Those paediatricians are showing themselves up as drug pushers and throwing their toys out of the pram😆!! How ironic 🤑

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We live in a corrupt, broken system. This beast system we're in is a system of slavery and the main tool of it is fake money that we all have to use.

That being said, it's no wonder the system has doctors and pediatricians under its boot. They get out of medical school with tens upon tens of thousands of dollars in debt and need to start paying back those school loans.

So, they need to get as many jabbed as possible so the dough keeps rolling in. Gotta pay back the loans and pay for their Porsche and BMW.

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I so fervently wish the RFK HHS could see there was a public policy enacted that required every physician to make publicly available every incentive--monetary and otherwise--received from Pharma, equipment manufacturers, "professional groups," etc.

The sources of income of doctors should be as transparent as the incomes of little janitors and administrative assistants in public jobs. And the perks of doctors should be absolutely sunshine-treated, so patients can see any connections between their doctor getting money and junkets etc. from Pharma etc. and recommending particular treatments, or regarding them as "safe." (How many physicians do we now see bleating that "they didn't know" there was any reason to doubt the mRNA stabs-----I mean, after all, you don't expect them to, like, READ all those research articles n stuff? The salesman will tell them what they should be doing, with the accompanying incentives.)

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If people around you express concerns about Kennedy's appointment, ask them what specifically they think will happen as a result, then ask them how they came to that conclusion. Get them to start thinking!

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Crazy! Even the first line of the caption under the photo in that Salon article is wrong. Kennedy was never a Republican candidate.

EDIT: Oh, I see that Marcella already pointed that out. I just jumped into the comments immediately upon seeing that because it was so ridiculous!

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The entire concept of vaccination has never been based on sound science, going all the way back to Edward Jenner.

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Germ theory itself is dubious at best, a fraud most likely.

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Excellent! Thank you so much for this.

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I was surprised yesterday when my food trade journal also had a article highlighting the Dr's call to send your senators a petition to not confirm RFK jr. You know becasue he is going to ban red 40 and other good stuff. It seems the food industries cash cow also in in danger.

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Data in VAERS implicates live rotavirus, aluminum compounds (adjuvants), likely formaldehyde, and possibly manufacturing (e.g., endotoxins) as causing death, bradycardia, cardiac arrest/SIDS/death, epilepsy, etc. in children. If a vaccine has X amount of aluminum, then 5 or so co-administered vaccines have roughly 5X that amount (see CDC schedule), what could possibly go wrong??? Oh, did I mention that specific vaccine combinations have synergy levels of adverse events when given together?

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You are correct. The synergistic effects of vaccines given together at any of the “well-baby” or “well-child” vaccine appointments has never been studied. The effects of aluminum, formaldehyde, Polysorbate 80, Triton-X 100, and all the other chemicals, food proteins, DNA from aborted humans, animal DNA… none of it has been studied for safety or for how the interactions between ingredients impact efficacy.

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There's also the idea that "one biological system fits all." I.e., everybody will react exactly the same way to these products. Blood typing, tissue typing, etc., constantly reiterate that there are huge differences in how individual bodies react to foreign substances introduced into them. Yet somehow the stabs are just "you're all the same old same-old."

It really is a real-time mass-population set of experiments. Ghastly to contemplate.

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Stunning post. Thank you so much. 💕

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The next step is those same doctors should be charged with something like mass murder pushing the Covid vax. The other vax there should be other consequences

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The 2020 article by Dr James Lyons-Weiler https://popularrationalism.substack.com/ and Dr Paul Thomas: "Relative Incidence of Office Visits and Cumulative Rates of Billed Diagnoses Along the Axis of Vaccination" https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674 was retracted in 2021.

The retraction notice gives no specific details of why the journal later decided to retract it: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/18/15/7754:

"Following publication, concerns were brought to the attention of the editorial office regarding the validity of the conclusions of the published research. Adhering to our complaints procedure, an investigation was conducted that raised several methodological issues and confirmed that the conclusions were not supported by strong scientific data. The article is therefore retracted. This retraction is approved by the Editor-in-Chief of the journal. The authors did not agree to this retraction."

