Maybe, but most drs arent willing to put in the time & effort to do the research. They just want to practice as they were taught & collect their salary.
It doesnt help after seeing what happens to doctors who learn abt the causes & try to share that knowledge.
But I dont see why healthcare practitioners cant do their own research & just start helping patients with gut microbiome protocols without drawing attention/ire of the mainstream medical ibdustry.🤷♀️
Many thanks for this, which I've bookmarked to read in depth later.
My now adult daughter is autistic. When she was a teen she was given the MMR and immediately went from being a loving, good natured and happy child to becoming a complete morose and depressed stranger to me. When I questioned the doctor about the link between the vaccine and autism I was literally laughed at and ridiculed with impatience. Since then I've never had any help for my daughter and had to learn how to cope with her autism alone. Hasn't been easy.
It seems it's only now that info on how to treat it is coming to light. I'm grateful for any hope.
I am so sorry for what you and your daughter have been through. I hope you can find some help in my work. I will be sharing more information and presentations in this space. I hope you will continue to follow. Just an FYI... it is never too late to employ biomedical interventions. I have worked with many adults with a variety of diagnoses, and have never seen anyone who did not benefit to at least some degree, with improved GI function, reduced aggression, better sleep, improved eye-contact...
Two former clients come to mind... both were in their late 20s when I worked with their families. One was a female who had an autism diagnosis. The other was a young man who had been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia after vaccines given at 16 (while he was taking antibiotics for acne). Both responded beautifully to removing gluten and casein from their diets and doing first round supplementation with probiotics, digestive enzymes, fermented cod liver oil, B-vitamins, and minerals. I have recently been doing a very limited number of consultations, and am seeing really good results with a product called Simple Spectrum - it's a comprehensive vitamin supplement that has been developed specifically for people on the autism spectrum. You might want to try it with your daughter. (I do not have any stock or financial interest in the company).
My daughter is borderline anorexic and I know one of the issues I have with her is getting decent nutrition into her. But I know I could manage the probiotics, enzymes and particularly the cod liver oil ...I just bought a bottle of it to use myself. But it isn't, far as I'm aware, fermented. I do ferment my own vegetables and fruit so am wondering if I can learn to ferment the oil. I'll do some research, thanks. The Simple Spectrum sounds good, except, we live in northern Sweden, so unsure about how easy it'd be to get it here. Our PostNord system isn't the greatest even within the country. :/
Again, thank you. I am following you and will read any stacks with interest. It's so lovely to have a glimmer of hope after all this time.
She was actually diagnosed with autism a few years back by a psychiatrist, followed by a general practitioner, but neither offered the slightest bit of help (in fact, the GP stopped treating us afterward because as a family we refused the C19 injections and because he couldn't deal with her "blunt, abrupt manner and lack of eye contact". And of course, neither of them would believe the MMR/autism connection. All I know is, she was happy, well adjusted, bright and sunny before, and immediately afterwards became almost silently hostile, withdrawn and a stranger.
Thanks so much Marcella. It's good to even just be able to talk about this.
It seems to me there is a definition problem. The "old" autism diagnosis (<DSM4) only included those seriously impaired (mostly boys in childhood). With the new diagnosis it is a much wider net and includes "high functioning" adults who previously went undetected. Elon Musk, for instance has said that he is autistic. Well, the reportedly richest man in the world with outstanding accomplishments obviously is quite different from those who will need varying degrees of support. By observation, I'd say there is a genetic component, and that many with those genes are more like Musk (though not rich). Because each autistic person is unique in their autism it makes finding diagnostic criteria difficult.
Is it possible that the genes are there but some aspect of those genes, or something adjacent to those genes will trigger the nonverbal, etc. form.
For the record, the search for a single gene was probably a fool's errand, and those who looked for it failed. Most human traits are determined by multiple genes, though there are likely a few exceptions. Might not multiple genes express in diverse ways? I heard Temple Grandin say in a video that multiple genes are involved and she spoke about the unique presentations of autism.
