I can't speak to what the American "health care" industries do with their vaccines, and sometimes the cure is worse than the disease. I stay away from covid and flu-vaccines, but polio and MMR, those are numbers games, and I do not gamble with my kids lives. Or with the lives of those kids in my community who might not be healthy enough to have the vaccine.

Measels is deadly for some, mumps may cause viral meningitis (often deadly) and infertility, and rubella may cause abortions.

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We have to for our health plan. They need a well visit to continue any prescription drug. I myself am forced to have them due to a need for thyroid meds. They get you every which way. Oregon

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Great job!! Let us know what they say & how they take this truth bomb!

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I appreciate how well prepared you are. And thank you for sharing this. The fact that you would have to go to such lengths to prepare yourself for what should be a “well baby checkup” only shows what a corrupt medical system we face!

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Dr. Ana Mihalcea MD Ph.D came before her USA Licensing board last year and was found well and able to continue in her Practice. She uses Vitamin C and EDTA Chelation with good effect. I personally use Ascorbic Acid Powder/Vitamin C in honey for kiddos. And for adults I add it to a shot glass of water. Vitamin C is an electron donor, it is negatively charged and helps RBCs regain their negative charge and repel each other so they can function, move freely and deliver oxygen and nutrition. Vitamin C is also a Chelation Agent, an Antihistamine and it helps to quiet coughs for 3 to 5 hours, dose dependent. Vitamin C is my top favorite Supportive therapy, Vitamin D3 and Vitamin b12 are my my next favorite. And now I'm looking into Functional Mushrooms! Exemplary Antioxidants and Exemplary Chelation Agents were mentioned in the Moderna Patent!

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I'm in Ontario. At Ontario.ca a parent or guardian can print off two copies of Statement of Conscience or Religious Belief-Immunization of School Pupils Act paperwork. This is a Non-Medical Exemption for children JK through Grade 12. Look up the definition of the word Conscience, I stuck to that definition! It is a Non-Medical Exemption! A Priest in Confession told me about this Non-Medical Exemption. A Religious Belief is not required. A parent who has done due diligence and has made THEIR DECISION and who has watched The Immunization Information Session (which is a one hour online Information Session byway of email ) will have a pdf Certification emailed to them. The parent or guardian that does the Information Session is the one who needs to also complete the Statement of Conscience paperwork. The lady who hosted the Information Session said, "This Information Session is not intended to change the parent or guardian's decision!".

Print off two copies of The Information Session Certificate.

Then after that...

Take the two copies of the Statement of Conscience paperwork and two copies of The Information Session Certificate and your child (with two IDs for each of you) to have the paperwork signed before a Public Notary.

Then keep copies for your records and mail the Notarized documents to Public Health.

A Non-Medical Exemption will be emailed to the parent or guardian.

The Information Session Certificate can be applied to siblings, even up coming siblings not yet conceved. But a Statement of Conscience paperwork needs to be completed for siblings.

Doctor's offer a service and a product. They follow a job role that is their duty to offer a medical path.

Parents are the decision makers for the children they are raising.

Doctor's are not decision makers. That's the patient, parent or guardian role. One does not need to explain why a decision is being made to the one marketing (the Doctor). Doctor's follow a role, a scripted role that they learn in med school. One is not required to follow Doctor's advice no matter how much the Doctor thinks one should follow it. I am a Health Care Aide certified Personal Support Worker 2003 who was taught The paramount importance of The Right To Refuse and The Right To Medical Confidentiality. I hope young parents will be confident and take upon them the power of decision making!

This is an Act of Liberty in blessed North America ❣🇨🇦

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Yes, being prepared is essential. One of my Inlaw nieces had a baby in the hospital and when the nurse came in and asked her to sign the forms for all the shots, she said oh we are not going to do that right away and she said oh I just need your signature. It’s already done. So that hospital went ahead and gave that baby all the shots without even consulting, the mother, be prepared BEFORE you go into labor! ⚡️

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OMG, this is HORRIFIC!!!

