Please see the research cited and discussed at: https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/. Proper vitamin D3 supplementation, in quantities well above the minuscule quantities in government recommendations (such as 600 IU), is needed to attain at least the 50 ng/mL 125 nmol/L circulating (in the bloodstream) 25-hydroxyvitamin D the immune system needs to function properly.

The amount to supplement depends on body weight and obesity status: https://nutritionmatters.substack.com/p/how-much-vitamin-d3-to-take. These are the recommendations of New Jersey based Professor of Medicine, Sunil Wimalawansa. For average weight adults, 0.125 mg 125 micrograms (5000 IU) a day, on average, is a good amount. This takes several months to raise the circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D level, from typical unsupplemented levels of 5 to 25 ng/mL, safely over 50 ng/mL.

This section cites and discusses the impact of low 25-hydroxyvitamin D in the mom-to-be, and so her developing baby, on autism, preeclampsia, mental retardation, pre-term birth and low birth weight: https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/#3.2 .

This section https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/#3.3 concerns research on 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels (made in the liver, over several days, from ingested or UV-B produced vitamin D3) and dementia / neurodegeneration.

All the diseases which vaccination and so-called vaccination (the mRNA and adenovirus vector gene therapy injections marketed as COVID-19 "vaccines") are supposed to protect against would be less of a problem if everyone had at east the 50 ng/mL circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D their immune system needs to function properly. At an individual level, this reduces the risk of infection for any viral or bacterial insult (exposure) and reduces the risk of severe symptoms and death. At a population level, the improved immune response of each potentially infected individual reduces the chance of infection and so transmission, and for each actually infected individual, it reduces disease severity and so the total number of viruses or bacteria which are shed. This means a reduction in overall transmission and so fewer people being exposed to the infectious disease.

There would be no seasonal influenza or pandemic spread of COVID-19 if everyone or most people had the 50 ng/mL 125 nmol/L 25-hydroxyvitamin D their immune system needs to function properly.

The number of injections now recommended for children in the USA is frightening: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/schedules/hcp/imz/child-adolescent.html. People are led to believe that vaccines are a safe, effective, almost magical shield which protects the recipient from disease and from spreading the disease to others. If this was true of each vaccine, there would be good arguments for taking them for any disease which would otherwise be a significant risk to health.

This is the fantasy. The truth is that vaccines are, in general, less effective and less safe than claimed by conventional medical professionals. Each is an assault on the body, which involves risk of fever, auto-immune responses etc. They are being promoted or mandated in an environment of severe immune system dysfunction which would easily be corrected with proper vitamin D3 supplementation.

For instance, over many years, flu vaccines failed to reduce either hospitalisation or death due to influenza or other respiratory illnesses in 65 year olds in the UK: https://nutritionmatters.substack.com/p/influenza-vaccines-do-not-reduce.

According to https://mikedonio.substack.com/p/the-cdc-released-an-updated-immunization: "The new schedule now has children getting up to 90 injections and adults over 100."

Another likely cause of autism and ADHD is pregnant women taking paracetamol AKA acetaminophen: Avella-Carcia et al." 2016 "Acetaminophen use in pregnancy and neurodevelopment: attention function and autism spectrum symptoms" https://academic.oup.com/ije/article/45/6/1987/2617189; Bauer et al. 2021 "Paracetamol use during pregnancy — a call for precautionary action" https://www.nature.com/articles/s41574-021-00553-7.

James Lyons-Weiler mentioned these and some other articles regarding paracetamol / acetaminophen in a book he wrote, and a letter he sent to 100 deans of schools of medicine in the USA: https://popularrationalism.substack.com/p/three-years-later-after-ipak-alerted. He also cited research regarding vaccines and fever:

"In 2010, Shoffner et al., (2011 https://www.nature.com/articles/pr9201192) found that 71% of kids with regressive autism had an episode of fever > 101°F In 33% of these cases, the fever occurred right after vaccination – and none showed regression unless fever had occurred."

His whole Substack article is well worth reading. None of these 100 deans replied.

It would not be surprising if so-called "anti-depressants" - SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitors) and other types of drugs given this label - in pregnancy also altered neurodevelopment in ways which resulted in autism / ADHD.

Human neurodevelopment - the brain building itself - in-utero is probably the most complex and delicate process in the known universe. Cells have to figure out where to grow, when to die, when to differentiate into other cell types. Any drug which interferes with this subtle signaling between or within neurons is likely to disrupt the processes by which the brain constructs itself.

