Australia is the same, 'All Children under the Guardianship of the Minister for Child Protection should have access to and receive the vaccine'

I managed to save ours from the COVID ones, but so many other kids were bribed 'coerced' with gift vouchers, etc. But only if the had both primary shots.

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I've been searching for you for 8 years . I met you in Anna Illinois through Elizabeth. My son is Spencer , he's now 23 and thank God doing better because of you . We spoke on the phone one time . 🙏🙏🙏

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Oh, my goodness. I’m so glad to have been found! And so very thankful to know that Spencer is doing better. Thank you for commenting. You’ve made my day… and made my eyes leak. ❤️🙏🏻❤️

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My parents did SHIP fostering for 27 years :36 medical fragile infants/toddlers only and adopted 6 (1992 start) Now they were already vaccinated because these kids largely never went home but lived in the hospital as border babies (a homeless baby no foster beds available) so the hospitals gave them everything . When we got them we were ignorant so we kept part of the schedule early on until we were ignorant no more. My mother just didn’t make those appointments. She did not schedule them at all. Till this day the 27 year old autistic now adult is still asked when my mom takes her to appts “she needs flu. CV19 and HPV Mrs Jackson. Do you want her to have them today?” My mom declines everytime . She’s never been harassed or reported since and it’s bern over 3 decades since. Now TODAY? The state may be more pushy in this climate because even if you adopt the state will tell you adoption is not guardianship and you have to pay the courts for that .They have guardianship and can override your decisions even after adoption. It’s a ten year wait for it in NJ courts and cost $2000. What average foster parent can afford thaf?

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That’s WILD!!! How can the courts override your decisions after adoption? How is adoption not automatic guardianship? This boils my blood!!! So you have full responsibility and full liability, but can’t make basic healthcare decisions? Wow 🤯

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My neighbors are drug addicts. They say they are strait now because they are on government sponsored saboxane.

The mother is young. She has a teenage daughter, and a handicap smaller child.

She took in a man, he’s not supposed to live here as this is income based rural housing, but management has allowed this to go on. Earlier this year they had twins. Mother tells hospitals she had been weaning herself off saboxane. Now, she is being investigated for child abuse. CPS is at the house every day. They told me yesterday they was gonna get a new house from Habitat for Humanity. That the government was gonna help their family. Meanwhile, they are not married! All their living expenses are paid for by government because of the mother. The man doesn’t work because he’s on saboxane. I have to watch this nonsense daily. I’m a senior citizen.

This is how it’s done in rural TN. Family planning is not getting married until you have had your babies. That way the man doesn’t have to pay.

Meanwhile, all her babies are jabbed. She doesn’t receive the benefits unless she jabs. She signed an agreement. Plus, I just found out her severely disabled child is vaccine injured. This happened prior to Covid. Mother is still jabbing them all. I asked her why? She said if she don’t she’ll get her kids taken away.

These people are slaves on a hamster wheel. This is generational. There are generations of people living in rural housing. It’s become a way of life. Sad.

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Unbelievable. They are even insisting on making pets sick.

This eill just put off decent foster pardnts and leave them with more doing it for the cash.

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Exactly! With forced public schooling (including preschool) and forced vaccines, the state has made it impossible for Christians to foster.

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I’ll just put this in writing right now: if anybody ever tried to take my children away from me because they were not vaccinated, they would go missing. Like, long-term missing. Never be found again.

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A man and woman in TN go before a Judge in TN for a divorce. The judge ordered that the parents vaccinate their children. Mother ran right away and had their son jabbed 18 times in one day. That was five years ago. The boy is now ten. He wears diapers and can’t talk. The mother is no where to be found.

That this happened in the county next to me blows my mind. A Tennessee judge did this and he has no remorse.

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You wouldn’t be alone🤗

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I’m a licensed foster parent in Maryland, we have a very similar policy here which has been a deterrent for families. I know they’re changing some of their policies soon so hopefully this will be included, but as of right now there is no religious exemption in the policy for the flu and pertussis vaccinations, only a medical exemption that requires documentation from a provider. If you choose not to have flu or pertussis vaccines, you’re limited to accepting children over 2. Regarding any biological children, the policy states, "All children who are household members must be up to date on immunizations consistent with the recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (ACIP), and the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), unless the immunization is contrary to the child’s health as documented by a licensed healthcare professional." (MD SSA-CW #21-09)

For biological children, as long as you have either private insurance or a good doctor, a medical exemption is probably not too hard to get. After all, can’t you just say the child has an allergy to aluminum adjuvants or other preservatives used in the vaccines? I’m sure a good provider would be willing to work with this situation, especially if you’re paying out of pocket for a functional medicine practitioner. However, with foster children it’s a little more complicated since they have state insurance and many offices aren’t allowed to let you pay out of pocket when you’re on government insurance (I discovered this weird regulation when desperately trying to change pediatricians to one that worked outside the insurance model - they could get in a lot of trouble with the state). So you’re limited to pediatricians that accept state insurance and are willing to not comply with the vaccine schedule, a very difficult (but not impossible) task!