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You're never "required" to make a doctor's appointment or go to one. You can ignore the reminders or lie and say you've decided to see a different doctor closer to home (or some excuse). The excuse will let the doctor write you off as a patient instead of flagging you for the "abuse" of not getting a wellness visit (because you've stated you're getting one, just elsewhere). Similarly, personally as an adult, when I've been asked if I've been vaxxed for C19 I just say "I'm current". To me this isn't a lie because while I wasn't jabbed I had C19 so I have good immunity. The only hard part is avoiding any follow up questions about when, how many shots, what brand, etc. But luckily I'm good at being a stubborn polite b*tch and I just repeat "I'm current." That's my statement, they can't force or cajole me into explaining or elucidating. It makes them record it in my chart exactly that way and we move on. To be in charge of our into we have to stop acting like Pavlov's dog and feeling compelled to answer every question we're asked. If they keep asking in different ways but you've already answered, just repeat the answer you chose and don't give them anything else. If they get frustrated and ask why you're no answering their questions, respond with "My answer is that I'm current." If they continue to pursue it after that then you know they're doing veterinary medicine on you, not human, and you can just walk out. Again, you don't need to explain just say "Okay, goodbye." and walk.

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With all of the information and curiosity you go with, still be prepared to be fired by your very nice doctor who will tell you how irresponsible you are. That was twenty-two years (and seven more children) ago. Never went back.

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I heard Doctors who get 70% of their clients list Vaxxed get a $250 000 yearly bonus. I heard this from a Canadian Whistle-blowing Emergency Room Physician. He is wonderful! He gave up his career and would not be coerced! DrTrozzi.org is an amazing Man❣Be as gentle as doves but as wise as serpents❣ Thanks for the thread!

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Jul 3Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

Or maybe just not go to the appointment if neither of your children are sick or injured? The only real purpose of these "well baby" visits is to push the vaccines. I'm old, from the days when the only jab kids were required to get was the smallpox vaccine, which I got just before I started to school, and the only time I ever went to the doctor was when I broke my leg (he actually came on a home visit). I have avoided doctors most of my life (and the few times I didn't went badly).

That said, this was a wonderful collection of resources for when you have to face the medical mill.

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Jul 3Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

That's my thought, too. The well baby/child visits are all about pushing the shots and taking measurements to make sure your kid is within the "normal" range (or better) on all the metrics of development. The way "normal" childhood has been standardized has led to the pathologization of childhood development — nowadays anything less than "normal" is consider a "problem" that requires interventions by professionals. So much for the normal spectrum of human experience and individuality.

That said, this is a fantastic approach for those dr. visits for anyone who needs to go. So well done!

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I absolutely agree with you. However, the laws regarding exemptions vary by state, and in some states (Illinois and Oregon, for example) parents must be “educated” by the doctor regarding the “benefits of vaccination,” and the doctor has to sign off on the exemption form.

There are other instances when a parent must go to those appointments, for example, in the case of divorce, when one parent is contesting what was previously an agreed upon decision not to vaccinate, or when a single parent (or couple living below the poverty level) is receiving state aid.

In any of those scenarios, being as well educated and prepared for the encounter is essential.

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Do you have any links to show that if parents are receiving state aid they must go to well baby visits? Please let me know, I'd really appreciate some help looking further into this issue

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Jul 3Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

Wonderful article, thank you for sharing 🙏

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I am not sure if this was discussed anywhere, but here is a primary tool recommended when conducting self research on vaccines. Most of us read articles written by someone else who has a cognitive bias of some type. I think instead we need to do our unbiased research. It should not be influenced by anything we want or think, nor anything that has to do with our jobs or peer approval. The fact is, if you are on one side of a fence already, your ability to do research without bias is already compromised.

This tool is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), and within this tool I made use of the CDC Wonder database platform and searched for a specific subset of data for all Pfizer vaccine adverse events reporting Death as a result, in all states, for all types of covid-19 vaccines. Just as an example of how to generate results. You can see my results here:




One of these results pages, is for all ages. One is for the ages of 3-5. The last is for ages 6-17 years old. You will see upon examining these results that the search for Death events with Pfizer vaccine in the all ages was 8,629 reported deaths, 2 reported deaths in the 3-5 year old group, and the 6-17 year old age group had 61 total reported deaths.

So this is one way to refer to vaccine related data in a way that can be used to argue for or against something.

VAERS of course has many weaknesses. Long term side effects of covid-19 vaccines for example, may not be tracked as thoroughly as acute effects of vaccines. Other major flaws may be health agencies underreporting adverse events.

