Mar 20Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

Thank u Marcella!❤️ 🙏🏼 this information reaches the un-informed.

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Do you have any info about adults and vaccines? A friend has cancer ( 2 types now... brought on by covid vax for sure) They want to take his stem cells out of him, wipe out his immune system, then reinsert his stem cells they've been growing for 4 weeks, THEN because they wiped out his dirty old immune system want to relax him with ALL vaxxes he had as a kid into adulthood. I don't know how to get through to him. And past their logic they've explained. Maybe a lost cause but this cancer and immunocompromised community generally get hoodwinked by this reasoning all the time.

Another friend with rheumatoid who is on low dose methotrexate had a flare from the c vax so knew not to do that but went and got the flu shot due to the immunosuppressive drugs he's on. Now had ocular nerve paralysis in one eye and no depth perception. They have made people believe they need this (vax) and it will protect their fragile bodies.

Really appreciate all you share ❤

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