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***UPDATE: I met with my caseworker for our quarterly home visit yesterday and she informed me that Harford County (Maryland) DSS is working on a draft with some major revisions (as I alluded to) that should be finalized by January 2025. Within the draft they are getting rid of the flu shot requirement (but not pertussis unfortunately). They might also be defining “infant,” since infant does not have a national definition. Some states define infant as 0-2, others define it as 0-1. Our county in Maryland currently defines it as 0-2 but it might be changing to 0-1. So pertussis only for 0-1 instead of 0-2.

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Obama “ care” Isn’t. It’s an orchestrated war on the “poor”. That’s why this is forced. Or in baal worship words: the “law”. We have to face the truth about this before we can root it all out and destroy it. Jezebel is still trying to kill Elijah....

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Hi Marcella, it's an old friend, K. Toon. I fostered for 12 years. When our daughter, Kayla, came to us at 5 weeks old, born heroin addicted, kidnapped from the hospital by her mom who breast fed her for a couple of days (bless her heart - at least she got the colostrum), but the baby was in withdrawals so had to be taken back to the hospital for a couple of days to ease her through that. Mom skipped out, then ended up in jail. So at five weeks, after family members said no, they called us to take her in. It was only our second placement. The baby was beautiful but sick. She was on milk based formula and in gastric distress (spitting up and loose stools and gas) but in spite of that, she had gained weight nicely so the emergency foster family fed her at least. But they did not even give her a bath and she still had vernix on her hands and wrists and her vulva was sealed shut with dried baby powder! I cried as I bathes her as gently as I could. But she was so smart that she smiled when she first saw me as if to say, "Take me, I'll be happy and good." At only five weeks plus all the trauma! So we put her on different formula and she her gastric symptoms cleared overnight. She seemed to take a turn for the better at around 4-5 months of age which is when their tiny livers clear the misc. drugs. Did you know a heroin addict cannot quit cold turkey while pregnant or the baby may die from the withdrawals? But they do try methadone sometimes and that takes 4-5 months to clear the baby's immature liver. Anyway, Kayla thrived in many ways and was on target developmentally but she had aspirated meconium during her stressed birth and she caught bronchiolitis every month, always about two weeks after her antibiotics wore off from the last infection. So fortunately, the pediatrician never vaccinated her because she was always too sick (yay). Well, dumb me, I was worried that maybe she was HIV positive due to her mom's long time use of needles, and that we needed to know if she was so we could be more proactive when she did get sick. I was thinking of maybe not treating her colds and seeing if she could fight them on her own, but wasn't confident that was the right thing to do unless I knew she was negative. I went to this new doctor and he was supposed to be a very reputable pediatrician in the Monterey Bay area in CA. I asked if he would please test her and he told me, "No, I don't want to stigmatize her." ????? That was my first clue that this guy was nutso, but it gets worse. He then saw that she wasn't vaccinated on her records. He quizzed me about it and I told him she was an high risk infant with continual bouts of bronchiolitis so the previous doctors had delayed vaccination. (wisely and according to manufacturer instructions). He was insistent that I begin her shot series because she was well that day. I told him I really did not want to initiate that without testing her for HIV first to be sure. He threatened me by saying, "She is not your child. She is in foster care." I got the clear message that he would report me if I refused. I was livid but I was totally unprepared for this confrontation and I was intimidated by his threat. Kayla WAS my baby. I WAS her mother at the moment and I'd been caring for her since 5 weeks of age. I knew how fragile she was and how reactive she was to medications. I'd always have to lower the dosages she was given. Just cough medicine would cause her to shake at the usual dosage. I had a terrible feeling about it. I expressed my concerns but was promptly and pompously dismissed by Mr. Know it All. I relented and he gave her the first DPT at six months of age. Thank God it wasn't at six weeks of age!! I told him to please stay near the phone so I could reach him if anything went wrong. I refused to put her to bed even though she fell asleep on the way home. It was about 30 minute drive. I decided to go shopping and just carry her around so I would be right there if she had any reaction. Sure enough, shortly after I got to the store I began to feel her little body literally vibrate in my arms. I looked down and called to her. Her eyes were open but she was not responding at all. Her lips turned blue and her fingertips turned blue and she continued to "vibrate" is the only way I can describe it. Then she began a very strange sort of crying which was not at all normal. I called the doctors office from the store phone (my friend owned the gift shop). He was out to lunch of course. The nurse advised me to take her home, take her temp, give her fever reducer, and do cooling measures. She thought maybe it was a fever spiking. It sure was! Her temp was 104! just one hour after her normal temp at the doctors office! We did what the nurse advised and got her fever down. She was documented as having a severe reaction and they never gave her DTP again. She also had a reaction to the Hep A and B vaxes at age 14 when she was required to get them for middle school. She ran a low grade fever for an entire YEAR and experienced fatigue and joint pain which continued through much of her early adult life. She has two little girls and she has refused to vaccinate both of them AT ALL. They are beautiful and healthy children. But that is how the foster system worked even 35 years ago so this does not surprise me at all. Tragic and so ignorant, or malicious. Public Health is the very opposite of its title. We don't know what damage that first DPT did, but Kayla began having tantrums shortly after that which she did not have previously. We can't measure what happens to the little brains and immature immune systems after these assaults. And for what? Diptheria? (treatable by antibiotic and when was the last case in a six month old in the USA?) Tetanus (can be administered after injury and what are the chances for a six month old to step on a nail?) and Pertussis (we already know it never protected against transmission and actually creates new cases via viral shed). Plus, they put all three in one shot so it took them a long time to isolate the culprit in the majority of adverse reactions. What for? Now with the DtaP I haven't heard the hard data, but via observation it seems much improved with the attenuated version. I hate to hear this about foster children as they have so much going against them to start with, but it's a reality we must address. Sadly, their parents are not usually capable of making sound decisions and when they are, they are heavily influenced by their social workers who are brainwashed for the most part. I would certainly fight for at least a delay in vaccination for black children since they react so much more severely. At least until 36 months. Threaten to sue whoever administers the actual shot if anything bad happens. Maybe that will help with delay? Nurses and doctors are not immune so put the onus on those who actually give the injections as they are liable. Those in the agencies are not threatened in the least as they can always doctor records to cover themselves via "confidentiality". Medical records are not that easily doctored and be sure to get hard copies of records during office visits.