Still, this tool, if it properly used (results queries are limited to 10,000 results, so one must be specific when designing a query), can give one an idea of major trends in vaccinations. If we instituted more stringent requirements for allied health professionals to use this reporting platform, I feel it could be one of, if not the primary way, to produce reliable vaccine adverse event data with which to argue for or against vaccinations. It should perhaps integrate long term effects better, but this is also an area with many confounding variables, in which correlation does not necessarily equal causation.

So in this, I might look at the data and conclude that adverse death events are somewhat rarer in the young subsets of the population, from 3-17. However, it doesn't reliably indicate long term effects of vaccines. I am still on the fence because I don't know how the benefits of vaccines compare to maintaining natural immunity, and other forms of prevention.

Here are more examples:

All reported adverse events for under age 1 for all vaccines given for measles (may have other diseases vaccinated against than measles), for all vaccine manufacturers:



at age 1-2, there were too many results so I had to break it down into subsets. I didn't include every type of adverse event, just some of the more serious ones:

Death; age 1-2:


life threatening events; age 1-2:


permanent disability; age 1-2:


hospitalized; age 1-2:


emergency room visit; age 1-2:


Now this is for all time, since these data were collected in the VAERS system.

Where VAERS comes in really handy is for new vaccines, such as covid vaccines. These are so new, we can watch the effects from the beginning and compare to other data. This is an exciting age to be doing data analysis I would say, as there are many databases with which we can use, but anyone who discusses vaccines should be very familiar with the VAERS system, if you want to do your own research. Caveat, this is something the CDC maintains. I don't discount that this agency or organization is likely itself biased. Still, we have to work with what the allied health practitioners use, and that would be this in terms of adverse vaccine reactions, as far as I know. Please alert me if there are other databases that are used as frequently as this one is.

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2Author

Just an FYI… The United States department of Health and Human Services (HHS), which is the umbrella organization that includes the CDC, commissioned a study, which ran between 2007-2010, to determine just how effective VAERS is at capturing vaccine adverse events. The study was conducted by Harvard Pilgrim Research Group. They were paid a million dollars for their work. Their study of VAERS concluded that less than 1% of even the most serious (death) adverse events is reported to VAERS. That work was supposed to help CDC revamp the reporting system to make it more reliable.

When Harvard Pilgrim communicated their findings with CDC and HHS, the study was shut down immediately and all communications ceased.

They don’t want to know, and they definitely don’t want the public to know.

Here is the report. See page 6. https://digital.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/docs/publication/r18hs017045-lazarus-final-report-2011.pdf

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The World Council For Health has called for a Moritorium (a pause to study for 10 years) on Childhood Vaccination. Dr. Ana Mihalcea MD Ph.D has seen images in old Vaccine under darkfield microscopy that match Nanotechnology documentation.

Major concern of side effects is warranted and a Non-Medical Exemption through a Statement of Conscience form, etc. is doable in Ontario Canada 🇨🇦. I think sticking to the definition of the word Conscience is intelligent when seeking Non-Medical Exemptions.

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That's awesome info. It already shows quite of bit of useful data, so that fact let's one extrapolate from what is there to estimate the actual adverse reactions proportionally. I'll look into that more, thank you.

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Jul 2Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

Stellar content. Do you have any information if it’s possible to detox this poison about of the kids system? 🙏🏻

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2Author

Thank you.

There used to be a group of doctors and researchers that met twice a year for think tanks where they presented their clinical observations and scientific research on healing from iatrogenic "autism." That group grew out of The Autism Research Institute in San Diego, which was started by Bernard Rimland, Ph.D., the father of a young man diagnosed with "autism" after vaccines. The project was called Defeat Autism Now! (DAN!). I attended two of those think tanks (2005 and 2007) and became certified as a DAN! provider. I worked for several years as a biomedical consultant in a wellness institute in Indiana, where the bulk of my patient population consisted of vaccine-injured children who had been diagnosed with "autism."

I have seen amazing recoveries, including some children who lost their "autism" diagnosis. I have also seen many children improve their overall level of functioning and well-being, resulting in improvements in behavior, socialization, and overall health. The interventions do not work the same for everyone, and there is definitely a continuum of response.

Chelation therapy to remove heavy metals (mercury, lead, antimony, arsenic, etc.) and aluminum (a light metal) has been among the most effective treatments for reversing significant vaccine-injury. Chelation should not be undertaken lightly and should never be done until the methylation pathway (a major detox pathway) has been assessed. If the methylation pathway is not addressed first, you run the very real risk of pulling heavy metals from their hiding places in the body and having them recirculate and deposit in the brain, which is the opposite of what you want to happen.