Retracting a whole, fully peer-reviewed, journal article is a serious matter, but the editors did not give a single example of the article's supposed shortcomings.

We live in an age of barbarism. Not only are children being harmed and killed by this extraordinary number of vaccines and so-called vaccines (modified mRNA COVID-19 gene therapy injections), but most people, including pregnant women and so their developing child, have only a fraction of the 50 ng/mL (125 nmol/L = 1 part in 20,000,000) circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D their immune systems need to function properly.

Please see the research cited and discussed at: https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/. This includes recommendations for how much vitamin D3 to supplement in order to attain this. The amount depends on body weight, with higher ratios of body weight for those suffering from obesity. These are the recommendations of New Jersey based Professor of Medicine, Sunil Wimalawansa, as recently published in an article co-written by two other long-time vitamin D researchers, one also a professor of medicine and the other a professor of pediatrics: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2405844024107220.

There's very little vitamin D3 in food. While it can be made in substantial quantities by ultraviolet-B irradiation of ideally white skin, this is not available naturally in sufficient quantities, far from the equator, except in the middle of summer days, without cloud, clothing, glass or sunscreen intervening. Such UV-B skin exposure always damages DNA, and so raises the risk of skin cancer.

Those with brown or black skin would need very much greater amounts of UV-B exposure to generate enough vitamin D3 cholecalciferol for this to be hydroxylated, mainly in the liver, to the circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D calcifediol (AKA calcidiol) which the immune system needs. This is what is measured in "vitamin D" blood tests. Neither vitamin D3 nor 25-hydroxyvitamin D are hormones. These are not signaling molecules.

Governments and many doctors base their vitamin D3 supplementation recommendations on a target of only 20 ng/mL (50 nmol/L), which is sufficient for the kidneys to perform their role in regulating calcium-phosphate-bone metabolism. For instance, many doctors think 0.04 milligrams, (40 micrograms = 1000 IU) a day, on average, is sufficient for good health. In average weight adults this generally will attain their target, but this is only 40% of what the immune system needs to function properly.

Prof Wimalawansa's recommendations are, for average weight adults (70 kg 154 lb) about 0.125 milligrams (125 micrograms = 5000 IU) a day, on average. This is a gram every 22 years. Pharma grade Vitamin D3 costs about USD$2.50 a gram, ex-factory. A credit card weighs 5 grams.

Not only are children, their moms, and most people all their lives seriously deficient in 25-hydroxyvitamin D, but the are repeatedly injected with vaccines and quasi-vaccines, each intended to cause a strong immune response in order to, ideally, cause the system to develop the long term ability to recognise actual pathogens rapidly and so to reduce the chances of these pathogens causing disease, or at least serious disease.

This widespread acceptance of, and active enthusiasm for, vaccines (and anything called a vaccine) is at odds with the research on their safety and effectiveness. All the studies on effectiveness take place in populations who, in general, have only a fraction of the 25-hydroxyvitamin D their immune systems need to function properly.

This isn't just a disastrous scandal of vaccine manufacturers pushing their wares, with the government shielding them from the harmful consequences of their products.

The quasi-religious faith in vaccines is driven from the grassroots up, by many people genuinely wanting to believe that an injection (usually, some vaccines are oral) of a small amount of a highly developed fluid will protect them, forever, or at least for years, from particular serious diseases AND reduce the chance that they will pass the disease on to others.

Proper vitamin D3 supplementation would be more effective than most or perhaps all of these vaccines. (Maybe the rabies vaccine and a few others are worth having, in high-risk situations, and still would be with proper 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels.)

I wrote a Substack article recently: https://nutritionmatters.substack.com/p/proper-vitamin-d3- supplementation "Proper vitamin D3 supplementation: Pregnant women and their future children first!".

The harm done by low 25-hydroxyvitamin D begins before birth: https:// vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/#3.2, with preeclampsia, pre-term birth, sepsis and the later development of autism, ADHD, intellectual disability and schizophrenia.