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Bless you for loving this precious baby and raising her to become an informed mother. Your story is important for others to hear.

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Bless you for your love and your care and your commitment to that child who is now an adult. You are truly an angel on this earth.

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Thank you for reading that lengthy post. She is a wonderful adult child and she was our little princess in a house full of boys. Seven sons and one daughter! By the way, at one year I decided to let her try to fight her way through a cold. She ended up with double pneumonia and a double ear infection. Landed in the hospital for three days. After that, she caught bronchiolitis one more time and since then, no more! She has overcome her frail immune system and the effects of the Hep A and B vaxes and is a 100# weightlifter!! She took first place in her division. At 35 years old she looks 16! She quit weight training for now and is doing cross fit workouts. She is a very good mother and wife and daughter. I would not trade her for anything and I'm so grateful she refuses to vaccinate her girls. She is well aware that they would be at high risk for adverse reactions due to her own experience.

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Thank you for your bright shining light Katherine. You are love. And loved.

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Wow! I am so glad Kayla had/ has you for a mom! What a heartwarming story. Just FYI I got a TDaP in my late-50s and suddenly I found I had IBS! I fought to heal it for six horrible years. I'm just now coming out of it ten years after; I still don't go anywhere without careful prep. The only real trigger possible was that stupid jab. So I'd suggest it's not so innocuous at all.

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Definitely if isn’t innocuous. And “they “ know it. It’s deliberate.

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I'm of the opinion that combining vaccines is not medically sound. Why do that and increase the risks? And why tack on two more pathogens when all that is needed is tetanus? My husband went for his first Medicare check up at age 65. Unfortunately I failed to accompany him for some reason. He came home after allowing them to give him THREE vaccines. Pneumonia, tetanus booster which I assume is the Tdap, and the flu vax. He was ill for FOUR months. We have no idea which vaccine made him sick or if it was the over exposure. At age 65 there needs to be caution as well as with children. I have to wonder Janice if it was that Tdap, but who knows. He had IBS most of his life!! This was just weakness and feeling puny for four months before he felt normal again. Such a blow to his senior immune system. He has never taken another vaccine thankfully.

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I have been a foster parent for the last 6.5 years in West Texas. I did have to turn in an affidavit for my biological children. In May 2018, our legislature passed a law that we cannot vaccinate unless we have parental approval. I always order the children’s an affidavit when they arrive. If the parents insist on the vaccines, then I get them….. sometimes I can have a conversation with the parents and they agree not to vaccinate. Some not so much.

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Thank you, Brandi. I appreciate you sharing your experience and appreciate you advocating for these very vulnerable children.

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