Thanks for putting this together. It's important to note that the IDF strongly 'encouraged' (read: mandated) their soldiers in Gaza to get "vaccinated" with the exact same product.

On matters of strategic importance to the (REAL) enemy, 'warring parties' act in UNISON....always!

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Interesting article here, sent to me by a longtime Facebook friend and fellow activist for health freedom and informed consent.

Vaccination Campaign in Gaza: Polio Eradication or Transition to Bio-Warfare?


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The polio virus nor any virus has ever been isolated. No vax is safe or effective. The WHO is beyond corrupt. Spare me with the “let’s help the children we just bombed into oblivion”. Where has basic critical thinking gone?

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This is absolutely horrifying… There’s been outbreak of starvation, malnutrition, and famine, and nothing has been done about it.

One alleged case of polio all of a sudden the whole world is up in arms and saving the children

Sadly disgusting

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The man in New York with polio two years ago caught it from a man in a Baltic state who had taken the oral vaccine. Meaning that it can be spread to others who are unvaccinated, so the child in Gaza might spread it to others.

India and other poor, tropical countries use the live, oral Sabin polio virus because it is more effective. Ideally, children would get two doses of the Salk killed-virus vaccine, followed by two oral doses of the Sabin vaccine. The Salk vaccine first would prevent the occurrence very rarely of paralytic polio caused by the Sabin live vaccine.

The Salk vaccine would not be effective enough in countries which still have polio outbreaks. It is appropriate to give all children in Gaza the oral polio vaccine, including poor Kfir and Ariel Bibas, but polio is the least of their worries.

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In 2022, when the man in New York had polio, the plan was to give Americans the oral Sabin vaccine until it was contained. This is standard during active polio outbreaks, because the oral is more effective during outbreaks. I thought at that time that if there were any polio cases in my state, I would get the oral vaccine for myself and my daughter, even though she had three injected doses as a baby, and I had had several of both. It probably protects for life, but I wouldn’t mess around with polio.

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The oral vaccine causes paralytic polio in one in two and a half million doses. During an active outbreak, most people would take the minuscule risk of the oral vaccine causing polio over the much greater risk of the natural disease doing so.

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The Israelis have been displaced from their homes too. There are still hostages captive in tunnels between GAZA and Egypt.

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Sep 1Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

This is terrible news, and I fear your prediction is spot on. The poor suffering children and families, at the hands of self – proclaimed do-gooders. So tragic.

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The oral Sabin vaccine is very effective at preventing polio, more so than the injected Salk vaccine used in countries with no active polio outbreaks. The polio vaccine is the safest of all those currently on the market. The child in Gaza currently with polio has paralysis in all his limbs. It probably won’t be permanent, but it might be. No one would want to wait until hundreds were paralyzed before taking action. For forty years, close to all American children took four doses of the oral vaccine by kindergarten. How many of them contracted polio from the live vaccine? A few did, but extremely few.

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Sep 1Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

This is outstanding reporting -- thanks for shining a light on this human tragedy. In a better world, authorities in Gaza would know to refuse the poisons masquerading as vaccines.

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Sep 1Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

Thank you for covering this. The whole thing makes me sick. And the audacity of them saying they care when at least fifteen THOUSAND children have been murdered and TENS OF THOUSANDS of kids have been maimed by US weapons sent with no regard to the ethno national zionist state is appalling. I appreciate you bringing awareness. 🙏🕊️🍉

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Those are made up Hamas statistics, as has been recognized by every news outlet in the world. Hamas also does not distinguish between militant deaths and those of non combatants. Israel has achieved the lowest rate of non combatant deaths of any army in all of history. Very different from Hamas.

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Sep 1Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

🤢 💔… from the ‘civilizing’ genociding exterminators.

Who elected THEM ?

I’d put $$$ on the probability of PAID mercenaries starting this excuse to get ‘justified’ propaganda rolling over the world staged for more DIVIDE-to-CONquer. Has anyone noticed Netanyahu is not arrested and in jail for corruption & war crimes?

How CONvenient.

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Netanyahu has committed no war crimes, but has been a strong and wise leader throughout this terrible war started by genocidal Jew-haters.

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