Of course, a deep concern is for those who are, or may become, seriously impaired, and rightly so. What I'm arguing for here is a better understanding of autism in its multiple presentations. And distinctions should be made within that wide definition to help us understand it.
Two possibilities are that 1. some genes are present and they predispose to vaccine injury in some autistic people or that 2. it is not genetic and vaccines (and/or other toxins) can cause this to arise in anyone. There are other possibilities, of course, I'm just posing this for the sake of this consideration.
If it is the first case, then are there other, possibly subclinical, presentations? For example are people with certain genes predisposed to many autoimmune disorders? Migraines? Tourettes? ADHD? etc. These and other conditions more frequently co-morbid with autism. This is why I wouldn't throw out the idea of genes entirely. Perhaps humility in understnading that we don't fully understand the genes involved while noting that certain things run in families. For instance a family that has a number of these comorbid conditions in various members. Should these families be alert to possible reactions to vaccines/medications/toxins, etc?
The bottom line of the vaccines being harmful and some people being more sensitive to them is an important one. Is it genes? Something else?
There is a saying, "Genetics loads the gun, vaccines pull the trigger." And not just vaccines. Prescription medications. Environmental heavy metals from coal burning power plants. Glyphosate. Organophosphates. Pesticides. Mold. All kinds of environmental toxins. This is recognized by many in the mainstream, but they close the door on the possibility that those environmental toxins that are injected could be part of the problem - for many, it is the shot that pushes an already overloaded system (with genetic vulnerability) over the tipping point.
In 2011, there was a study done by Dr. Jill James and colleagues, looking at the incidence of MTHFR genetic SNPs and the rate of regressive autism. The two study groups consisted of children who had been diagnosed with regressive autism (the experimental group) and children who had no neurodevelopmental diagnoses (the control group). Among the control group, the incidence of MTHFR was the same as in the general population (estimated at 40-60%). Among the children diagnosed with regressive autism the rate of MTHFR genetic SNPs was 98%; (p< 0.001).
The thing is, exposure to environmental toxins can cause genetic SNPs to occur through mutagenesis, and many of the ingredients in vaccines are mutagenic, which raises the question, if those children had been tested prior to being injected with anything, would their genetic results be the same? The state of California has been collecting genetic information (including MTHFR status) on newborns for many years. It would be very interesting to see that data and compare the results with the same children after receiving vaccines. Highly doubtful that would ever occur.
My niece has a beautiful little blonde girl. She’s not right Sasha! She is 3 and doesn’t seem to engage while her cute 2 year old little blonde brother does. She seems to be in a daze and cannot focus on cartoons like her brother does. I tried to read to her but all she wanted to do was turn the pages. She doesn’t talk, she seems to be in a daze. When I turned on a cartoon show, she just pointed at it and nodded her head back and forth like she was saying no, like she wanted me to turn it off or turn something else on. Is this a symptom of autism? She doesn’t talk and has never said a word.
I know my niece took the Covid 19 jab while pregnant with the little 2 year old boy (stupid), but I’m not sure what shots the little girl has had. I know she did not vaccinate either of them with this poison cv19. I was told someone was working with her. I’m not really sure what the childhood vaccines are now.
Any information will help. If they destroyed this child with these dangerous vaccines, my niece needs to know this and be guided towards maybe a class action lawsuit or something. Thx.
TexBritta: I have several articles here on Substack that will give you more information about vaccines in general and the harms associated with following the CDC's schedule. Because you stated that you aren't sure what the childhood vaccines are at this point (it's hard to keep up!), you might want to start here:
If you go to the main page for my Substack, you can click on "posts" and peruse the rest. If you have any questions, please ask. I will also be doing a post in near future that will provide resources (books, documentaries, websites) for those who are wanting to do more research.
Thank you for commenting. Many blessings to you in your journey.
High silica water (eg Fiji) helps remove toxins like aluminum.
One natiuropath suggested giving cases of high silica water to loved ones who got vaccines, just as a way to help clear toxins without the need for discussion / confrontations re the vaccine issue.