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Thank you so much for all this information!

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Is there a good source of information for adults, especially the elderly who are the other group of people targeted by pig harma?

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Hi Ringmaster. Thanks for your question. The best place I know of for solid, well-researched information is the NVIC resource page, where you can find information on the vaccines and on the infections they are advertised to prevent. Here is the link: https://www.nvic.org/resources

There are many people writing great stuff here on Substack, and I have updated this resource list to include Dr. Peter McCullough and Steve Kirsch, both of whom are relatively new to covering vaccines other than the covid injection, and both of whom are doing great work sharing the results of their trips down the rabbit hole.

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Almost everyone in the world, from birth to death, needs proper vitamin D3 supplementation in order to attain at least the 50 ng/mL 125 nmol/L circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D level needed for proper immune system function.

This is especially so as we age. Please see the research articles cited and discussed, regarding dementia / neurodegeneration and 25-hydroxyvitamin D in this section: https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/#3.3 and more generally in this whole, long, page, which starts with recommendations about how much vitamin D3 to supplement, according to body weight and obesity status.

Low 25-hydroxyvitamin D raises the risk of macular degeneration: https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/9/10/1120.

In 2020, Joseph and Carol Williams reported on this from the South of England: "Responsibility for vitamin D supplementation of elderly care home residents in England: falling through the gap between medicine and food" https://nutrition.bmj.com/content/3/2/256 . The title and first sentence: "Daily vitamin D supplements are recommended for elderly care home residents; however, they are rarely given and vitamin D deficiency in care homes is widespread." tell us that the situation is bleak for most residents of aged care homes.

As we age, our skin has less capacity to produce vitamin D3 for any given amount of UV-B exposure. (I don't have a reference for this, but have read it several times - and it makes sense.) Aged care residents, especially in the UK (especially squared in Scotland) get little or no direct sunlight exposure at any time of year. There's no significant amount of vitamin D3 in food. Unless they get some vitamin D3 in a multivitamin capsule, the only vitamin D3 they would get would be in a vitamin D capsule. It is clear that few aged care home residents get this.

The small (e.g. 200 IU) amount of vitamin D3 in a multivitamin capsule would make a significant difference to someone who has no other sources. It might (here I am guessing) take a 60 kg person's 25(OH)D level from 10 ng/mL (25 nmol/L), which is disastrously low to 14 ng/mL, which is less disastrous.

In 2017, Kimball, Mirhosseini and Holick reported on a United States program involving adults with mean age 60, so this would include some elderly, whatever the threshold of "elderly" is. They were all "community living" - meaning they were not in care homes or hospital. "Evaluation of vitamin D3 intakes up to 15,000 international units/day and serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations up to 300 nmol/L on calcium metabolism in a community setting": https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/19381980.2017.1300213.

They reported that for people who were not overweight or suffering from obesity, 0.175 mg (7000 IU) vitamin D3 a day, on average, was required to attain 40 ng/mL (100 nmol/L) or more circulating 25(OH)D.

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thank you for this page with information ! I have no children but I have some 4 legged kids, one just was forced to a rabies shot. I hate it just as much, as mothers (should) for their children ! Unfortunately the govt does not take exemptions for dogs, not even if you have them tested first. The govt can use oral and spray, but not you, your animals have to go to the vet, be injected and then you get the attest (without attest, no treatment, not even nail trimming)

Luckily my friend is homeschooling her super healthy kids, after the oldest had a severe reaction years ago, and she decided no longer to jab the children.

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It broke my heart during the H1N1 outbreak a decade ago where MX City was mostly hit. I had a CranioSacral client who was almost 9 months pregnant and she was doing GREAT, baby was so full of life in her, responding constantly when I worked on mama (and baby inside--baby's LOVE this work!) ... I had no idea she would even slightly be open to a vaccine so late (or early) in her pregnancy. Next thing I heard from my boss that baby was still birthed, suddenly DEAD, just a couple of days after mom got vaccinated. That horror always stayed with me. I knew that baby's life force, I knew that baby should have been alive and well at birth. I know I may seem obnoxious about ASEA, but I mean it, when I say it works as a foundational product. I know for a fact it works in these circumstances, though nothing is 100%, it is something I will never be without and I recommend it to all my clients.

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