I have some posts here on Substack that you may find helpful as you dig into this topic.

Here are three to get you started:




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Jul 2Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry


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Vaccines saved millions from death and permanent disability. Only multi-dose flu vaccines and one type of Td vaccine contain a small amount of thimerosal.

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"Vaccines saved millions from death and permanent disability." Because you say so?

The historical evidence says otherwise. The tsunami of chronically ill children in the United States, the country that vaccinates children more than any other in the entire world, says otherwise. The abysmal U.S. infant mortality rate, and the rate of infants dying in the first 24 hours of life, says otherwise.

You need to do some more digging. Here are a couple of places to start.




If you go to the end of the second link, you will see the data from the U.S., England, and Wales, showing how vaccines did not save us from infectious disease. The data is from historical government sources.

I have already addressed the issue of Thimerosal in another comment. It's not only the multi-dose flu shots. It's also in the meningococcal vaccine multi-dose vials. It's also in multiple other vaccines given to infants and children (including in utero, during the most critical and vulnerable time of neurological development) in "trace amounts," which are often combined with high levels of aluminum, resulting in a synergistic effect, making them both more dangerous than either of them would be alone. The FDA changed the rules regarding Thimerosal. If it is used in the manufacturing process and then "filtered out," leaving "trace amounts," and is not used as a preservative, it does not have to be listed on vial or the insert.

Have you ever looked at independent research from labs that have analyzed the contents of vaccines? You should. There are several instances that prove that we have no idea what's actually in the shots being injected into our babies and children. The levels of mercury and aluminum are often elevated far above what's supposed to be there. Other contaminants, including heavy metals like lead, cadmium, tin, antimony, and arsenic are also present. Mold and glass fragments have been found in vaccines examined by independent laboratories.

The manufacturers report the ingredients and their amounts to the FDA. The FDA takes their word for it. There is no independent oversight. It's completely a matter of trust. And they have proven time and again that they cannot be trusted. Just "google" "ten biggest pharmaceutical settlements" and read about the fraud and lies perpetuated by the very same companies you believe we should trust with our children's lives.

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Yes, I have facts, not opinions. History is the evidence for this. Remember smallpox and other vaccine preventable diseases? About half of children didn’t make it to adulthood, mostly under 5 of age, in the 1800’s. Vaccines was a big part of reduction in mortality. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1041693/united-states-all-time-child-mortality-rate/

Here is the history of vaccines. https://historyofvaccines.org/

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To claim that vaccines are 100% safe always and that no one ever has experienced serious adverse events or permanent disability is false. The point is that we're not being honestly and properly informed of the risks, including those from faulty trials. With an honest discussion of the risks for me personally or my family personally, we can then make an informed choice. When honesty is missing, many more people retreat from vaccination or treatment than maybe should. But the solution is honesty and personalization - not the cruel response of saying the death or disability of your child is meaningless because they're only a statistic.

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Jul 3Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

Read Dissolving Illusion. Civil engineering, not modern medicine has made us all healthier

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Jul 2Liked by Marcella Piper-Terry

Mam , please read’Turtles all the way Down’ by Anonymous (because they would lose their licenses for effectively challenging the dogma).

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I absolutely agree with this recommendation. Thank you.

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Smallpox was endemic throughout history, dating back to the pharoahs of Egypt. In the United States, smallpox outbreaks in the 1800s were almost exclusively confined to immigrants in Northeastern cities, who were crammed into tiny rooms with no running water and filthy conditions. Vaccination increased the incidence of smallpox. Improvements in living conditions, nutrition, clean water, and sanitation is what really led to the dying out of smallpox. If you want to read a really good account of what really happened, check out "Dissolving Illusions" by Suzanne Humphries, M.D., and Romany Bistrianyk.

You can also read my article on smallpox here: https://marcellapiperterry.substack.com/p/how-fear-of-smallpox-led-to-mandatory

And applying a bit of common sense... The mantra of the mainstream medical community is that 95% of the population must be vaccinated in order to wipe out infectious diseases. Only ten percent of the world's population was ever vaccinated against smallpox, so how does that work?

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Excellent info

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