I've just shared this link with my daughter. She works at a place where the tend to autistic children primarily. She is on her way to her Master's degree and I felt like this might be something she would be interested in - I sent it to her in good faith cause I haven't even looked through it all, but I had a sense and it was informed by somebody else suggesting this article - that it would be a good one for my daughter and I to discuss with each
OK - I have skimmed it - I think I big part of the "solution" in a way is to get back to our roots as much as possible - eat food local, have chickens in your yard, get back to being closer to the soil and your connections with what matters day to day.
I think this would go a long way in helping all the youngsters who have been damaged by modern medicine so lost in its own contradictory ambitions.
There is so much truth in your "solution." Many of my friends whose children have been severely injured by vaccines (and over-use of antibiotics, and Tylenol, which depletes glutathione) have moved away from the cities and are doing exactly what you suggest. There are communities of adults with autism living (and working) on farms throughout the U.S. and they are thriving in ways they never would without having that deep connection to the land, and all that comes with it. The only problem is that the need continues to grow and is severely outpacing the availability for placement. We need MANY, MANY MORE options. The tsunami is not coming. It's already here.
I haven't heard back from my daughter in regards to the presentation of yours that I sent to her (this link). I know this. She is skillful in interacting with autistic children - that is her job - but for awhile she had some ethical debates in her own mind about the treatment methodology.....she has her undergraduate degree in psychology - but what good is that from a "getting paid" standpoint, so now she is working towards a "Master's Certificate" that will increase her pay considerably once she gets "her hours in". I don't recall the title of it, but it comes from Arizona State University online program I think. There is a "whole business" to it all no doubt.
Bottom line is she knows how to connect with those on the "spectrum" - so to speak. She has innate ability to communicate that way. She and I for sure are both on it - "the spectrum" - as we all are.....but so many of the children she is assigned to help are living lives disconnected from nature and their numbers just seem to be growing - something is going to have to change with respect to "methodology" of helping so many children "on the spectrum" contribute to society at large in a beneficial manner. Easy solutions are not beckoning, but working on a farm - getting ones hands dirty in the soil directly - I think that can be part of a program that will heal in a long-term way - a program of remedy.
I think the modern society we live within is the underlying root cause of the rise in "autism" - so many chemicals are out there, and then of course all these damn vaccinations (jabs) are over the top and I've come to conclude - they are mostly harmful. Regardless, there are many who need therapy in a manner and working in the soil directly is part of the solution I think. I know for myself personally - it is critical to get outside, be physical in the sun and accomplish something above and beyond just endless talking and posting....
Moreover or rather Ponadto as I like to say out of respect for Polish language - soil microbes are most resistant.
So eff all the geo-engineering these soulless ones are doing - eff em - at some point those who fly the planes will refuse to participate anymore - and then Billy Bad Ass gets strung up - and then better times beckon.
Hello, what do you think of Robert Naviaux's Cell Danger Response theory for autism? His theory is that the healing process, which he splits into 3 stages, gets hung up on a stage and never moves on due to a chronic stressor or severe trauma (physical or emotional) and thus causes a host of the diseases of modernity. He's also the same guy who did the suramin trails for austistics.
There's crossover between nutritionalism and the CDR theory in that reducing toxins and sugars would reduce chronic stressors on the human body which would then stop impairing the healing process. The only problem, which Naviaux hoped to solve with suramin, is getting your body to recognize that it was stuck in a healing stage if it doesn't come out even with less stress in your life.
I think there is a lot of truth in Naviaux's theory, not only regarding "autism," but also with other chronic states of dis-ease. The emotional/energetic/trauma component of chronic illness is something that is too often overlooked. I learned from an excellent naturopathic physician many years ago that when healing from any chronic disease state, we must also work to heal the emotions and release the traumas associated with the onset - including those things that might have been going on at the time and which we may not be consciously aware are related. In many cases, I think we have done a lot toward healing the body, but the process is thwarted because we have not also worked to heal the mind/soul. In my journey of learning and applying what I've learned psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) resonates with me more than anything else because of the emphasis on mindbodyspirit medicine. Not mind-body. Mindbodyspirit. No separation.
