IMO* it is critical for new parents to discretely research IRL and find an MD who accepts their decision to not v; bring the child in (annually, etc) as requested by that MD (pro-parental choice family practitioners are generally easier to find than pediatricians). In theory, a parent should be able to just see a naturopathic doctor or chiropractor; reality: we exist in a matrix that views anti-v parents as a threat to the child and society. Physicians are mandated reporters; is being confrontational about v’s in the child’s best interest? Also, an MD is critical in the unfortunate event the child is hospitalized.

*I am not an attorney or medical professional.

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If you pray to GOD and truly believe all is perfect under GOD'S EXISTENCE, you should also know, never should a Vaccine Needle or any other Hocus Pocus B.S. be considered, Safety Data Info. is another Deciet, yep more B.S. lines to keep you in Compliance to the Satanic Death CULT that the system is....

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Thank you for the note at the end! I was this parent at first. Very anxious, felt the need to people please doctors a d the system. I even caved and got my first son his 2 month vaccines. I had a panic attack and never went back! My second son has never been.

I understand the need for this information, but I think for some parents it may be more beneficial to put all of this energy into the inner work that it would take to stand up to the system. It's a heavy veil to lift. It has taken me 3 full years of inner work and reflection to be confident in not going to the doctor at all. I don't fall down rabbit holes anymore because sometimes reading about the side effects, holding facts for arguing my case, etc. actually brings my vibration down again.

It's a very heavy collective ego pain body, this addiction to authority of medical doctors. It takes a lot of healing energy to wake up from! Thank you for being bold and writing about this heavy topic.

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Pediatricians are highly compensated for giving the childhood vaccines. Listen to RFK jr. about it. Anytime something is incentivized, it will be abused. This is no different. Most dr.s are unaware of the vaccine harms they are causing. ( I try to believe) Pregnant women are also at risk of being pushed more vaccines during pregnancy. This is a big no- no, and always has been. No vaccines to pregnant women- ever.

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I’ve had pertussis aka whooping cough. As a fifteen year old it almost killed me and I have lasting asthma issues from it. I’d gotten the vaccine, but was due for a booster. Get your vaccines and boosters! Imagine if your child goes through months of horrible illness due to your choices. How will they feel about your decision?

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I have read “ The Real Anthony Fauci” book, gave you? You should. And after you learn that our safety agencies own vaccine patents that they regulate, you might pause for a minute.

Then, I read “Turtles All the Way Down”. Please read this book. It is cited and truthful, all the way through.

Basically, childhood vaccines are tested with prior vaccines as the placebo. Instead of saline, the newer version is tested against the older version.

They have NEVER been tested with saline placebo.


#1- The book says it’s because that’s what they’ve always done.

#2- Because the FDA would never approve the new vaccine if they used a saline placebo.

Conclusion: The true side effects from these vaccines is absolutely unknown.

What you said about “ how would you feel”, I feel about giving my adult children these childhood vaccines. I blindly trusted the pediatrician. They trusted their educators and the educators trusted Big Pharma science.

It’s all a scam. Please read these books.

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Very good info Marcella! Wow! You know your shiz! Well done! 🏆👏🏼

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Don’t go. Don’t answer their phone cat/ texts. And more importantly don’t draw attention to yourself.

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The best thing you can do is just not go to the well baby visit at all. You’ll be pressured into vaccine, be told that you’re killing your children, and then told you need to find a new pediatrician.

So avoid all of the drama, stay centered in yourself, protect your children, and only go to the doctor when there is a true medical emergency

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Friends of mine that have young children that tell their Pediatrician they don’t want their child vaccinated are told to fine a new doctor. I said that’s good.

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All Vaxxxines are poison without exception. Why even visit Doctors that push this garbage?

Read " Murder by Injection" or "The Poisoned Needle"

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The medical professionals that are administering this, at this point should lose their license at the least, or be prosecuted to the full extent.

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The globalist machine is relentless

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Why bother to go to the well visit? If a baby is well why does he need a doctor? And he certainly doesnt need any toxic shots to remain healthy! Im impressed with your research, mama bear!!!

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Great guide Marcella!

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Maybe just skip the visit and go for a beautiful walk outside with your baby? Sometimes just voting with our feet is enough.

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To say your child is “mammal” is to say your child is an animal. A human is NOT an animal! Our DNA matches no other species, which is why “scientists” humanize actual animals in order to test things on them. Calling them an “animal” also gives legitimacy to the evolution theory, which is fake science. Your child is human, and not of the animal kingdom.

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Basic science.

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