through the data. If it checks out, I will be adding it to an important piece that I am currently working on that shows a unique sophistication to the propaganda.

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Amazingly somehow this escaped the attention of all of us, but an anemia hypothesis checks every single box for SIDS, both vaccinated and unvaccinated, male preference but also female, Black and American Indian preference, prematurity, recent infection, formula feeding and the very particular age distribution. But also what it happens at other times and after the 1 year shots. https://circleofmamas.com/health-news/the-cause-of-sids-is-found-in-mark-addison-roes-story/

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Today I am heartbroken...

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Brilliant research, Marcella. Thank you.

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Thank you, Brett. It's great to "see" you here. <3

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That is so tragic. Those responsible need to be prosecuted, no matter who they are.

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SIDS and Seizures by Harris Coulter, PhD


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Thank you, Max. I have been familiar with Dr. Coulter for a long time but have never read this. I appreciate you sharing with me.

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Hi, Larry. It's good to "see" you here. I appreciate you tremendously, my friend. Thank you for continuing to educate and empower so many.

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Also...if you have not seen this then you need to see it.

Pure evil.

Olmsted on Autism: 1979 Wyeth Memo on DPT


By Dan Olmsted

Now that my Age of Autism colleague J.B. Handley has demonstrated the role of Wyeth in funding Every Child By Two -- the vaccine initiative that Rosalynn Carter, Paul Offit and Amanda Peet boosted a week ago -- I think it's time to share a piece of paper someone slipped me a while back. It looks innocuous enough -- an inter-office memorandum from 1979 (Click HERE for the pdf)* about distribution of Wyeth's DPT vaccine. But read closely -- a series of SIDS deaths in Tennessee is prompting Wyeth officials to make sure that vials from a single lot don't get distributed to a single state, county or health department.

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I almost included the Tennessee SIDS Cluster and the Wyeth memo, but felt I was already likely exceeding attention spans and time limits. Thanks for linking Dan’s article here. I hope others will click to read.

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Thank YOU for including the reanalysis of the Infanrix/SIDS data by Puleyl (sp?), I was recently trying to find that graph which shows the incredibly strong temporal relationship between vaccination day and timing of SIDS but it has been removed from the original article and I couldn't find it anywhere!

For me this is by itself the most damning evidence that vaccines can and do cause SIDS.

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I agree. It's hard to deny when you see the graph. Very clear.

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Thank you for compiling this very compelling collection of evidence from across the decades! I'm especially glad more will be exposed to Dr. Viera Scheibner's Cotwatch research which is impossible to argue with as it shows the effects of Pertussis vaccination in real time, and finding this association was a complete accident.

The relationship between vaccination and SIDS has always been a particular interest of mine, here is an article I wrote back in 2002 after attending the Institute of Medicine's (now National Academy of Medicine) Immunization Safety Review on SIDS:

My Take on the 2002 IOM Immunization Safety Review on Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

"Potential Role of Vaccination in Sudden Unexplained Death in Infancy", Irvine CA, October 28, 2002


"Before the meeting I had re-familiarized myself with the notable studies related to vaccination and SIDS, but was disappointed when none of these studies were ever mentioned. I left wondering if I had in fact been to the correct meeting."

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I will definitely take a look. Thank you.

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