Exactly! And many of the toxins in vaccines (and from other environmental sources) CAUSE the dysregulation of essential nutrients and minerals.
Functional medicine practitioners are far better than most allopaths at looking at the ranges in a different way. When I look at lab results, I don't just look for the flags (High or Low). I am looking at trends over time (which direction are things moving?) and looking for balance and optimal levels. Your point about panels being so wide ranging is spot-on.
My youngest daughter is 11 and on the spectrum. I have had her on a GF and CF diet as a toddler and it definitely helped for a while. However, it became difficult as she got older and wanted to eat what other kids were eating since sharing a meal is also social.
Aside from the dietary restrictions, much of what is discussed here is not sustainable for the average family. Functional medicine and the extensive list of supplements recommended is extremely costly. ONE bottle of that simple spectrum fish oil is more than $40.00. It’s not something the average family is going to be able to undertake.
So we try to help our 21 YO autistic son through diet. Can be tough at times but we’ve been doing a keto diet tethering on ancestral Carnivoire diet at times.
It has helped very much. Healthy fats and proteins….. I don’t know it’s been helpful for us.
I’ve followed Chris Palmer and found his book Brain Energy eye opening. Hoping his study does not get shut down over at Harvard U
We’ve been trying a supplement from Heart & Soil
It’s very pricey but decided to give it a try.
Since 2020 supplements seem to have tripled in price.
Thank you for all your information. So informative. I just pray more would be interested in learning more.
Good Stuff. Glad somebody is trying to get to the truth about autism.
As soon as you can find out what causes it. There is the solution.
I’m 54. Didn’t know any autistic kids growing except maybe myself. (Undiagnosed). Now every family has one or even two. Very strange.
How can this be so difficult to figure out?
Doctors are baffled.
Maybe, but most drs arent willing to put in the time & effort to do the research. They just want to practice as they were taught & collect their salary.
It doesnt help after seeing what happens to doctors who learn abt the causes & try to share that knowledge.
But I dont see why healthcare practitioners cant do their own research & just start helping patients with gut microbiome protocols without drawing attention/ire of the mainstream medical ibdustry.🤷♀️
Many thanks for this, which I've bookmarked to read in depth later.
My now adult daughter is autistic. When she was a teen she was given the MMR and immediately went from being a loving, good natured and happy child to becoming a complete morose and depressed stranger to me. When I questioned the doctor about the link between the vaccine and autism I was literally laughed at and ridiculed with impatience. Since then I've never had any help for my daughter and had to learn how to cope with her autism alone. Hasn't been easy.
It seems it's only now that info on how to treat it is coming to light. I'm grateful for any hope.
I am so sorry for what you and your daughter have been through. I hope you can find some help in my work. I will be sharing more information and presentations in this space. I hope you will continue to follow. Just an FYI... it is never too late to employ biomedical interventions. I have worked with many adults with a variety of diagnoses, and have never seen anyone who did not benefit to at least some degree, with improved GI function, reduced aggression, better sleep, improved eye-contact...
Two former clients come to mind... both were in their late 20s when I worked with their families. One was a female who had an autism diagnosis. The other was a young man who had been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia after vaccines given at 16 (while he was taking antibiotics for acne). Both responded beautifully to removing gluten and casein from their diets and doing first round supplementation with probiotics, digestive enzymes, fermented cod liver oil, B-vitamins, and minerals. I have recently been doing a very limited number of consultations, and am seeing really good results with a product called Simple Spectrum - it's a comprehensive vitamin supplement that has been developed specifically for people on the autism spectrum. You might want to try it with your daughter. (I do not have any stock or financial interest in the company).
I hope this helps.
Huge and grateful thanks for responding!
My daughter is borderline anorexic and I know one of the issues I have with her is getting decent nutrition into her. But I know I could manage the probiotics, enzymes and particularly the cod liver oil ...I just bought a bottle of it to use myself. But it isn't, far as I'm aware, fermented. I do ferment my own vegetables and fruit so am wondering if I can learn to ferment the oil. I'll do some research, thanks. The Simple Spectrum sounds good, except, we live in northern Sweden, so unsure about how easy it'd be to get it here. Our PostNord system isn't the greatest even within the country. :/
Again, thank you. I am following you and will read any stacks with interest. It's so lovely to have a glimmer of hope after all this time.