Inadequate 25-hydroxyvitamin D greatly increases the risk of severe disease (sepsis, COVID-19, ARDS, Kawasaki disease and MIS-C) and of infectious diseases in general.

Likewise chronic inflammatory conditions, which are made more likely for most people today due to the lack of helminth (intestinal worm) infections: https://vitamindstopscovid.info/06-adv/. Helminths emit compounds which downmodulate the host's inflammatory - indiscriminate cell destroying - immune responses, which target them. The hosts, including our ancestors, evolved overly aggressive inflammatory immune responses to counter the downmodulation inherent in ubiquitous helminth infections. Now we are all de-wormed, our inflammatory responses are in general overly agressive. Some people, due to genetic variations and perhaps exposure to particular antigens, have particularly strong, and so self-destructive, inflammatory immune responses.

Inadequate circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D greatly increases the risk of neurodegeneration. See the research cited at: https:// vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/#3.3 concerning Parkinson's disease, multiple system atrophy, dementia with Lewy bodies and other forms of dementia.

Prof. Wimalawansa told me that the most common objection he has from doctors regarding this research is: "How can it be true? Its too simple.". It is simple and it is true.

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The suppression and censorship of information regarding the benefits of vitamin D during the pandemic was telling. I got slapped with a 30 day Facebook Jail sentence for sharing a peer reviewed journal article about the importance of vitamin D in fighting COVID. That right there is a huge clue regarding its true importance in the body.

Thank you for your work, Robin.

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Lost in the fog of history is the fact that one year before the 1986 Vaccine Act was passed Pharma Cos. were pulling out of the vaxx industry (through the 70's-80's) due to costs of litigation/fines.

Pharmaceutical companies were being inundated with lawsuits for injuries that would soon bankrupt them. For every $1 they made off the DTP vaccine, they were losing $20 to injury lawsuits.

The 1986 law was enacted because there was only one manufacturer left for each of the only three routine vaccines at that time, and the harms they caused created financial liability exceeding their revenue.

If that law had not been passed we would not being having this conversation as the Pharma ghouls would have exited the vaccine business for greener (ca$h) pastures as they have less than zero interest in the health and well-being of anyone and actively operate to harm people knowing full well that is what they are doing.

Even as all vaccines are toxic synthetic chemicals (the idea that such products somehow produce health has been created through mass propaganda not evidence) it is no longer the case that when you receive a single injection you are receiving a single vaccine.

Multivalent vaccines are the norm now so when someone gets 3 shots e.g. they are receiving well beyond 3 antigens. The number varies depending on shots given.

This was done so that Pharma could get all their 90 or so antigens on the schedule from birth to 18 without having to have the kids marched into the pediatricians for each and every one. They spoke about the need for this strategy as they wanted to get more vaccines on the schedule to make more dollars.

This was an intentional tactic done in part to manage the situation where parents did not want to keep bringing their kids in with the increasing number of shots as it is such an unpleasant experience.

Of course there are exactly zero studies ever done that examine the combinative and synergistic impacts of these multivalent witches brew and I'd say that such a study is quite impossible to do.

Of course the Pharma Cartel and their wholly owned media subsidiaries label all of this madness 'safe and effective'.

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So, I'm one of the pediatricians that woke up during Covid. I don't advocate for vaccines, but if a parent wants some, I will tell them what I know and let them make their own decision. To me, the idea of vaccination makes sense, but how we're doing it now, makes no sense.

I wish the people now on "my" side of the aisle would not demonize and generalize about all pediatricians. I will tell you, in all honesty, that I didn't know until the past few years that we got "kickbacks" from vaccines. I feel dumb for saying that, but the way the system is set up, I never saw that money. I worked for a hospital owned corporation that paid me per patient (the RVUs never included vaccines). I was **never** told to give more vaccines to increase my salary.

The sad part is that we are not required to know what's in vaccines. I have had to figure that out by myself. And it's only after I got fired for not recommending the Covid vax that I had time to do any research. I spent all my time seeing patients and charting.

The whole system is a mess. All of us have blind spots thinking we are doing good when in reality we're not. I just think that we will make more headway providing data..not generalizing and making every pediatrician evil.

