Hospitals are shooting themselves in the foot, the word is out that you may never get out. There are alternative types of clinics that only the wealthy can afford. Poor girl, a victim of the system, we all could be one day if things don't change.

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I am reading that PNH is a side effect of the COVID vaccines.

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I thought that I had read that she had never had a vaccine before this event

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The Dr. has a profile up here still:


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Is the petechia or whatever it is on the forehead, getting better? Is the photo with less blood on the forefront the most recent? I hope so. Has any doctor looked into mast cell activation problems and approach?

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No unfortunately the better pic is from a day or so before the other.

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Why hasn’t the hospital confirmed precisely which vaccines were administered? What an absolute disgrace of a medical community! Hoping for a full recovery of this young lady. I trust there will be a lawsuit against this incompetent hospital and its administration. Nuremberg 2.0!

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I have no words except that is one poor excuse for an MD, incompetent does not begin to describe what she has done. Evil- yes, that is more like what I'm feeling about this so called Dr right about now.

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