She was actually diagnosed with autism a few years back by a psychiatrist, followed by a general practitioner, but neither offered the slightest bit of help (in fact, the GP stopped treating us afterward because as a family we refused the C19 injections and because he couldn't deal with her "blunt, abrupt manner and lack of eye contact". And of course, neither of them would believe the MMR/autism connection. All I know is, she was happy, well adjusted, bright and sunny before, and immediately afterwards became almost silently hostile, withdrawn and a stranger.
Thanks so much Marcella. It's good to even just be able to talk about this.
Great substack, I appreciate your innovations. Nature is key to so many things.
It seems to me there is a definition problem. The "old" autism diagnosis (<DSM4) only included those seriously impaired (mostly boys in childhood). With the new diagnosis it is a much wider net and includes "high functioning" adults who previously went undetected. Elon Musk, for instance has said that he is autistic. Well, the reportedly richest man in the world with outstanding accomplishments obviously is quite different from those who will need varying degrees of support. By observation, I'd say there is a genetic component, and that many with those genes are more like Musk (though not rich). Because each autistic person is unique in their autism it makes finding diagnostic criteria difficult.
Is it possible that the genes are there but some aspect of those genes, or something adjacent to those genes will trigger the nonverbal, etc. form.
For the record, the search for a single gene was probably a fool's errand, and those who looked for it failed. Most human traits are determined by multiple genes, though there are likely a few exceptions. Might not multiple genes express in diverse ways? I heard Temple Grandin say in a video that multiple genes are involved and she spoke about the unique presentations of autism.
Of course, a deep concern is for those who are, or may become, seriously impaired, and rightly so. What I'm arguing for here is a better understanding of autism in its multiple presentations. And distinctions should be made within that wide definition to help us understand it.
Two possibilities are that 1. some genes are present and they predispose to vaccine injury in some autistic people or that 2. it is not genetic and vaccines (and/or other toxins) can cause this to arise in anyone. There are other possibilities, of course, I'm just posing this for the sake of this consideration.
If it is the first case, then are there other, possibly subclinical, presentations? For example are people with certain genes predisposed to many autoimmune disorders? Migraines? Tourettes? ADHD? etc. These and other conditions more frequently co-morbid with autism. This is why I wouldn't throw out the idea of genes entirely. Perhaps humility in understnading that we don't fully understand the genes involved while noting that certain things run in families. For instance a family that has a number of these comorbid conditions in various members. Should these families be alert to possible reactions to vaccines/medications/toxins, etc?
The bottom line of the vaccines being harmful and some people being more sensitive to them is an important one. Is it genes? Something else?
Just my opinions.
There is a saying, "Genetics loads the gun, vaccines pull the trigger." And not just vaccines. Prescription medications. Environmental heavy metals from coal burning power plants. Glyphosate. Organophosphates. Pesticides. Mold. All kinds of environmental toxins. This is recognized by many in the mainstream, but they close the door on the possibility that those environmental toxins that are injected could be part of the problem - for many, it is the shot that pushes an already overloaded system (with genetic vulnerability) over the tipping point.
In 2011, there was a study done by Dr. Jill James and colleagues, looking at the incidence of MTHFR genetic SNPs and the rate of regressive autism. The two study groups consisted of children who had been diagnosed with regressive autism (the experimental group) and children who had no neurodevelopmental diagnoses (the control group). Among the control group, the incidence of MTHFR was the same as in the general population (estimated at 40-60%). Among the children diagnosed with regressive autism the rate of MTHFR genetic SNPs was 98%; (p< 0.001).
The thing is, exposure to environmental toxins can cause genetic SNPs to occur through mutagenesis, and many of the ingredients in vaccines are mutagenic, which raises the question, if those children had been tested prior to being injected with anything, would their genetic results be the same? The state of California has been collecting genetic information (including MTHFR status) on newborns for many years. It would be very interesting to see that data and compare the results with the same children after receiving vaccines. Highly doubtful that would ever occur.