That being said, I have learned so much from you, Marcella! You are a blessing to the health of children.

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Thank you for commenting and sharing your experience and your journey, Megan. I have been thinking about how best to respond to your comment since reading it yesterday.

“To me, the idea of vaccination makes sense, but how we’re doing it now, makes no sense.” This sentence tells me that we are still light years away from each other in our individual understanding of just what “vaccination” is and what it does to the developing body and brain. That is understandable. You didn’t say how long you have been a pediatrician… One thing I always wonder is, given that we now have an “official” autism rate of 1:36 (more accurately 1:8), I wonder how many times in your pediatric career did parents tell you their child changed drastically after vaccines? How many times did you see the fallout and either not recognize it (because you were not taught about vaccine injuries) or actively deny that it could be true?

I do understand how our education and the indoctrination of such contributes significantly to our inability to see what is happening before our very eyes. I was guilty of it with my own daughter. It took me way too long to wake up and see what was staring me in the face.

I also get that you, as an employee of a hospital corporation, never saw or knew about the kickbacks.

I can only imagine how difficult this awakening has been for you. I believe the vast majority of pediatricians go into to field because they have a genuine love and concern for children, and they have an internal drive to improve the health and wellbeing of children and families. You were a pawn in a game you couldn’t see and didn’t understand. I am grateful that you have begun to see some of what you did not know previously, and commend you for your humility and honesty at this point. I would also strongly encourage you to continue your truth-seeking journey. If you have not yet read “Dissolving Illusions” by Dr. Suzanne Humphries and Roman Bystrianik, that is a good place to start. “Turtles All the Way Down” (edited by Zoey O’Toole and Mary Holland) is another excellent read. Once we see how the entire vaccination history has been built on fear and lies, any remaining belief in “the idea of vaccination” falls away.

One thing I have been thinking about since reading your comment yesterday is that for pediatricians like yourself, who have “seen the light,” perhaps the next step in your journey might be to become a functional medicine provider and MAPS doctor. If you’re not familiar, MAPS (Medical Academy of Pediatrics and Special Needs) grew out of the DAN! (Defeat Autism Now!) paradigm, which began in 1967 with Bernie Rimland (PhD) and the Autism Research Institute in San Diego. With so many children currently living with the sequelae of serious vaccine-injury, the availability (and affordability) of MAPS doctors is an area of great need. If you are interested in learning about biomedical interventions and treatment of vaccine injuries, I encourage you to attend the AutismOne Conference in Austin, Texas in May 2025. The National Autism Association (NAA) also has excellent conferences with opportunities for CMEs at both.

When I was in the early days of my education and career, my goal was to be a clinical researcher at the CDC. My daughter’s significant injuries changed my path. Instead of being part of the problem, I was given the opportunity (and responsibility) of becoming part of the solution. Perhaps your path will be similar. I hope so. 🙏🏻❤️

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Also, when we moved to Fort Worth, Texas, in 1956, somehow my CRNA mother found THE best Pediatrician possible, in C. O. Terrell, Jr. On a side note: his mom and dad were instrumental in starting the original Baylor hospital. Dr Terrell was a saint, and even recognized my mother's own narcassistic tendencies, and protected me somewhat from her clutches.

Of course, in those days, jabs were minimal. I'm healthy as a horse, with only slightly high cholesterol. I had nearly all the childhood diseases, and my immune system is good. My husband and I thought we had a mild case of covid in early 21, but we only had a cough we couldn't shake for a few days, and no other symptoms.

Long after Dr Terrell retired, I ran into him at a local mall. He recognized me, and we hugged and chatted a bit. He said, though he was retired, if I ever needed him, I was to contact him immediately.

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Marcella, I don't doubt there will be a huge effort to keep RFK Jr from being confirmed.

Honestly, I wonder, is he on the list of picks for Trump's cabinet who've had threats on the lives in the last few weeks, including bomb threats. Not a question, as I'd venture to guess he's at the top of the list.

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It’s impossible for me to “like” your comment, as I do not want to even entertain the idea…

I am praying for his confirmation and for his safety. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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