My niece has a beautiful little blonde girl. She’s not right Sasha! She is 3 and doesn’t seem to engage while her cute 2 year old little blonde brother does. She seems to be in a daze and cannot focus on cartoons like her brother does. I tried to read to her but all she wanted to do was turn the pages. She doesn’t talk, she seems to be in a daze. When I turned on a cartoon show, she just pointed at it and nodded her head back and forth like she was saying no, like she wanted me to turn it off or turn something else on. Is this a symptom of autism? She doesn’t talk and has never said a word.
I know my niece took the Covid 19 jab while pregnant with the little 2 year old boy (stupid), but I’m not sure what shots the little girl has had. I know she did not vaccinate either of them with this poison cv19. I was told someone was working with her. I’m not really sure what the childhood vaccines are now.
Any information will help. If they destroyed this child with these dangerous vaccines, my niece needs to know this and be guided towards maybe a class action lawsuit or something. Thx.
TexBritta: I have several articles here on Substack that will give you more information about vaccines in general and the harms associated with following the CDC's schedule. Because you stated that you aren't sure what the childhood vaccines are at this point (it's hard to keep up!), you might want to start here:
If you go to the main page for my Substack, you can click on "posts" and peruse the rest. If you have any questions, please ask. I will also be doing a post in near future that will provide resources (books, documentaries, websites) for those who are wanting to do more research.
Thank you for commenting. Many blessings to you in your journey.
Thank you so much. 😊
High silica water (eg Fiji) helps remove toxins like aluminum.
One natiuropath suggested giving cases of high silica water to loved ones who got vaccines, just as a way to help clear toxins without the need for discussion / confrontations re the vaccine issue.
if you know where to get high-silica water in glass bottles, and not plastic ( a problem in itself ), let me know
I've just shared this link with my daughter. She works at a place where the tend to autistic children primarily. She is on her way to her Master's degree and I felt like this might be something she would be interested in - I sent it to her in good faith cause I haven't even looked through it all, but I had a sense and it was informed by somebody else suggesting this article - that it would be a good one for my daughter and I to discuss with each
thanks in advance,
OK - I have skimmed it - I think I big part of the "solution" in a way is to get back to our roots as much as possible - eat food local, have chickens in your yard, get back to being closer to the soil and your connections with what matters day to day.
I think this would go a long way in helping all the youngsters who have been damaged by modern medicine so lost in its own contradictory ambitions.
There is so much truth in your "solution." Many of my friends whose children have been severely injured by vaccines (and over-use of antibiotics, and Tylenol, which depletes glutathione) have moved away from the cities and are doing exactly what you suggest. There are communities of adults with autism living (and working) on farms throughout the U.S. and they are thriving in ways they never would without having that deep connection to the land, and all that comes with it. The only problem is that the need continues to grow and is severely outpacing the availability for placement. We need MANY, MANY MORE options. The tsunami is not coming. It's already here.
I haven't heard back from my daughter in regards to the presentation of yours that I sent to her (this link). I know this. She is skillful in interacting with autistic children - that is her job - but for awhile she had some ethical debates in her own mind about the treatment methodology.....she has her undergraduate degree in psychology - but what good is that from a "getting paid" standpoint, so now she is working towards a "Master's Certificate" that will increase her pay considerably once she gets "her hours in". I don't recall the title of it, but it comes from Arizona State University online program I think. There is a "whole business" to it all no doubt.
Bottom line is she knows how to connect with those on the "spectrum" - so to speak. She has innate ability to communicate that way. She and I for sure are both on it - "the spectrum" - as we all are.....but so many of the children she is assigned to help are living lives disconnected from nature and their numbers just seem to be growing - something is going to have to change with respect to "methodology" of helping so many children "on the spectrum" contribute to society at large in a beneficial manner. Easy solutions are not beckoning, but working on a farm - getting ones hands dirty in the soil directly - I think that can be part of a program that will heal in a long-term way - a program of remedy.
I think the modern society we live within is the underlying root cause of the rise in "autism" - so many chemicals are out there, and then of course all these damn vaccinations (jabs) are over the top and I've come to conclude - they are mostly harmful. Regardless, there are many who need therapy in a manner and working in the soil directly is part of the solution I think. I know for myself personally - it is critical to get outside, be physical in the sun and accomplish something above and beyond just endless talking and posting....
You got me rambling - thank-you!
Interesting that even the soil microbes are poisoned with nano-bio,'s what Gates means when he says we're going to vaccinate your vegetables
Moreover or rather Ponadto as I like to say out of respect for Polish language - soil microbes are most resistant.
So eff all the geo-engineering these soulless ones are doing - eff em - at some point those who fly the planes will refuse to participate anymore - and then Billy Bad Ass gets strung up - and then better times beckon.
How you like them apples?
Well - good news for you - some vegetables are resistant to poison if properly given a place to grow proper.
So - Billy Bad Ass is going to reap what he has been sowing - and so will I.
Hello, what do you think of Robert Naviaux's Cell Danger Response theory for autism? His theory is that the healing process, which he splits into 3 stages, gets hung up on a stage and never moves on due to a chronic stressor or severe trauma (physical or emotional) and thus causes a host of the diseases of modernity. He's also the same guy who did the suramin trails for austistics.
There's crossover between nutritionalism and the CDR theory in that reducing toxins and sugars would reduce chronic stressors on the human body which would then stop impairing the healing process. The only problem, which Naviaux hoped to solve with suramin, is getting your body to recognize that it was stuck in a healing stage if it doesn't come out even with less stress in your life.
I think there is a lot of truth in Naviaux's theory, not only regarding "autism," but also with other chronic states of dis-ease. The emotional/energetic/trauma component of chronic illness is something that is too often overlooked. I learned from an excellent naturopathic physician many years ago that when healing from any chronic disease state, we must also work to heal the emotions and release the traumas associated with the onset - including those things that might have been going on at the time and which we may not be consciously aware are related. In many cases, I think we have done a lot toward healing the body, but the process is thwarted because we have not also worked to heal the mind/soul. In my journey of learning and applying what I've learned psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) resonates with me more than anything else because of the emphasis on mindbodyspirit medicine. Not mind-body. Mindbodyspirit. No separation.
Awesome work!
Blessings to you too🙏
Happy New Year❤️
TY 🙏
My favorite part. "There is no such thing as a genetic epidemic."
Most people's problems start with some kind of deficiency, and blood panels are often so wide ranging, that anyone on the edge is missed.
Exactly! And many of the toxins in vaccines (and from other environmental sources) CAUSE the dysregulation of essential nutrients and minerals.
Functional medicine practitioners are far better than most allopaths at looking at the ranges in a different way. When I look at lab results, I don't just look for the flags (High or Low). I am looking at trends over time (which direction are things moving?) and looking for balance and optimal levels. Your point about panels being so wide ranging is spot-on.
My youngest daughter is 11 and on the spectrum. I have had her on a GF and CF diet as a toddler and it definitely helped for a while. However, it became difficult as she got older and wanted to eat what other kids were eating since sharing a meal is also social.
Aside from the dietary restrictions, much of what is discussed here is not sustainable for the average family. Functional medicine and the extensive list of supplements recommended is extremely costly. ONE bottle of that simple spectrum fish oil is more than $40.00. It’s not something the average family is going to be able to undertake.
Good point
Supplements, good ones are so pricey
So we try to help our 21 YO autistic son through diet. Can be tough at times but we’ve been doing a keto diet tethering on ancestral Carnivoire diet at times.
It has helped very much. Healthy fats and proteins….. I don’t know it’s been helpful for us.
I’ve followed Chris Palmer and found his book Brain Energy eye opening. Hoping his study does not get shut down over at Harvard U
We’ve been trying a supplement from Heart & Soil
It’s very pricey but decided to give it a try.
Since 2020 supplements seem to have tripled in price.
We squeak by but it’s tough sometimes
Appreciate all these Autism articles and research